
  • 网络Green marketing
  1. WTO与农产品绿色营销

    Entrance into WTO and " Green Marketing " of the Agricultural Produce

  2. 中小企业应对TBT的绿色营销策略

    Green Marketing Strategy of SMEs to Deal with Technical Barriers to Trade

  3. 第三章是造纸企业绿色营销环境及问题分析。本章通过对中国造纸企业的竞争力分析和SWOT分析,了解造纸企业绿色营销的营销环境。

    Green marketing environment of Chinese paper-making industries are understood through the competitiveness of enterprises analysis and SWOT analysis for paper-making enterprise .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,实施绿色营销工程,是国内企业调整经营结构、开发产品、促进和引导消费,提升持续竞争力的必然选择;

    After China 's entry into WTO , the practice of green marketing engineering is the inevitable choice of enterprises ' adjusting marketing structure , developing new products , promoting and leading the consumption and strengthening the competition ;

  5. 第二部分以加入WTO为背景提出经济全球化时代下农产品市场营销战略:品牌营销、绿色营销、网络营销。

    In the second part , under the background of China 's WTO entry , agricultural marketing strategy in the age of economic globalization is put forward , which includes brand marketing , green marketing and network marketing .

  6. 本文介绍了现代市场营销的4个发展方向:创造需求、大市场营销、4C营销和绿色营销。

    The paper discusses four major new findings in modern marketing , namely , Creating Demand , Major Marketing , 4 C Marketing and Green Marketing .

  7. 分析了企业推广实施ISO14000的表现特征和制约“瓶颈”,提出ISO14000认证企业必须倡导绿色营销战略。

    Characteristics and bottleneck of ISO14000 implementing in enterprises are analyzed , and green marketing strategy is promoted for certified enterprises .

  8. 第五部分,营销策略实施后的进一步思考,这一部分主要是从加强实施绿色营销的策略思考和面对WTO后应采取的策略对策这两个方面来加以思考。

    Part ⅴ: This part is about the rethinking after marketing tactics are brought into effect , the writer mainly thinks about two things , first , how to enhance bringing green marketing tactics into effect , second , what to do when we are facing to WTO .

  9. 以数据分析为基础,本文提出了以企业为主体,政府支持的绿色营销策略,同时提出绿色营销的4Ps策略。

    According to data analysis , the paper presents the green marketing strategy & " enterprise plays a leading role , government support " and pur forward the green marketing strategic suggestions .

  10. 绿色营销&中国制造业发展的重要途径

    Green marketing & the main approach of china 's manufacturing development

  11. 我国绿色营销的困境与对策

    The Dilemma of Green Marketing in China and the Countermeasure Analysis

  12. 中国纺织服装业的必由之路&绿色营销

    The only way of textile and garment industry in China-Green marketing

  13. 秦岭北麓森林公园生态旅游绿色营销策略研究

    Green Marketing Strategy for Forest Park of Qinling Mountain Slopes Ecotourism

  14. 绿色营销:旅行社营销战略新观念

    Green Marketing : New Concept for Travel Service 's Marketing Strategy

  15. 绿色营销&面向21世纪的企业经营战略

    Green marketing ── management strategy of enterprise facing to 21 century

  16. 我国饭店业绿色营销战略研究

    The Research on Green Marketing Strategy of Hospitality Industry in China

  17. 云南民族商品的绿色营销有其优势条件。

    The green business of Yunnan ethnic commodities enjoys good conditions .

  18. 河北企业绿色营销实施现状及对策分析

    Implementation and Countermeasures of Green Marketing by Hebei 's Enterprises

  19. 绿色营销是未来世界市场营销的主流

    Green sale will become the main stream of market in the future

  20. 我国绿色营销的障碍分析

    Analysis on the problems of the green marketing in China

  21. 以绿色营销提升我国农产品国际竞争力

    Enhance the Farm Product International Competitive Power by Green Marketing in China

  22. 生态旅游的绿色营销体系研究

    Explore on Building up the Green Marketing System in the Zoology Tourism

  23. 绿色营销:21世纪营销的主旋律

    Green Marketing : The Main Melody of the 21-Century Marketing

  24. 绿色营销与农产品加工业的持续发展

    Green Marketing and Sustainable Development of Agricultural Product Processing Industry

  25. 金光纸业绿色营销组合策略分析及相关建议

    Analysis on Integral Green Marketing Strategy of APP and Proposals

  26. 循环经济下房地产业绿色营销现状及对策研究

    Research on Green Marketing of Real Estate Industry under the Circulation Economic

  27. 企业环境管理体系中的绿色营销分析

    The Analysis of Green Marketing in the Circumstance Management System of Enterprise

  28. 我国钢铁企业绿色营销的创新思考

    On the Iron and Steel Enterprises ' Green Marketing Innovation

  29. 因此,绿色营销具有深刻的伦理蕴涵。

    Therefore , green marketing has profound ethical connotation .

  30. 绿色营销:变革、冲突与战略选择

    Green marketing : revolution , conflict and strategy selection