
  • 网络Sustainment strategy;maintenance strategy
  1. 并发现亚历山大已通过军渡活动达成了维持战略目标、保障军队安全、维系战术机动、创造进攻态势、提供奇袭机会等一系列军事原则。

    Alexander reached a series of " military principles " such as maintaining strategic objective target , assuring military security , retaining flexible tactics , creating attacking state , providing an opportunity to raid and so on .

  2. 平衡记分卡以组织战略为导向,寻找能够驱动战略成功的关键成功因素,并建立与之具有密切因果联系的指标体系来衡量战略实施过程的状态和采取必要的修改以维持战略的持续成功。

    With the guide of organizations , Balanced Scorecard find success factors that can drive the success of strategy , and establish index system to judge the result of strategy , and take remedial measures to maintain the sustainable success .

  3. 论述了战略网络的概念,并从经济角度和内容相容性角度分析了战略网络存在的条件,最后阐明了风险和信任是维持战略网络存在的两个重要因素。

    The concept of strategic networks is discussed , the conditions of strategic networks from economic and internal compatibility is analyzed , and at last it is shown that risk and credit are two important factors in maintaining strategic networks .

  4. 例如,当两大竞争对手合并时,公司是否要维持其战略路线?

    For example , should the company keep to its strategic course following the merger of two big competitors ?

  5. 这表明当今世界力量的基本事实:美国军事上的决定性优势导致世界战略力量对比严重失衡,国际社会缺乏对美国超强力量的制约和维持国际战略格局稳定的力量。

    Such indicates that : the definitive military predominance of the US leads to severe unbalance on the powers ' order , while the international society lacks restriction to the super power .

  6. 而日本丰田知识共享网络的构建经验,可以为我国广大企业建立和维持企业战略网络提供参考。

    The article also introduced the experience of the construction of Japanese Toyota knowledge shared network , the experience can provide the direction for general enterprises in our country to establish and maintain enterprise strategic network .

  7. 为此在短期内主要实施以相关多元化为主的公司战略,而在长期内将执行一体化战略和兼并与收购战略相结合的公司战略,包含了战略维持、战略扩张和战略深化三个发展阶段。

    So in the short run the company will mainly focus on related diversification , but in the long run integration strategy and merger & acquisition strategy is a must . The whole company strategy includes strategy sustaining , strategy extension and strategy strengthening .

  8. 在结合国内外高端服务业产业园区的发展经验的基础上,提出了三个优化方案,分别是维持现有战略、适度放低目标并发展研发设计服务业、以招商引资速度为优先的发展战略。

    Based on the development experience of combining domestic and foreign high-end service industry park . At last , proposes three optimization scheme , are to maintain the existing strategy , low and moderate development of R & D design services , to the investment rate is prioritized development strategy .

  9. 维持稳定要求战略清晰,支持普世价值&即使这些普世价值并不一致。

    Stability requires strategic clarity and an underpinning of universal values , even if they are not uniform .

  10. 如何实现节能,如何维持可持续发展战略,是国家、社会、企业需要共同面对的课题。

    How to realize the energy saving , how to maintain the sustainable development strategy , is the state , society , enterprise need to face the issue .

  11. 20年来,中国对中亚的存在一定的战略思维:一是维持中亚的战略均势,防止中亚被单一力量主导。

    China has some strategic thinking toward Central Asia : First , to maintain the strategic balance in Central Asia , prevent Central Asia being dominated by a single power .

  12. 最后,针对如何掌握和使用信息,本论文提出了集中战略和整合战略两种基本战略,并就如何实施这两种基本战略提出了布局、探询、挖掘、创建、维持等五步战略实施方法。

    Lastly , aiming at that , the thesis brings forward two basic strategy-centralization strategy and conformity strategy , and then put forward five steps of Strategy implementation method , e.g. layout , exploration , establishment and maintaining .