
  • 网络American Fine Arts
  1. PhillipsAcademyAndover(排名第3)的阿迪森美术馆是世界上收藏最重要的美国美术作品的美术馆之一。

    And the Phillips Academy Andover ( No.3 ) houses one of the world 's most important collections of American art in its Addison Gallery .

  2. 请问去美国美术馆有近路吗?

    Is there a shortcut I can take to the national art gallery ?

  3. 在幽微之谷&穆家善中国画展在美国马里兰美术学院举办;

    Contemporary Art Exhibition of Eight Artists from Nanjing , China National Academy of Painting ;

  4. 惠特尼双年展至今仍然是唯一一个由美国的美术馆定期举办的针对美国艺术的展览。

    Whitney Biennial is so far the only periodically held art exhibition on American art .

  5. 1922年赴美国芝加哥美术学院学习,后来研究文学。

    In1922 he went to USA for further study at College of Fine Arts , later on literature .

  6. 美国国家美术馆(及其雕塑厅)位于美国首都华盛顿—哥伦比亚特区。

    The National Gallery of Art ( along with its sculptural garden ) is situated in Washington DC .

  7. 管理员正在位于华盛顿特区的美国国家美术馆中试图修复画作,来为一系列的埃尔格列柯逝世纪念展览做准备。

    Conservators have been attempting to repair the work at the National Gallery of Art , in Washington , D.C * They are preparing it for a series of shows marking the anniversary of El Greco 's death .

  8. 罗马尼亚内政部在声明里还指出,这件纯度为24K的古罗马风格的金手镯重量超过了1公斤,一家位于美国纽约的美术馆正试图以9万欧元的价格将其拿到市场上出售。

    It said the24-carat Roman-Dacian bracelet , weighing more than a kilogram ( 2.2 pounds ), had been put up for sale by a New York-based gallery at a price of90,000 euros ( $ 114,000 ) .

  9. 碧昂斯在去年美国纽约大都会美术馆举行的服装学会展览上发现了他的作品。那次展览名为超级英雄:时尚与幻想(Superheroes:FantasyandFashion)。

    She discovered his work at Superheroes : Fashion and Fantasy , an exhibition last year at the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York .

  10. 美国芝加哥艺术学院美术史论与攻讦系主任。

    Art critic and historian , School of the Art Institute of Chicago .

  11. 山水十二图卷(四景),南宋,夏圭(传),绢本设色,美国纳尔逊-艾金斯美术馆藏。

    Twelve Views from a Thatched Hut , ascribed to Xia Gui , Southern Song , color on silk , kept in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art , U.

  12. 赤壁图卷,北宋,乔中常,纸本墨笔,美国纳尔逊-艾金斯美术馆藏。

    Red Cliff ( Chibi ) by Qiao Zhongchang , Northern Song , handscroll , ink on paper , size unknown , kept in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art , U.

  13. 资深策展人林恩·甘佩特女士现任美国纽约大学格瑞美术馆艺术总监,负责统筹展览、并推动教育和收藏项目。

    Lynn Gumpert is an award-winning curator and the Director of the Grey Art Gallery at New York University where she oversees and develops exhibitions , educational activities , and collections .