
měi yuán wēi jī
  • dollar crisis
  1. 这可能会导致一场惩罚性的美元危机。

    That could lead to a punishing dollar crisis .

  2. 在信贷紧缩和经济疲软之上爆发一场全面的美元危机将是令人胆战心惊的。

    A full-blown dollar crisis on top of a credit crunch and a weakening economy would be frightening .

  3. 战后初期,当发生美元危机之后,imf成员采纳了特别提款权方案,作为一项战略的中心措施,来建立一个不再依靠单一货币的国际货币体系。

    In the wake of the dollar crises of the early postwar period , the IMF membership adopted SDR as the centrepiece of a strategy to build an international monetary system that would no longer rely on a single currency .

  4. 这次的危机是欧元危机,而非美元危机。

    This time it is a euro-denominated crisis rather than a dollar-denominated crisis .

  5. 美元危机会到来吗?

    Is Crisis of US Dollar coming ?

  6. 美元危机论

    Crisis theory of U.S. dollar

  7. 美元危机会极大的损害世界经济,使预期的经济减缓更加严重,持续的时间更长。

    A dollar crisis would be very damaging for the global economy , making the expected slowdown much deeper and more protracted .

  8. 但就长期来看,美元危机的真正风险,在于美元兑亚洲和中东有管理货币的汇率。

    In the long run , however , the real risk of a dollar crisis is against the managed currencies of Asia and the Middle East .

  9. 上周罗平的尖锐评论,是中国担忧美元危机的最生动展示。

    Last week 's barbed comments from Mr Luo of CBRC were the most colourful indication of Chinese fears of a dollar crisis ( see above right ) .

  10. 以美元危机和美国黄金外流为中心,两国在联盟方针和冷战战略上展开激烈较量;

    Centering round the dollar crisis and American gold outflow , the two countries had a fierce contest over the guideline of the alliance and the Cold War strategy .

  11. 对美国来说,除了一场突发美元危机所带来的灾难这种遥远可能性之外(这正使美联储某些官员感到担忧),结果不算太糟糕。

    For the us aside from the remote catastrophe of a sudden dollar crisis , which is causing some furrowed brows at the fed the outcome is not too bad .

  12. 如果金价继续上扬,这个协议就会被破坏,虽然一场美元危机会让各国央行在转向纸币经营问题上慎之又慎。

    If the price of gold marches higher , this agreement will presumably be ripped up , although a dollar crisis might make central banks think twice about switching into paper money .

  13. 如果中国在强大的外部压力下实现浮动汇率和开放资本账户,如果出现美元危机,都有可能使中国面临出现经济泡沫并由此造成的社会不稳定的风险。

    If China adopts the floating exchange rate and opens its capital account , or if the dollar crisis occurs , China will face the risks of economic bubble and resulting social instability .

  14. 这可能会引发美元危机,推升长期利率和美元资产的风险溢价,并造成降息举措在扭转经济减速方面的作用远远不及预期。

    That could create a dollar crisis , pushing up both long-term interest rates and risk premiums on US assets and rendering its rate cuts much less effective than had been hoped in mitigating the economic slowdown .

  15. 美联储通过向金融机构和投资者收取利息和费用,收益190亿美元。危机期间,这些金融机构和投资者利用美联储新设的贷款安排获得了亟需的资金。

    The central bank earned about $ 19bn in income from charging interest and fees to financial institutions and investors that tapped the new facilities to obtain much-needed funds during the turmoil .

  16. 纽约最具实力的对冲基金之一AtticusCapital今年已亏损逾50亿美元,信贷危机扭转了其作为全球最佳资产管理公司之一的纪录。

    Atticus Capital , one of New York 's most powerful hedge funds , has lost more than $ 5bn this year , as its record as one of the world 's top performing money managers was put into reverse by the credit crunch .

  17. 由于银行惜贷,美元在金融危机后走强。

    The dollar strengthened in the wake of the financial crisis as banks were reluctant to lend .

  18. 这笔款项是联合国于今日在日内瓦启动的总额1.6亿美元的利比亚危机区域紧急呼吁中的一部分。

    This amount is part of the US $ 160 million Regional Flash Appeal for the Libya crisis , launched by the United Nations today in Geneva .

  19. 把它们加起来,美联储和美国财政部过去一年的贷款、投资及担保总额大约为7.8万亿美元,而危机前的联邦债务大约为10万亿美元。

    Added together , the loans , investments and guarantees made by the Fed and the Treasury in the past year total about $ 7,800bn , compared with a pre-crisis federal debt of about $ 10,000bn .

  20. 德国中央银行已经陷入至少8000亿美元的外围国债危机,相当于德国1/4的GDP。

    Germany 's central bank , the Bundesbank , is already on the hook for at least 800 billion dollars of peripheral country debt . And that 's about a quarter of German GDP .

  21. 德国的中央银行,邦德银行,已经陷入至少8000亿美元的外围国债危机,这一数目相当于德国GDP产值的1/4。

    But they are fraying . Germany 's centralbank , the Bundes bank , is already on the hook for at least 800 billion dollarsof peripheral country debt . And that 's about a quarter of German GDP .

  22. 据一位知情人士称,最近几周,全球最大金融服务公司花旗集团(citigroup)在信贷业务上损失了7亿多美元,成为这次危机最大的输家之一。

    Citigroup has lost more than $ 700m in credit business in recent weeks , making it one of the biggest casualties of the crisis , according to a person briefed on the situation .

  23. 目前美国CLO市场已开始复苏,去年CLO发行总额约为550亿美元,是次贷危机以来发行规模最大的一年。

    The market in CLOs has already returned in the US , where there was about $ 55bn of issuance last year , the biggest annual total since the crisis .

  24. 德勤(Deloitte)的一项研究发现,全球100家最大金融企业今年的风险与控制活动支出有望达到1000亿美元,为金融危机前最后一个完整年度2006年的两倍。

    The world 's 100 largest financial companies expect to spend $ 100bn on risk and control activities this year double what they spent in 2006 , the last full year before the financial crisis , a study by Deloitte has found .

  25. 24亿美元的基础设施危机基金,旨在确保对于发展具有关键意义的项目得以建设。

    A $ 2.4 billion Infrastructure Crisis Facility to ensure that projects critical for development get built .

  26. 与其它此前法案一样,新法案批准使用高达7000亿美元,购买深陷危机的资产。

    Like the earlier bill , the new one approves up to seven hundred billion dollars to buy troubled assets .

  27. 首席风险官们估计,在已经增加和预期将增加的这部分支出中,有大约200亿美元是由金融危机的直接后果。

    The risk officers estimated that about $ 20bn of the past and projected increase was a direct consequence of the financial crisis .

  28. 美元在去年金融危机最严重时期的反弹,是当时决策者眼中为数不多的一丝希望。

    The rebound of the dollar at the height of last year 's financial crisis was one of the few silver linings for policymakers .

  29. 到目前为止,该组织已收到约3150万美元指定用于埃博拉危机的私人捐款,其中大约730万美元是美国人捐赠的,库曼说。

    So far , it has received about $ 31.5 million in private donations designated for the Ebola crisis , about $ 7.3 million from United States donors , Mr. Kurmann said .

  30. 俄罗斯央行估计,今年第一季度资本流出该国的规模超过500亿美元,为金融危机高峰以来资本外流规模最大的一个季度。

    The Russian central bank estimates outflows of more than $ 50 billion during the first three months of the year , the largest quarterly total since the depth of the financial crisis .