
  • 网络Manicure Finger;lady's fingers
  1. 通过超声波辅助农杆菌介导法,对‘美人指’葡萄遗传转化体系进行研究,以期提高转化效率。

    Sonication assisted Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was used to study the genetic transformation technique of ' Manicure Finger ' grapevine , in order to improve transformation efficiency .

  2. 我们参观了练集美人指葡萄园。

    We visited the beautiful girl 's finger grapery in Lianji town .

  3. 弱光条件下,美人指葡萄试管苗的相对生长速率、株高、总生物量、根长度、根生物量、根冠比、根生物量比及根系活力与对照相比均有显著降低。

    The results showed that the relative growth rate , plant height , total biomass , root length , root biomass , R / T , root biomass ratio and root activity decreased significantly .

  4. 同时对意大利、无核白鸡心、红地球、美人指、拉查基、秋黑、秋红、巨峰葡萄生理生化指标的初始值进行了比较。

    At the same time , the paper discussed initial quotas of physiology and biochemistry in'Italia ' , 'Centenial Seedless ' , 'Red Globe ' , 'Mei Renzhi ' , 'Autumn Black ' , 'Autumn Red'and'Ju Feng'grape .

  5. 通过对人类群体美人尖、10指自然相嵌、大拇指弯曲度及酒窝4对性状的调查,并对调查结果进行了统计、分析。

    Four characters of protruding hair on forehead , natural crossing of 10 fingers , Thumb winding angle and dimple were investigated .