
  • 网络network warfare force
  1. 中国政府拒绝承认与该事件有任何关联,但是攻击邮件似乎是来自中国东部城市济南——中国军事网络战部队基地,此前美国遭受的其他袭击归咎到济南一所学校之上。

    The Chinese government denies having any part in the scam , but the e-mails seem to have come from the eastern city of Jinan , home to a Chinese military cyberwarfare unit and a college blamed for other attacks on America .

  2. 该文件说,北韩的计划依靠自己的核武器,它的远程火炮,潜艇,网络战和特种部队,以对付南方的高技术军队。

    The document says North Korea 's plans to rely on its nuclear weapons , its long-range artillery , submarines , cyber-warfare and special forces to counter the South 's high-technology military .

  3. 信息化战场空间、扁平化和网络化的兵力组织形式是未来网络中心战中作战部队编成的主要样式。

    In the battlefields of the information age , the flatting and networking organizations are the primary mode of the military organizations for network centric warfare .