
  1. 论文第四章论述了罗忠镕现代音乐创作中除音高以外其它几个方面的创造。

    Innovations in several aspects of his compositions other than the pitch class organization are expounded in chapter fourth .

  2. 了解罗忠镕的艺术歌曲创作,对于了解和把握罗忠镕音乐创作风格具有重要的作用。

    To understand his art song creation is very important to discern and grasp the style of his music creation .

  3. 民族风格与现代技法的经典结合&浅析罗忠镕先生作品《涉江采芙蓉》中的调性辨证思维

    The Classical Coalescence of Nationality Style and Modern Technique & Analyzing tonality thought in PICK LOTUS IN THE RIVER of LUO Zhong-rong

  4. 罗忠镕无疑是这一时期艺术歌曲创作成就显著的作曲家,他的《涉江采英蓉》、《秋之歌》、《鹧鸪天》、《黄昏》等。

    Luo Zhongrong was an outstanding composer of this generation , producing original and profound art songs such as Cross the River to Pick Hibiscus flower , autumn Song , Partridge Sky and Dusk .