
  • 网络programming environment;Visual Basic;Distributed Programming Environment;SmallTalk's
  1. 基于MessagePassing的并行编程环境

    Parallel Programming Environment Based on Message Passing

  2. AUTOCAD图形软件的编程环境基于集成环境的图形自动编程系统研究

    Programming Environment of Auto CAD Graphic Package Graphic automatic NC programming system on integrated environment

  3. Windows编程环境下高精度计时技术的分析比较

    Comparison of Several Time-technologies in Windows Program

  4. 并且在Visualc++编程环境下设计并实现了一套实用的测控软件。

    And Visual C + + programming environment designed and implemented a set of practical monitoring and control software .

  5. 在Delphi编程环境下实现上位机与PLC的串行通信

    Realization of serial communication between host-computer and PLC based on Delphi programming

  6. EXPRESS并行编程环境

    EXPRESS : Parallel Programming Environment

  7. 利用这些方法可以为AUTOCAD图形软件建立方便、实用的编程环境。

    A convenient and practical programming environment can be created for Auto CAD by using these methods .

  8. 在您安装和配置好编程环境之后,您就可以开始探究Create的内嵌传感器了。

    Once you have the programming environment installed and configured , you can begin to explore the built-in sensors of the Create .

  9. 基于CORBA的并行编程环境的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Parallel Programming Environment Based on CORBA

  10. 介绍了在Java编程环境下数据挖掘移动Agent和移动Agent服务器内部各组成模块结构功能。

    Components of data mining mobile Agent and mobile Agent server in the model are further introduced in Java programming environment .

  11. 最后在Windows操作系统与Visualc++的编程环境下完成了整个软件的程序编写工作。

    Last , under Windows Operation System using Visual C + + we accomplish the whole programming of the software .

  12. 基于Visualc~(++).Net编程环境下的数字化超声影像管理系统的研制

    Research and development of the management system of ultrasonic digital image in Visual C ~ ( + + ) . Net condition

  13. 基于DELPHI编程环境的步进电机控制系统研究

    Study on the Stepping Motor Control System Based on DELPHI

  14. 随后,简单介绍了DSP编程环境CCS。

    Subsequently , the programming environment of DSP is introduced .

  15. DELPHI编程环境下机井群控制软件的开发

    DELPHI Development of the Control Software of Pump Group

  16. Delphi在混合编程环境下的应用

    Application of Delphi in the Environment of Mixed Programming

  17. NET编程环境下成都地铁牵引仿真软件核心部分的算法及流程,并举实例验证。

    Introduce briefly the core part 's algorithm and process of Chengdu Metro Traction simulation software in VC + + . NET programming environment .

  18. 使用C++语言在Visualc++6.0编程环境下编制了一套测量修刻软件。

    This dissertation works out one set of software system utilizing the C + + language at the Visual C + + 6.0 programming circumstances .

  19. 基于Visualc++编程环境开发出一个蒸发器传热系数计算程序。

    Based on the Visual C + + programming environment , a program for calculating the heat transfer coefficient of an evaporator has been developed .

  20. SpringFramework是一个开源项目,用于构建Java应用程序,旨在降低编程环境的复杂性。

    The Spring Framework is an open source project used for constructing Java applications that aims to reduce the complexity of the programming environment .

  21. 我选择使用Eclipse(它是一个开发源码项目)来构建一个可修改的编程环境。

    I chose to use Eclipse , an open-source project , to build an adaptable programming environment .

  22. 最后,因为这一语言才刚刚发布,因此它没有什么类库或工具可以用,也没有Go语言的集成编程环境。

    Finally , since the language has just been released , it does not have much in the way of libraries or tools : there are no IDEs for Go .

  23. 并基于VISUALSTUDIO2005中的C编程环境以及MicrosoftAccess数据库技术,初步建立了岩矿波谱数据管理系统,为室内岩矿波谱的获取与管理提供了新的思路。

    Also , based on the C # environment of Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft Access database technology , initially establishes spectral data management system .

  24. 针对灯丝模型计算的繁杂,利用Visualc++编程环境,自行开发灯丝设计的软件系统。

    Considering the complicated calculation of filament model , the computer aided design software system of the filament is developed based on Visual C + + .

  25. 使用Windows系统的API函数和VB编程环境,编制了调节图形对比度的VB程序。

    With the Windows API functions and VB environment , a VB program to adjust image contrast is edited .

  26. 本论文对基础理论进行了详细的阐述,并利用MATLAB编程环境进行了算法实现。

    The basic theory is described in detail in this paper . The algorithm of all the theory is implemented by MATLAB .

  27. NET集成编程环境,开发了船舶设计计划编制及协同管理系统软件,调试完成了系统的全部功能模块,达到预期科研目标。

    NET IDE , developed Ship Design Plan Organizing & Collaborative Management System , debugging and testing all the modules , achieving the expectant research object .

  28. PFC编程环境下数据窗口对象功能的深入开发

    Develop the Function of Datawindow Object in PFC Environment

  29. 本项目的三个关键部分是ApacheWebServer、PHP编程环境和DB2服务器。

    The three key parts for this project are the Apache Web Server , the PHP programming environment , and the DB2 server .

  30. MTS引入了一种新的编程环境模型,该模型是Microsoft标准COM的一个扩展。

    MTS introduces a new programme environment former , which is an expansion of Microsoft standard COM .