
  • 网络chief justice of the united states
  1. 1801年2月4日,约翰·马歇尔宣誓就任美国首席大法官。

    On Feb. 4 , 1801 , John Marshall was sworn in as chief justice of the United States .

  2. 威廉姆.瑞恩奎思特,美国首席大法官,9月3日去世,终年80岁。

    William Rehnquist , America 's chief justice , died on September 3rd , aged 80 .

  3. 在举行仪式的白宫主楼层上,奥巴马和家人一起聚集在蓝厅里,将手放在一本家用圣经上,在美国首席大法官约翰•罗伯茨的高声领诵下,诵读35个词的就职誓言。

    Gathered with his family in the Blue Room on the White House 's ceremonial main floor , Obama put his hand on a family Bible and recited the 35-word oath that was read out loud by US Chief Justice John Roberts .

  4. 美国的首席大法官在参议院同意的前提下由总统任命。

    The Chief Justice of the United States is appointed by the President , subject to Senate confirmation .

  5. 总统奥巴马将手按林肯当年宣誓时所用的《圣经》宣誓就职,美国最高法院首席大法官约翰罗伯茨在一旁公正。

    Obama will then take the oath of office , using President Abraham Lincoln 's inaugural Bible , administered by John G.Roberts Jr. , chief justice of the United States .

  6. 演说当天唯一的败笔就在于奥巴马和美国最高法院首席大法官约翰•罗伯茨在誓词中均出现了口误。

    The only mishap was Mr Obama 's actual swearing in , when both he and the chief justice of the Supreme Court , John Roberts , tripped over their words .