
  • 网络Beautiful Time;the best of times;Jambalaya-Bossa Americana;JAMBALAYA;Bossa Americana
  1. 每个老鼠都说他们度过了一段美丽时光,随后礼貌地告别。

    Every single mouse said he had had a fine time they all took their leave most politely .

  2. 有的地方,秋天是光彩和美丽的时光。

    Autumn in some places is a time of splendor and beauty .

  3. 跟你谈恋爱是一个十分美丽的时光。

    Dating you is a very beautiful period .

  4. 这是我最美丽的时光!

    This be my most beautiful days !

  5. 我们一起共度了许多美丽的时光。

    We shared some beautiful times together .

  6. 春天是一段美丽的时光。

    Spring is a beautiful time .

  7. 在农场里,初夏时节是一年当中最快乐,最美丽的时光。

    The early summer days on a farm are the happiest and fairest days of the year .

  8. 女人就好比一朵花儿,青春美丽的时光是极短暂的,花总有一天会凋谢会失去她的光彩!

    A woman is just like a flower whose youthful times isextremely transient , which will wither one day eventually for lossing its luster !

  9. 布莱尔,现在的你身材苗条,幸福快乐,现在是你一生中最美丽的时光。我希望你能尽情的享受现在美好的时光。

    Blair , you will never be more beautiful or thin or happy than you are right now . I just want you to make the most of it .

  10. 人生就象画一样,画中鲜艳的颜色就代表着人生美丽快乐的时光。

    Life is like painting , painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments .

  11. 那是多么美丽的青春时光,所有的人都在真心地爱,无畏地付出,没有前怕狼后怕虎,也没有算计。

    How great is the youth time when everyone is loving and giving , sincerely and fearlessly , with no scare or calculation .

  12. 我要在美丽的乡村度过时光并且一直呆到九月。

    I 'm spending time in the beautiful countryside and staying until September .

  13. 我迫不及待想到美丽的乡下度过时光。

    I can 't wait to go to the beautiful countryside to spend time .

  14. 对了,还有那美丽的牡丹,时光的锤炼,让她成为了花儿之中的“美皇后”,朵朵都很高雅,又不失朴素。

    Yes , there are the beautiful peony time of temper , so she became among the flowers ," the United States and Queen ", after another very elegant and yet simple .