
  • 网络Midterm election
  1. 此次汇率报告的发布时间选在了美国中期选举期间,这就为最终决定增添了些许不确定性。

    The timing of the currency report , in the middle of US midterm election campaigns , does add some uncertainty to the decision .

  2. 欢迎收看CNN学生新闻,我们马上为您带来美国中期选举的最新报道。

    Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS where we are leading off with reports surrounding the U.S. midterm elections .

  3. 在美国中期选举中,共和党人遭受“重击”。随后,人们已无法再回避这样一个问题:乔治布什(georgew.bush)真的是个法国人吗?

    After the " thumpin " given to the Republicans in the US mid-term elections , the question can no longer be avoided : is George W. Bush really French ?

  4. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛今天我们将为大家报道美国中期选举的结果以及世界各地发生的新闻。这里就是没有广告插播的CNN学生新闻。

    Here with your results from the U.S. midterm elections , plus more events from around the world , this is your commercial-free show for the classroom : CNN Student News !

  5. 美国中期选举将在11月2日举行。

    Mid-term elections will be held on November 2 , 2010 .

  6. 从2002年美国中期选举看华人参政

    The Viewpoint on Chinese Participation in Politics from American Metaphase Election in 2002

  7. 美国中期选举使得政治广告泛滥,尤其在电视上。

    Elections in America bring a flood of political advertising , especially on television .

  8. 西敏斯基还注意了美国中期选举对股市走势的历史影响。

    Mr sieminski also notes the historical effect of American mid-term elections on share prices .

  9. 今天是美国中期选举日。

    It 's Election Day in America .

  10. 雷德克表示,中国可能在11月美国中期选举之前采取行动,让人民币升值。

    Mr Redeker says China should act to revalue its currency ahead of US mid-term elections in November .

  11. 距美国中期选举还有4天,而候选者们正想尽一切办法争取投票。

    Four days away from the U.S. midterm elections , and candidates are trying to scare up some votes .

  12. 在美国中期选举中,选民们是否就是转变了观点,把布什当作政治上的异国之人了呢?

    Did voters in the US mid-term elections simply come round to the view that Mr Bush is a political alien ?

  13. 距美国中期选举还有不到3周,我们非常期待美国人民如何选择自己手握的选票。

    Less than three weeks away from the U.S. midterm elections , we are exploring what exactly Americans will be voting for .

  14. 随着美国中期选举时间迫近,选举政治再度成为奥巴马政府考虑问题的优先选项。

    With the mid-term election immiment , the political issues of the election have again become the priority for Barack Obama 's party .

  15. 在上个月的美国中期选举中,中国也没有成为一个重大问题,不像许多人在6个月前担心的那样。

    Nor did China become a big issue in last month 's US mid-term elections , as many six months ago had feared it would .

  16. 早在6个月前,就有许多人预计,中国确切地说是对中国的恐惧将在美国中期选举中扮演更重要的角色。

    Six months ago many had been expecting that China – or fear of China – would play a larger role in the US midterm elections .

  17. 在2010年美国中期选举即将举行的一个月之前完成的一项新的民意测验显示,阿拉伯裔美国选民大都支持民主党。

    Just one month before the 2010 midterm elections , a new public opinion poll shows that Arab-American voters favor Democrats over Republicans by a wide margin .

  18. 11月2号是美国中期选举投票日,为争夺国会控制权的角力进入冲刺时刻,两大政党都在为争取选票做最后的努力。

    The battle for control of the U.S. Congress has entered its final week and both major political parties are engaged in a furious last-minute push for votes .

  19. 美国中期选举开始时我人在加利福利亚,在这儿你就能明白为何许多人认为奥巴马将遭遇一记迎头痛击。

    The mid-term elections took place while I was in California , and you could see why many here thought Obama was going to get a rather bloody nose .

  20. 此次政策调整带来的积极效果,比预期来得要快,同时也存在一些疑惑,但这些疑惑将在2010年的美国中期选举前被揭晓。

    The surge , faster than expected , will bring a welcome momentum , but also the suspicion that it is intended to show results before the2010 American mid-term election .

  21. 作者特别就美国中期选举的一些特点,探讨了候选人与选民沟通的主要途径,揭示了现代国会选举中的市场化倾向和媒体之间的复杂关系。

    Means of communication between candidates , media , and voters are explored to illustrate the trend of " marketization " of Congressional elections and the complicated relationship between media and the Congress .

  22. 这篇报导在结尾强调:由于今年秋季的美国中期选举日益临近,我们不能排除丰田的质量问题演变为政治问题的可能。

    The story ends by stating : 'as the mid-term election is coming up in fall we cannot rule out a possibility that Toyota 's quality issue is going to become a political issue .

  23. 但威廉姆斯表示,如果中国不在今后几个月内开始让人民币升值,“它面临的压力可能会戏剧性升级”,而中国会“发现自己落入陷阱”,人民币问题成为美国中期选举的一个议题。

    But if China did not begin to appreciate its currency over the coming months , he said , " pressure on it could escalate dramatically " and it would " find itself trapped " , with the issue likely taken up in the US mid-term elections .

  24. 11月:美国举行中期选举。

    November : America 's mid-term elections are held .

  25. 他在六月份的美国国会中期选举中意外落败给了由茶党支持的对手。

    Cantor was unexpectedly defeated by a Tea Party-backed opponent in his Republican primary in June .

  26. 反对党共和党人从行政当局处理这次事件的不当之处看到了机会,他们似乎乐于强调这个事件,作为11月美国国会中期选举的潜在竞选议题。

    Opposition Republicans see an opening in the administration 's flawed handling of the failed attack , and appear eager to highlight the incident as a potential campaign issue for the November midterm congressional elections .

  27. 该法案制定于安然、世通等一系列会计丑闻爆发的经济背景之下,并且恰逢美国两党中期选举之际,因此《索克斯法案》的制定过程比较匆忙,存在一些漏洞。

    The bill was enacted in the background that Enron and WorldCom accounting scandal broke out . Therefore , the development process of " Sarbanes-Oxley Act " was in a hurry , and there are some loopholes .

  28. 让人民币升值的政治理由避免在g20会议和美国11月中期选举竞选期间(尤其是后者)成为众矢之的依然充分。

    The political reason to revalue to dodge the role of central villain in G20 meetings and especially in the US election campaign in November is as strong as ever .

  29. 其次这是美国11月份中期选举之前政府的最后一份工作报告。

    Two , it 's the final government jobs report before November 's midterm elections .

  30. 美国即将举行中期选举,华盛顿有关这个问题的争吵也越来越激烈。

    With elections on the way , the quarrel in Washington over this question is increasingly bitter .