
  • 网络United States Territory;territories of the united states
  1. 据NPR新闻的卡丽·约翰逊报道,目前没有迹象表明“青年党”以美国领土为目标。

    NPR 's Carrie Johnson reports there 's still no sign al-Shabaab is targeting American soil .

  2. 我们随时准备保卫美国领土、我们的盟友以及我们的国家利益,美国国防部发言人斯图尔特厄普顿少校(StewartUpton)表示说。

    We stand ready to defend US territory , our allies and our national interests , said Major Stewart Upton , the Pentagon spokesman .

  3. .阿祖兹:美国领土波多黎各申请破产。

    The U.S. territory of Puerto Rico has filed for bankruptcy .

  4. 他计划通过战争方式占领美国领土。

    He plans on annexing American territories by the way of war .

  5. 这片海域属于美国领土,位于夏威夷和美属萨摩亚群岛之间。

    The waters are in US territory between Hawaii and American Samoa .

  6. 制裁措施冻结了萨利希在美国领土范围内拥有的任何资产。

    The sanctions freeze any assets that Salehi has within U.S. jurisdiction .

  7. 罪名是涉嫌在美国领土暗杀其继任�

    on charges of conspiracy to assassinate his successor on U.S. Soil .

  8. 私人雇佣军企业无权在美国领土执行任务

    Private military corporations aren 't authorized to conduct missions on U.S. soil .

  9. 这是一次在美国领土上的非法引渡

    It 's an extraordinary rendition on U.S. Soil

  10. 七年多里,美国领土没有再遭遇另一次恐怖袭击。

    America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil .

  11. 西进运动是美国领土扩张、移民和经济开发运动。

    The westward movement is the territorial expansion , emigration and economic development of America .

  12. 1912年的今天,阿拉斯加成为美国领土。

    1912-Alaska becomes a United States territory .

  13. 波尔克与美国领土扩张

    James Polk and American Territorial Expansion

  14. 保护对象已进入美国领土。

    Protectee is back in america .

  15. 报告中的这些数据涵盖了50个州、华盛顿特区和其它美国领土内的几乎所有的有记录的出生率。

    The data include nearly every recorded birth in all 50 states , DC , and the U.S. territories .

  16. 为什么夏威夷还有关岛这些美国领土也在美国本土的千里之外呢?

    Why is Hawaii , Guam , etc American territories when they are thousand of kilometers away from US mainland .

  17. 众议院外交事务委员会成员反复询问目击者,“青年党”是否有能力向美国领土发动残暴的袭击。

    Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee repeatedly asked witnesses if al-Shabaab had the capacity to mount brutal attacks on the US homeland .

  18. 指控中没有明确是哪一部分的美国领土,但可能说的是美军基地或位于阿富汗的美国外交站。

    The charges did not specify what was meant by U.S.territory but could be a reference to American bases or diplomatic outposts in Afghanistan .

  19. 关岛是美国领土,关岛林业负责人克里斯蒂娜·卡马乔·费杰伦表示,岛上的火灾主要由纵火或非法焚烧引起。

    The U.S. territory 's forestry chief Christine Camacho Fejeran said fires on the island are mostly caused by arson , or illegal burning .

  20. 与此同时,在关岛这个太平洋上的美国领土,民主党人星期六已经在两个候选人之间做出了选择。

    Meanwhile , Democrats in the in the small Pacific island territory of Guam made their choice between the two candidates in Saturday 's party caucuses .

  21. 黑人作为美国领土上的独特种族一直以来都是社会学家、历史学家、法学家以及经济学家所关注的对象。

    Blacks as a unique race on the territory of the United States has been the object which sociologists , historians , jurists and economists concerned about .

  22. 我发现其中的一部分正好勾勒出了美国领土的轮廓。正好勾勒出了美国领土的轮廓。你可以在这里看到。

    And I found one section amongst all of these that actually resembled the outline of the United States of America , which you can see here .

  23. 如果我是布什总统,我就会让一个团队全职搜索可以令人信服地在美国领土上进行审判的海外白领犯罪案件。

    If I were President Bush I would have a team working full-time to seek out white-collar crime overseas that can credibly be dealt with on US soil .

  24. 在长期的“湿足,干足”的政策下,到达美国领土的古巴人被允许保持和申请永久居留权。

    Under the longstanding " wet foot , dry foot " policy , Cubans who arrive on U.S. soil are allowed to remain and apply for permanent residency .

  25. 亚当斯继承了国父一代的扩张思想,通过主持美西谈判、与西班牙政府签署《横贯大陆条约》,使美国领土向南延伸到整个佛罗里达半岛,向西推移到太平洋沿岸。

    Adams inherited the expansion guidelines of the Founding Fathers , presided negotiations with Spain , and signed " Transcontinental Treaty " with Spanish government , thus expanding America territory southward to the whole Florida Peninsula and westward to the coast of Pacific .

  26. 1900年的今天,夏威夷成为美国的领土,斯坦福·B·多尔任总督。

    1900-Hawaii becomes a territory of the United States , with Sanford B.Dole as governor .

  27. 美国的领土扩张是朝哪个方向的?

    What was the directional flow of U. S. territorial expansion ?

  28. 经过很长一段时间后,美国在领土上得到了很大的扩充。

    Over a long period of time , America expanded enormously in territory .

  29. 1850年犹他最终成了美国的领土。

    Utah finally became US territory in1850 .

  30. 可是他们的策略很短命,麦基诺岛不久便成了新兴美国的领土。

    But their strategy was short-lived , and Mackinac Island became the territory of the new American nation .