
  • 网络American Management Association;AMA;AMACOM
  1. 美国管理协会(AmericanManagementAssociation)和我所在的组织ePolicyInstitute所进行的《2009年电子商务沟通政策及流程调查》(2009ElectronicBusinessCommunicationPoliciesandProceduresSurvey)结果显示,14%的员工承认曾将公司保密信息通过电邮发给第三方;

    Consider the results of the ' 2009 Electronic Business Communication Policies and Procedures Survey ' from American Management Association and my organization , the ePolicy Institute . In the survey , 14 % of employees admitted to emailing confidential company information to third parties ;

  2. 他是美国信息产业协会、美国杂志出版协会和美国管理协会的董事。

    McGovern has served as a director of the Information Industry Association , the Magazine Publishers Association , and the American Management Association . He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .

  3. 美国管理协会的公司生产力研究所于2009年进行的一项调查研究发现,四分之一的调查对象公司声称曾主动终止培训。

    One-fourth of respondents in a 2009 ama-institute for corporate productivity research survey say they have terminated a coaching relationship .

  4. 美国项目管理协会(PMI)制定了目前的项目管理知识体系,简称为PMBOK(ProjectManagementBodeofKnowledge)。

    Project Management Bode of Knowledge ( PMBOK ) is the system of project management established by Project Management Institute ( PMI ) of America .

  5. 这些对冲基金通过美国管理基金协会(managedfundsassociation)表示,问题非常严重,随着数百亿美元资金撤离市场,这可能会破坏银行救助计划。

    The funds , through the managed funds association , said the scale of the problem was so great that it could undermine bank rescue plans as tens of billions of dollars would be kept out of the market .

  6. 逆向物流(ReverseLogistics)这个名词最早由Stock在1992年给美国物流管理协会(CLM)的一份研究报告提出。随着人类环保意识和可持续发展观的加强,逆向物流逐步引起各国的重视。

    The word Reverse logistics was first proposed by Stock in a study report to CLM in 1992.Reverse logistics is beginning to be widely concerned by all countries as people are more concerned about environment and the enhancement of sustainable development strategy .

  7. 掌握项目管理技巧的专业人士正一步步攀向领导层,从美国项目管理协会(PMI)获取CAPM是推进职业进程最好的途径之一。

    Professionals with project management skills are on the leadership track , and earning the CAPM from Project Management Institute ( PMI ) is one of the best ways to advance your career .

  8. “总体而言,很难说服许多制造商相信,我们即将迎来复苏,但数据表明,假如目前的趋势持续下去,我们将在第三季度看到增长,”美国供应管理协会主席诺伯特奥尔(norbertore)表示。

    " Overall , it would be difficult to convince many manufacturers that we are on the brink of recovery , but the data suggest that we will see growth in the third quarter if the trends continue , " said Norbert ore , ISM chairman .

  9. 据人力资源团体美国薪酬管理协会(WorldatWork)今年7月份的一次调查,88%的美国公司现在允许或鼓励远程办公。以IBM为代表的一些公司始终坚持大多数员工在大多数时间内远程工作的做法。

    According to a survey this past July by HR trade group WorldatWork , 88 % of U.S. companies now allow or encourage telecommuting . Some , like IBM ( IBM ) , insist that most of their people work remotely most of the time .

  10. 美国害虫管理协会正在研究椿象。

    The National Pest Management Association is now getting the most questions about stink bugs .

  11. 美国寿险管理协会认为坚果可以阻挡人体对胆固醇的吸收。

    The US Loma Linda University team believes nuts may help prevent the absorption of cholesterol .

  12. 美国供应管理协会称制造业活动指数在去年12月跌至28年来的最低点。

    The Institute for Supply Management said its manufacturing activity index fell to the lowest level in28 years in December .

  13. 主要购买经理人组织美国供应管理协会表示,管理协会制造业指数上升0.5至56.2。

    Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing managers group , says its manufacturing index was up 0.5 to 56.2 .

  14. 美国供应管理协会称,今天非制造业活动的指数上升至55.1,任何评级都在50之上。

    The Institute for supply management saying today its index of non-manufacturing activity rose to 55.1 , any rating above 50 suggest expansion .

  15. 美国供应管理协会今天表示,其对于工厂活动的评级因新订单和生产下滑在上月呈现下跌趋势。

    The institute for supply management said today that its rating on factory activity dropped last month s new orders and production fell .

  16. 下周三,美国供应管理协会将发布6月份非制造业活跃指数,市场将看到美国服务业的一项指标。

    On wednesday , the Institute for supply management will release its index of u.s.non-manufacturing activity for june , which will give a reading on the services sector .

  17. 组织项目管理成熟度模型是由美国项目管理协会编写的组织项目管理标准模型,它的应用能有效提高组织的项目管理成熟度。

    The Organizational Project Management Maturity Model is standard model for organizational project management published by the Project Management Institute USA , the application of it can improvement the maturity of organization effectively .

  18. 在美国物流管理协会2005年年会上,专家提出了供应链绩效评价的新方法&现金周期模型成为关注的热点。

    On the 2005 annual meeting hold by the council of logistics management , experts presented the new supply chain performance measurement methods & cash-to-cash cycle models , and became the focus of attention .

  19. 主要制造业经理人组织美国供应管理协会表示,其制造业指数为55.3,指数高于50表示制造业处于扩张态势,而指数低于50则表示制造业处于收缩状态。

    The Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing manager groups say its manufacturing index was 55.3 and it reading above 50 indicates expansion of manufacturing while reading below that level that shows contraction .

  20. 据主要采购经理组织美国供应管理协会表示,8月份制造业指数的增幅创2011年6月以来的最高水平,上升幅度超过1个百分点。

    The Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing managers group , says its manufacturing index in August expanded at its fastest clip since June of 2011 , rising more than a full point .

  21. 美国人力资源管理协会(SocietyforHumanResourceManagement)11月份警告其成员,清除手机数据之举今后一段时间可能会在法庭上接受考验。

    The Society for Human Resource Management in November warned its members that phone wiping ' will likely be tested through the courts in the days and months ahead . '

  22. 密西·亨利克森代表美国国家害虫管理协会发言。

    Missy Henriksen speaks for the National Pest Management Association .

  23. 根据美国学校管理者协会最近的一项调查,该发现看起来是很多学区正在考虑大幅度削减暑假活动以便节约资金。

    The findings come as many school districts are considering slashing summer programs to save money , according to a recent survey by the American Association of School Administrators .

  24. 自从1962年1月,美国投资管理与研究协会(AIMR),通过授予CFA称号来确认从业人员具有高级专业资格。

    From January 1962 , American Investment Management Research ( AIMR ) charters the senior qualification of the financial investment practitioners with CFA .

  25. 他现在还负责美国高尔夫球场管理者协会的职业培训委员会。

    He currently serves on the career development committee of the golf course superintendent 's Association of america .

  26. 前身为美国国家秘书协会(NationalSecretariesAssociation)的美国行政管理职业协会(InternationalAssociationofAdministrativeProfessionals,简称IAAP)表示,具备大学文凭是担任高级助理的必要条件。

    According to the US 's International Association of Administrative Professionals , formerly the National Secretaries Association , college degrees are necessary for high-level assistants .