
  • 网络network manager
  1. 局域网和城域网的网络管理者迫切需要通用PC平台下的流量捕获和监测工具来对自身网络进行监测和管理。

    The network manager of LAN and MAN need traffic monitor and capture tools based on general PC to monitor and manage their networks .

  2. 网络管理者在资源仓库里对更新的策略进行编辑和储存。

    A network manager edits and stores updated policies in the repository .

  3. 如何防范与应对ARP病毒现已成为摆在各校园网网络管理者面前的一个厄待解决的技术难题。

    How to conquer and preventive ARP virus is a serious problem which every campus net administrator must face now .

  4. 特别是随着AAA概念为越来越多的网络管理者所接受,802.1X技术的应用越来越广泛。

    Especially as the concept AAA more and more accepted by the network administrator , the applications of 802.1X are becoming more extensive .

  5. SNMP是Internet和Intranet发展历史上的一次重要的统一,它大大降低了网络管理者的管理难度,同时也降低了设备供应商的生产成本。

    Inventing SNMP is an important unity in the development history of the Internet and Intranet . It greatly reduces the management difficulties of the network managers , while reduces the manufacturing cost of the device providers .

  6. 系统既为网络管理者提供了监测网络性能的手段,又为用户提供了测量网络性能的渠道,为服务提供商和用户之间进行SLA协商提供了有力的依据。

    The system not only offers ways and means of monitoring network performance for network manager and consumer , but also provides powerful evidence for SLA negotiating between service provider and consumer .

  7. 本文为网络管理者提供了一个很好的流量监控的解决方案。

    In this paper , the network manager provides an excellent solution for traffic monitoring .

  8. 面对如此庞大的用户群,无论是网络管理者还是使用者都面临着许多全新的机遇和挑战。

    In the case , not only administrators but also users are facing with many opportunities and challenges .

  9. 另一方面,对于网络管理者,可以通过探测确定网络设施的操作系统类型及其版本号,进而确定网络设施是否有漏洞威胁。

    On the other hand , the network administrator make sure if the networking has Vulnerability by detecting the networking .

  10. 原型系统中的两个模块相互补充,可以单独供网络管理者使用。

    The realized system includes two modules which complements each other , and can be used separately for network administrators .

  11. 网络管理者是一个人或团队通过对网络进行配置并保证网络正常有效的运行。

    A network manager is the person or team of people responsible for configuring the network so that it runs efficiently .

  12. 另一方面也使网络管理者更加准确、方便和全面的掌握用户的信息。

    Make network to be administrator more accurate , convenient with grasping message of user more overall even on the other hand .

  13. 网络管理者通过它可以了解整个系统的运行状况并作出相应调整,从而保障整个网络系统的正常运转。

    Through it network administrator can monitor the operation status of router and make corresponding adjustment , ensure the normal operation of the whole network system .

  14. 针对以上问题,本文提出了解决方案,使网络管理者通过此方案能适时掌握网络流量,发现异常行为,完善网络管理。

    To settle problem above , we propose a resolvent , by which network administrators can mastery network traffic , find abnormal traffic and perfect network management .

  15. 以可靠性理论为基础,从出行者个体和网络管理者的角度提出了服务水平可靠性的概念,拓展了现有的路网可靠性评价指标。

    Based on the reliability theory , the concept of the level of service reliability is proposed in this paper from individual traveler and system manager ′ s view .

  16. 对于网络管理者来说,如何有效地管理网络,如何为现有网络规划网络管理系统显得十分必要。

    As for network manager , it is very important to know how to manage network effectively , and how to make the network management system for the present network .

  17. 实验测试表明,该方法能够应用于多源异构日志数据的归并和预处理,提供给网络管理者用于网络安全态势决策的基础数据。

    Experimental tests show that the method can be used in multi-source heterogeneous logs data merge and preprocessing . Network managers can use these basic data in decision-making network security situational .

  18. 在一个自治域内部,网络管理者可以获取路由器拓扑并对路由信息进行控制,因而可以控制域内的流量分布。

    Inside an autonomous domain , network managers can get the router topology and control the route . Therefore , the control of the distribution of traffic inside a domain is possible .

  19. 其中每个代理管理所在的节点,而多个代理形成一个群并由群首管理,群首则由网络管理者管理。

    Each node in the network is managed by the Agent , and several Agents comprise a cluster . Cluster Heads monitor the Agents belong to them , while all the Cluster Heads are managed by the Manager .

  20. 同时协助网络管理者能够以最新的网络扫描技术及时有效地取得网络节点信息,分析网络系统的安全现状,以最大限度地保证网络服务的可靠性、持续性。

    And also analyzing the current scanning technologies and its future development . The purpose is helping the system administrator with network vulnerability scanning to get the node information so as to ensure the continuity and reliability of network service .

  21. 根据系统统计结果,网络管理者就可以判断校园网络是否处于正常运行状态,把网络管理者从传统的经验管理模式中解放出来,提高了网络管理与维护的效率。

    According to the statistical results , the network administrators can estimate if the campus network is in normal running state , which liberate the network administrators from traditional experienced mode of network management and improve the efficiency of network management .

  22. 为便于网络管理者进行分布式的资源管理和计费,采用对策论模型分析用户对资源的竞争和处理网络传输拥塞正日益受到广泛的重视。

    In order to price and manage the resources in a distributed manner , the game theoretic approaches to analyze competitive resources among the users and to manage the network congestion during transmission have drawn a wide attention among the researchers .

  23. 在此基础上,从网络安全管理者的角度提出了一种新的生成方法。

    Based on this , a new generation method is introduced from the network administrators ' perspective .

  24. 希望本文的思路能够对网络平台管理者给予启发,面对日益增长的网络交易投诉,使用更为有效的办法去管理和控制。

    I hope this article can be helpful for internet transaction platform provider , and give them inspiration . As the internet transaction complaints growing quickly , they can find more effective ways to manage and control these disputes .

  25. 但传统的SNMP网络管理基于管理者/代理者(Manager/Agent)模型,具有一定的局限性,在管理上缺乏足够的灵活性和智能性。

    Traditional network management of SNMP , however , is based on Manage / Agent ( Server / Client ) model , which presents a host of disadvantage to completeness , flexibility and scalability .

  26. 在实证研究结论的基础上,本文为网络社区平台管理者及企业制定实践方案提出了一些参考建议。

    Based on these conclusions of empirical study , reference suggestion are proposed to virtual community platform administrators and enterprises .

  27. Web数据挖掘让网络用户和网站管理者受益,也可能对数据源的安全带来威胁。

    Web-based Data mining can benefit Web users and administrators , but it will also threaten the safety of data resources .

  28. 同时,也为网络教育机构的管理者提供了提高网络教育服务质量的依据和标准。

    It also provides the administrators of network education institutions the basis and standard to improve distance education service quality .

  29. 然而在我看来,这番交谈似乎算不上什么好例子,反而显示了社交网络既害得管理者关注错误的问题,又让别人都感到厌烦。

    But to me , this exchange does not seem like a good example of anything . Instead , it shows how social networking is making management focus on the wrong things and boring everyone else in the meantime .

  30. 强调了几个问题:确定过程,规划过程网络,企业最高管理者亲自参与的意义,重视处理各种接口问题,把握与产品形成有关的所有因素的质量。

    Some issues are emphasized such as determination of process , planning process net , the significance of personal participation of top management members , attentions to be paid to deal with interface problems , the control of factors which affects the product quality , etc.