
  • 网络american red
  1. 半亲和群品种17个,分属B、U、美国红群,而其中有7个属多群性半亲和品种。

    It was also found that 10 cultivars were in semi-compatibility groups , belonging to group B , D and American red respectively , and 7 ones multi-group trait semi-compatibility .

  2. 来自瑞士的巧克力加上微酸的美国红樱桃。

    Swiss chocolate with American red cherries , slight bitter .

  3. 由此展开本项研究,以美国红树莓哈雷太兹(Heritage)和黑莓沙尼(Shawnee)为试材,研究了红树莓与黑莓茎尖脱毒快繁技术以及在此基础上进行工厂化育苗的具体方法。

    So we perform this study on Virus-free and Rapid-propagation of Red raspberry and Blackberry for Seedling Culture in Factory in order to provide large number and high quality seedlings in the near future .

  4. 单冻美国红鱼片加工工艺研究

    Studies on Processing Technology of Singularly Frozen Red Snapper Slices

  5. 美国红栌的组织培养和快速繁殖

    Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Cotinus coggygria Royal purple

  6. 月月红,美国红蔷薇一种玫瑰,生有长茎的紫红色大花。

    American Beauty n.A type of rose bearing large , long-stemmed purplish-red flowers .

  7. 美国红歌星布兰妮是个很好的例子。

    Britney , a very popular American pop singer , is a good example .

  8. 品种:天鹰,益都,美国红,金塔,甜椒。

    Breed : Tianying , Yidu chili , American red chili , Jinta chili , Paprika .

  9. 美国红树莓和黑莓脱毒快繁及工厂化育苗研究

    Studies on Virus - free and Rapid-propagation of Raspberry and Blackberry for Seedling Culture in Factory

  10. 经过生长调节剂处理成功建立了六种植物的扦插繁殖体系,使难生根的美国红栌、辣椒等植物的嫩枝插条生根率显著提高。

    Treated with growth regulators , the system of propagate by cutting were established , which improved the root rates of bad-rooting plants obviously .

  11. 美国红阀系列中的胶管阀采用专利的弹性套管设计,以其精确的、重复性高的控制特点,广泛应用在腐蚀性化学品、石灰、矿物泥浆等生产领域。

    American Red Valve 's Roller Pinch Valve which has patented sleeve , is widely used in corrosive chemicals , lime , mining slurry with precise , repeatable control .

  12. 一公斤精装辣椒产品,以优质新疆朝天椒及美国红为原加工而成,品质优良,生态健康。

    One kilogram finely packaged pepper products , manufactured and processed with high quality Xinjiang pod pepper and American red pepper as the raw material , with high quality and healthy nature .

  13. 这是鲍威在美国爆红的一首歌,1975年9月在公告牌百强单曲榜排名第一。

    This is the song that made Bowie huge in the US -- reaching number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in September of 1975 .

  14. 很多被涉及的美国企业在红过的业务很少或者为零。

    Some of the American firms involved do little or no business there .

  15. 标志性的加拿大皇家骑警成员加入了美国的处女红地毯在多伦多皮尔逊国际机场时的摄影师卡弗尔凯德。

    Members of the iconic Royal Canadian Mounted Police joined a cavalcade of photographers for the red-carpet arrival of Virgin America at Toronto 's Pearson International Airport .

  16. 下周,世界将看到我们所承诺的表现美国队高举红白蓝的国旗进入奥林匹克体育场并带着金牌回家。

    And next week , the world will see one expression of that commitment - when Team USA marches the red , white , and blue into the Olympic Stadium - and brings home the gold .

  17. 然而他却实现了自己的诺言。美国社交新闻网站红迪网上一位昵称为“Belairboy”的用户写道,在他8岁的时候,他告诉父亲要在他57岁生日那天送他一辆1957年的雪弗兰BelAir。

    A Reddit user going by the username Belairboy wrote that when he was 8 years old , he told his dad he would buy him a 1957 Chevy Bel Air on his 57th birthday .

  18. 美国偏远西部与红松鼠极为相似的动物。

    Far western United States counterpart of the red squirrel .

  19. 一种美国生吃苹果,红果皮或红黄果皮。

    An American eating apple with red or yellow and red skin .

  20. 就像美国东部有谁红起来的话。

    It 's like someone took America by the east coast and shook it .

  21. 很不幸,我们这也来了一群不速之客,大多数是来自美国南部的红沼泽螯虾。

    Unfortunately , we now have our own invasive-species crayfish in this area mostly red swamp crayfish from the southern United States , he says .

  22. 美国的抱负并不是每一个美国人的抱负的简单加总,美国也不是红州和蓝州的简单联合。

    We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions , and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states .