
  • 网络The Gemological Institute of America;GIA
  1. 这颗水滴形钻石已经被美国宝石学院鉴定为D色和TypeIIA级,这意味着它的内部毫无瑕疵、切工完美,化学纯度达到顶级,并有着极佳的光学透明度。

    The briolette has been graded by the Gemological Institute of America to be of D color and type IIa , indicating its internally flawless clarity , excellent polish , highest level of chemical purity and exceptional optical transparency .

  2. 一颗小鸡蛋大小的无瑕白色钻石以3000万美元的价格在香港拍卖会上成交,这颗118克拉的椭圆形钻石是美国宝石学院鉴定过的最重要的同类钻石。

    A flawless white diamond , the size of a small egg , has sold for more than 30 million dollars at auction in Hong Kong , ( the ) 118-carat oval stone ranking as most significant such stone ever graded by the Gemological Institute of America .

  3. 美国宝石学院的西班牙宝石学家帕珞玛·桑切斯,为此亲身体验学习。

    It was something that Paloma Sanchez , a certified GIA gemologist from Spain , had to learn through first-hand experience .