
  1. 国外缓控释肥产业化研究进展与前景

    Research progress and prospects of foreign slow / controlled release fertilizer industry

  2. 我国缓控释肥产业化发展亟待解决的若干问题

    Some problems to be settled urgently in the industrial development of slow / controlled release fertilizer in China

  3. 通过进行棉花专用配方缓控释肥试验示范,明确棉田简化施肥、省工节本的可行性。

    A trial was conducted by using Ezhamian25F1 in Qianjiang City to study the effect of low ( control ) - releasing exclusive prescriptive fertilizer ( LREPF ) on cotton .

  4. 与传统肥料相比,包膜缓控释肥能有效减轻土壤氮素养分的流失。但目前大部分包膜材料均为高分子聚合物,难降解易累积,长期使用极易破坏土壤结构。

    Compared with the traditional fertilizer , slow-release fertilizer could effectively reduce soil nitrogen nutrient loss ; however , slow-release fertilizers often use the polymer as the coating and the coating materials is easy to cause the destruction of soil structure .

  5. 缓/控释肥在玉米生产中的应用与展望

    Application and Prospect of Slow / Controlled Release Fertilizers in Maize Production

  6. 掺混型缓/控释肥对杂交晚稻产量的影响

    Effect of slow / controlled-release fertilizer on yield of late hybrid rice

  7. 纳米材料胶结包膜型缓/控释肥生物学效应研究

    Effects of Controlled - release Fertilizer Cemented and Coated with Nano - material on Crops

  8. 土柱淋溶试验表明,油冷核心缓/控释肥的氮累积溶出率远低于转鼓核芯缓/控释肥。

    A soil-column leaching experiment showed that CRF with an oil-cooled-core had a much lower accumulated N leaching rate than that of CRF with drum-core .

  9. 对于包膜缓控释复合肥的测定,电导率法作为一种简单快速的测定方法,可以准确的预测包膜控释肥料的养分释放率和释放期。

    As a simple and fast method , electrical conductivity measurement could accurately measure the nutrient release longevity and nutrient release rate of coated compound fertilizers .

  10. 采用缓控释包膜肥在不同介质中淋洗实验的数据,建立了几种评价方法间的预测方程,从而能够为缓控释肥料行业建立相关的检测方法提供服务。

    Using slow-release coated fertilizer leaching experiments data in different media , predicted equations were established among several evaluation methods , which can supply services to establish the related detection methods in the controlled release fertilizer industry .

  11. 因缓/控释肥养分释放与作物吸收同步、氮肥挥发淋失少,从而促进作物生长发育、提高产量和肥料利用率,但缓/控释肥膜材料价格较高。

    Due to slow / controlled release fertilizer nutrient release and crop absorption synchronization , leaching to reduce nitrogen fertilizer volatile , so as to promote crop growth and yield and fertilizer use efficiency increased , but the slow / controlled release fertilizer membrane material prices higher .

  12. 与普通复合肥料相比,缓/控释复合肥的氮素利用效率(NUE)、氮素农学效率(NAE)及氮素生理效率(NPE)分别提高了11.4%、8.32kg·kg-1和5.17kg·kg-1。

    Compared to the common compound fertilizer ( CCF ), the N use efficiency , N agronomic efficiency and N physiological efficiency of CRF increased by 11.4 % , 8.32 kg · kg-1 and 5.17 kg · kg-1 , respectively .

  13. 超级稻专用缓/控释复合肥肥效对比试验研究

    Comparison Experimental Study on Fertility of Special Slow / Controlled Release Compound Fertilizer for Super Hybrid-rice

  14. 本文综述了各种类型缓/控释肥料的最新研究进展,介绍了几种检测缓/控释肥养分释放特性的方法。

    In this paper the present situation and evaluation methods of slow / controlled release fertilizers were reviewed .