
  1. 它可以为您提供全方位、度身定制的综合金融服务。

    It provides you with all-round , specially-tailored financial services for valued customers like you .

  2. 平安银行为中国平安集团旗下重要成员,是中国平安集团综合金融服务平台的重要组成部分。

    Ping An Bank is an important part of Ping An Group and its integrated financial services platform .

  3. 中国工商银行应根据建设综合金融服务机构的要求,调整组织架构和业务流程,调整创新机制,建设有凝聚力和竞争力的人才队伍。

    To provide comprehensive financial service , ICBC should restructure its organization framework and business procedure , redesign its innovation mechanism and cultivate a highly cohesive and competitive contingent .

  4. 综合金融服务集团拥有众多的客户群体,也都在进行混业经营,利润是各个企业的关注点,本文的研究目的在于通过提高销售收入而增加利润。

    Integrated financial services group has a large number of customers , also conducting mixed financial services , and each enterprise focus profit , then the purpose of this paper is to increase profits by increasing revenue .

  5. 私人银行业务起源于16世纪的瑞士,是为保护富豪们的资产而登上历史舞台的,开始是专门为300万美元以上的超级富豪服务,后来逐步演变为向高净值人士提供综合金融服务。

    In sixteenth Century , the private banking business originated to protect the millionaires in Switzerland . Beginning , it serviced for the super millionaire more than $ 3000000 . Gradually , it develops to provide comprehensive financial services to high net worth clients .

  6. 国际保理业务是为国际贸易赊销方式提供的集销售帐务管理、应收账款收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通为一体的综合金融服务,在我国目前属于银行中间业务的一种。

    International factoring is a comprehensive financial service which is to provide business credit investigation , management of account payable and credit risks guarantee for the credit sale of international trade . It is one of the intermediary services of commercial banks in our country .

  7. 首先,商业银行作为金融机构的特殊地位,以及其为私募股权基金提供综合金融服务过程中的知识和经验积累,使得商业银行谋求成为私募股权出资人具有不可比拟的优势。

    The special status of the commercial banks as financial institutions for private equity funds , as well as the accumulation of knowledge and management in the process of integrated financial services , commercial banks seeking to become a private equity investor has unparalleled advantages .

  8. 国际保理是集销售帐务管理、应收帐款收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通于一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a unique package of financial services including sales account management , receivables collection , credit risks guarantee and financing .

  9. 现代保理业务是一种集贸易融资、账务管理、坏账担保、收取应收账款等功能于一身的综合性金融服务方式。

    Modern factoring is a comprehensive financial services integrate function of trade financing , account management , bad debt security and collection of receivable accounts .

  10. 国际保理,概括而言,是为国际贸易赊销方式提供的一种集账务管理、应收账款收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通为一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a kind of comprehensive service which centralizing international trade credit terms , account management , account receivable , risk credit warranty and trade financing .

  11. 衡平信托投资有限责任公司(以下简称衡平信托)主要从事以金融信托为主要业务内容的综合性金融服务。

    Heng Ping Trust Investment Co. Ltd ( referred to as Heng Ping Trust below ) is a comprehensive financial service company mainly dealing with financial trust products .

  12. 现代意义的国际保理业务是一种集贸易融资、帐款回收、销售分户帐管理、信用担保几项功能于一体的综合性金融服务产品。

    Modem international factoring is an integrated financial service , which involves trade financing , collection of accounting receivable , maintenance of the sales ledger and credit security .

  13. 小微金融服务是按国家《中小企业划型标准规定》规定的,建立在小微贷款概念基础上的综合性金融服务工作。

    Small micro-financial services according to national " SME plan type standard " provisions , based on small and micro loans based on the concept of integrated financial services .

  14. 另一方面,网上银行的跨时空性和快捷性使用户足不出户便可以享受到综合化金融服务,极大地满足了客户的服务需求。

    On the other hand , the feature of across time and space and convenience of internet banking allowed customers to enjoy comprehensive financial services just staying at home , that is great satisfied customers ' requirements .

  15. 国际保理业务中应收账款债权让与的法律分析国际保理是集应收账款催收、出口贸易融资、销售分户账管理、信用销售控制与坏帐担保于一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a comprehensive tool of international settlement and financing provided by factors to exporters , which involves collection of accounts receivables , export trade financing , sales ledger administration , credit control and full protection against bad debts .

  16. 个人理财业务,又称财富管理,是传统私人银行业务的扩展,是银行等金融机构帮助富裕个人客户实现资产保值、增值的综合性金融服务。

    The Personal Financing Service ( PFS ) is the expansion of traditional private bank service . It is comprehensively financial service of which financial setups like banks help wealthy individual customers realize preservation and increment of the value of properties .

  17. 在这种情况下,主要为信用销售尤其是赊销方式而设计的一种综合性金融服务&国际保理,由于能够迎合企业在贸易融资和风险控制方面的需求,正在世界各国迅猛发展。

    Under such changing situation , a comprehensive financing service & international factoring , which is designed mainly for credit or account sales-has found its fast-growing footing in various countries , for it can help the enterprises to control the risk in trade financing .

  18. 现金管理是商业银行以现金流动性管理为核心,向企业提供的一系列账户服务、资金结算、融资、理财、投资和风险管理等的综合性金融服务业务。

    The cash management is the Commercial bank take the cash fluidity management as a core , provides a series of account service , the fund to the enterprise to settle accounts , financing , managing finances , the investment and the risk management and so on comprehensive financial service .

  19. 基于个人综合账户的金融服务平台及其产品化研究

    Studies on Private Financial Service Platform and Industrialization Based on Private Synthesis Account

  20. 作为一种综合性的金融服务,国际保理近年来在全球范围内得到了蓬勃、迅猛的发展。

    International factoring is a unique package of financial services and it has been developing rapidly in recent years .

  21. 集团不断探索在金融领域的相关多元化发展,现已搭建了投资银行、信用担保两大业务板块,更好的为中小企业提供综合性的金融服务和产业支持。

    The group is insisting on seeking multiple developments in financial field , until now , investment bank and credit guaranty have been prepared , then it will offer better service for minor enterprises .

  22. 为赊销和承兑交单而设计的一种综合性的金融服务&国际保理业务在国际结算融资舞台上扮演着越来越重要的角色,而传统的国际贸易结算手段信用证等有退出历史舞台的趋势。

    International factoring , which is designed for O / A and D / A is playing increasingly more and more important role in the world and the conventional international payment is on the trend to disappeared in the world .

  23. 为金融消费者提供综合化、个性化金融服务的个人理财业务逐渐成为商业银行业务发展的重点和必然趋势。

    Therefore , the personal financial business of commercial banks that can provide consumers with financial integration and personalized financial services has gradually become the focus of business development and an inevitable trend .

  24. 对此,中资银行也应通过开放式平台的建设,为满足客户风险管理、收益提高及增值服务三类较高层次的金融需要,构建起全方位、综合化的金融产品服务池。

    In this regard , Chinese banks should also construct an open platform to meet customers ' risk management , revenue enhancement and value-added services , and finally form a pool of comprehensive , integrated financial products and services .

  25. 物理网点、客户经理渠道吸收公众存款、发放贷款、办理结算等业务的传统经营模式,逐步发展为整合产品和服务、拓宽渠道、综合解决客户需求为特点的综合型金融服务。

    Traditional business model includes physical bank branches , public deposit inducement by account managers , granting of loans , settlements , etc. But nowadays , banks are providing synthesized financial service which gives comprehensive solution to customers in broadened channels .