
  1. 基于MOSS的成教网络课程平台设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of MOSS-based Adult Network Course Platform

  2. 网络课程平台中学习者激励机制的设计与应用研究

    A Study on Motivation System Design and Practice of Online Course Platform Learners

  3. 建立好的网络课程平台能够有力促进精品课程的示范功能,能够有效指导学生进行高效的学习。

    Good network teaching curriculum platform can not only greatly promotes the demonstration of AAIC but also effectively instructs students to study .

  4. 文章以具体的网络课程平台开发为例,阐述了其中角色及权限的设计与实现,对其他类似平台系统设计与开发具有一定的参考意义。

    The paper demonstrates the design and realization of role design and authorization based on the platform development of a specific Internetbased course .

  5. 最初依据设计计划开收了生败性纲的导背的《现代教导技巧》网络课程平台,通功各个功能模块开铺了各项网络教习活动。

    Finally , we develop modern educational technology network course based on evolving purpose driven , and use the function modules to carry out the network learning activities .

  6. 在设计中,将Web服务技术应用于网络课程开发平台之中,以服务的形式对该平台的各个模块进行操作。

    In its designing , we apply the web service into Netware course platform .

  7. 基于WEB的网络课程管理平台的研究与开发

    According to the Research of WEB the Management System of the Network Teaching and Development

  8. 因此,论文给出了Web服务的特点以及它如何应用于网络课程开发平台之中。

    So the chapter talks about the character of the web service and how to applicant it in Netware course platform .

  9. 基于web服务的网络课程开发平台是应用先进的Web服务技术来实现网络课程分布式框架应用。

    Netware course development platform based on web service use the advanced web service technique to realize the framework of distributing Netware course .

  10. 基于SOA的网络课程共享平台研究

    SOA-based Network Curriculum Sharing Platform Research

  11. 基于这种思想,笔者将运用模糊综合评判方法、结合ASP技术和关系数据库技术,设计并实现了一个B/S体系结构的网络课程评价平台。

    On the basis of this thought , Then author will design and develop an evaluation platform of B / S structure for web-based course by appling method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation 、 technology of ASP and technology of relative database .

  12. 利用虚拟主机软件在单机上构建网络课程实验平台

    Making Use of Virtual Machine to Construct Teaching Experience Platform

  13. 开放教育网络课程学习平台构建

    On the Construction of Web-course Learning Platform in Open Learning

  14. 互动式网络课程交流平台设计研究&以文献信息资源与服务网络课程设计为例

    The Design of Interactive Networked Exchange Platform in Teaching

  15. 网络课程学习平台构成的探讨

    The discussion of platform construction of network study

  16. 第二,网络课程支撑平台的设计与实现。

    Secondly , the design and implementation of network course supporting platform are studied .

  17. 《电工学》网络课程教学平台

    Network Course Teaching Platform for Electrotechnics

  18. 在此基础之上,分析并设计了网络课程开发平台所具有的各个模块和每个模块所具有的具体功能,以及它们之间的关系。

    On this base , analyze and design the modules of the platform and the function of each module .

  19. 本文在分析我国网络课程交流平台建设现状与存在问题的基础上,探讨了互动式网络课程交流平台设计中应注意的一些问题。

    This article discusses some problem in the design of interactive networked exchange platform , on the basis of analysis about its development .

  20. 在此基础上,研制开发出大学物理网络课程的平台和框架,并编制出物理光学部分的具体课件。

    On the basis of the above , develops the platform and frame of university physics network curriculum and the concrete courseware on physics optics ;

  21. 网络课程教学平台利用丰富的网络资源和网络设备为教师和学生提供了有利的学习平台,体现了教与学的开放性、交互性、共享性、创造性、自主性和效率性。

    The teaching platform for network courses makes full use of network resources and equipment to offer advantages to staff and students , reflecting openness , interactiveness , share , creation , independence and efficiency .

  22. 基于多Agent的网络课程协作学习平台的构建与研究

    Construction and Study of Cooperation-Learning Platform for Network Course Based on Multi-Agent

  23. 在本研究中,笔者通过分析比较选择了Moodle作为网络辅助课程建设平台,并建设了《Macroeconomics》网络双语辅助课程。

    In this study , the author chose Moodle as the network platform to build bilingual instruction online-cocurriculum , and has built a " Macroeconomics " bilingual instruction online-cocurriculum .

  24. 笔者在研究国内外教育资源建设和标准化工作的基础上,设计并开发了基于XML的网络课程数据交换平台,其符合CELTS元数据规范和内容包装规范。

    Based on the research of education repositories construction and standardization research work in the world , in this paper I design and develop the platform of web course data exchange based on XML which conforms to the CELTS metadata specification and content package specification .

  25. 分析了计算机网络课程虚拟实验室平台的功能和结构、描述了如何利用智能客户端技术实现整个平台。

    The function and structure of the virtual lab platform for the computer network course is analyzed , and the smart client is used to implement it .

  26. 网络课程中短消息平台的开发及应用

    Plan and Application of Short Message in Online Course

  27. 探讨了如何实现一个适用于网络课程的矢量图平台,矢量图平台包括基于浏览器运行的客户端绘图环境,运行在网络服务器上的平台服务器。

    A platform of vectorgraph designed for network courses is introduced in this paper . PLATFORM net platform .

  28. 同时,通过对互联网上的媒体传输方式分析,作为新型计算机多媒体网络化课程教学的平台,本系统也支持多种媒体格式,包括互联网上的多媒体资料,并提出了网络混合多媒体解决方案。

    At the same time , as a new teaching platform of computer multimedia network course , this system supports all kinds of media formats including the multimedia materials . By analyzing the media transmission method in Internet , a solution to mixed multimedia on net is formed .

  29. 通过研究分析网络课程学习过程中的各个环节,对网络课程支撑平台的功能进行了划分和详细设计,并就该平台开发过程中的关键技术进行了探讨。

    By analyzing each aspect of network course learning , the functions of network course supporting platform is partitioned , and each function module has been particularly designed .

  30. 开发面向教师编辑网络课件,方便信息资源组织,方便师生互动交流的网络课程开发平台,并且能够将各种媒体资源运用于网络课程中,将会极大地推动网络课程资源的发展。

    The development of Netware course platform facing to teacher 's editing Netware course , covenanting information resource organization , covenanting communication between teachers and students can promote Netware course 's progress .