
  • 网络chimera;Chimaera
  1. 很多传闻中的维纳斯是指像奇美拉一样的猫。

    Many reports about Venus refer to the cat as a Chimera .

  2. 我们会对奇美拉射击做些强化。

    We 'll be doing some improvements to Chimera Shot .

  3. 换句话说,双重射击能不能触发奇美拉射击?

    In other words , can Double Shot fire a second Chimera Shot ?

  4. 在神话中,奇美拉是由不同的动物的不同部分组成的怪物。

    In mythology , a chimera is a monster made up of parts of different animals .

  5. 疾速杀戮:这个天赋目前影响奇美拉射击,而不再作用于自动射击。

    Rapid Killing ( Marksmanship ): This will now proc off Chimera Shot , but no longer works with auto-shot .