
  1. 真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。

    Real beauty comes from learning , growing , and loving in the ways of life .

  2. 我也写了大部分的Unity的代码,所以Unity的美丽都源于我的“错误”。

    I also wrote the vast majority of the Unity code , so Unity is pretty much my fault .

  3. 专心行事.美丽人生源于心无旁骛。

    E-Eliminate distractions . A great life is the result of eliminating distractions .

  4. 尽心努力.美丽人生源于你苦心下功夫。

    E-Effort . A great life is the result of your best effort .

  5. 有备无患。美丽人生源于懂得为自已预留一些物品,时间,空间,精力和金钱。

    R-Reserves . A great life is the result of having reserves & reserves of things , time , space , energy , money .

  6. 化繁为简.美丽人生源于对生活弃繁从简.本分类详列所有用中文(括繁体及简体)写,或与中文有关的页面。

    S-Simplify . A great life is the result of simplifying your life . List of pages written in Chinese ( both traditional and simplified variants ) and pages particular relevant to Chinese projects .