
  • 网络Business Plan;Business Planning;EC-BP
  1. 题目盖框架企业精神、资源和能力,环境为企业精神,企业战略,-公司业务计划,E企业家;

    Topic cover-Framework Entrepreneurship , Resources and Capabilities , the Environment for Entrepreneurship , Entrepreneurial Strategies , - Corporate Business Plan , E-entrepreneur ;

  2. 虽然bounce刚开业不久,但其设想的业务计划是在伦敦再开四家夜总会。

    Bounce has only just opened but its business plan envisages four more clubs in the capital .

  3. 一开始,这个公司没有管理和业务计划,到现在为止一切进展顺利(inplace)。

    At the outset the company had no management and operations plan in place , and things have worked out just fine so far .

  4. 即要更多的关注于一个健壮的协作的业务计划,让EA本身退到幕后。

    Focus more on solid , collaborative business planning and let EA fade into the background .

  5. 塔塔承诺将沿袭这两个品牌的前任东家福特(ford)的业务计划,直至2011年,工会对此格外满意。

    Unions were particularly happy with a commitment from Tata to follow the business plan of Ford , the previous owner , up until 2011 .

  6. 这种策略是将Citrix技术合并到业务计划中。

    One such strategy is to incorporate Citrix ™ technology into the business plan .

  7. 沃尔玛(Walmart)重组中国业务计划正受到中国通常沉默寡言的官方工会的挑战。在计划关闭的门店本月爆发的3场抗议中,官方工会至少参与了其中一场抗议。

    A restructuring of Walmart 's China business is being challenged by the country 's normally reticent official union , which is involved in at least one of three protests that have erupted at stores slated for closure this month .

  8. 批准管理人员提呈的年度业务计划及财政预算;

    Approves the annual business plan and budget proposed by management ;

  9. 中国银行未回应对其海外业务计划的置评请求。

    The bank did not return calls seeking comment on its offshore plans .

  10. 制定年度人资业务计划及预算;

    To prepare an annual HR plan and budget ;

  11. 我对你的业务计划有个问题。

    I have a question about your business plan .

  12. 根据业务计划在其管理区域制定关键业绩指示。

    Set the KPI 's in his area according to the business plan .

  13. 我们在开会草拟一份新的业务计划。

    We 're having a meeting to sketch out a new business plan .

  14. 卡札表示:我们在部署业务计划时,利用了在斯坦福的关系和人脉。

    When we were deploying the business plan , we used Stanford connections and networks .

  15. 为市建局的运作而拟备事务计划草案及业务计划草案;

    Prepare draft corporate plans and draft business plans for the operation of the authority ;

  16. 每一个业务计划将有百分之六十为有机生产的共同筹资。

    There will be a60 percent Community co-financing rate for organic production in each Operational Programme .

  17. 然而,在两种情况下,都是相对于原始的业务计划来管理活动。

    In both cases , however , activities are managed in relation to the original business plan .

  18. 计划程序特别是六个月的业务计划执行得非常严肃认真。

    The planning process , and in particular the six-month operating plan , are taken very seriously .

  19. 警戒性声明:本新闻稿中的估计、预期及业务计划均为前瞻性声明。

    Cautionary statement : estimates , expectations , and business plans in this release are forward-looking statements .

  20. 演示业务计划使用完善的联机演示文稿,向潜在的投资者推销您的业务计划。

    Business plan as presentation pitch your business plan to prospective investors with a slick online presentation .

  21. 提交根据业务计划和日常操作计划一致的预算建议。

    Submit budget proposals as required by business planning and operate within the agreed annual operating plan .

  22. 一旦你选定了私人股本公司,你就需要形成业务计划。

    Once you have chosen the private equity house , you need to develop the business plan .

  23. 你可以把帐目记录,业务计划,图表或机密情报备份到光盘上,可保证数十年安然无恙。

    You can backup accounting records , business plans charts , graphs or confidential information on CDs for decades .

  24. 协同员工,发展年度业务计划和预算核准,在既定预算方针下监督各项资源的使用;

    Together with staff , develops yearly business plan and budget for approval and monitors resources within those budgetary guidelines .

  25. 学习聚集所须人员和信息以拟出业务计划的过程。学习作业务计划的参考指引。

    To learn the process of how to pull together the necessary people and information to develop a business plan .

  26. 然而,他们的赛车业务计划在下个月出售,并且已经有了一个可能的买家。

    However , the sale of their racing car business is planned for next month and already has a possible buyer .

  27. 全面预算管理的业绩评价体系把公司长期战略目标拆分为短期业务计划目标。

    The total budget management of the performance evaluation system of the company long-term strategic goal for short-term business plan split goal .

  28. 当执行遭到延迟时,需要快速响应时间、获得竞争优势的业务计划也会受挫。

    The business initiatives that demand quick response times and are geared towards gaining competitive advantage lose steam when execution is delayed .

  29. 因此,我们的2013年经营目标和业务计划需要得到董事会批准。

    So when we had the business objectives and business plan for 2013 , they needed to be approved by the board .

  30. 监视内部和外部审计流程,以考虑到任何对香港航空资本业务计划或方向有意义的变化。

    Monitor the internal and external audit process to take account of any meaningful changes to hkac 's business plans or directions .