
yè jì pínɡ jià
  • performance evaluation;evaluation of achievements
  1. 四是PB公司业绩评价体系的研究不局限于平衡计分卡。

    Fourth , this paper is not limited to the Balanced Scorecard .

  2. 对企业经营业绩评价的探讨&建立EVA综合平衡计分卡

    An Approach to Evaluation of Enterprise Performance & Establishing EVA Balanced Scorecard

  3. 浅谈EVA指标在企业集团业绩评价中的应用

    The Application of EVA in the Achievement Appraise System of Enterprise Group

  4. 引入EVA体系下业绩评价与激励体系,约束代理者短期行为。

    Evaluation and stimulation system under EVA can be introduced to restrict short-term behavior .

  5. 浅析EVA业绩评价系统

    The analysis on EVA achievement evaluation system

  6. 基于EVA的业绩评价模型与方法

    EVA-Based Performance Measure Model and Method

  7. 基于DEA的封闭式基金业绩评价

    DEA-Based Closed-End Fund Performance Evaluation

  8. 二是本文以从事能源经营的PB公司为研究对象,制定了17个适合行业特点的业绩评价体系,可为类似企业提供借鉴。

    Second , this paper engaged in energy management company.17 developed indicators for industry characteristics of the performance evaluation system can provide reference for similar .

  9. 其次说明了国资委EVA业绩评价体系在央企的适用性,对考核方法进行了解读。

    Second , it illustrates the usability of the EVA performance evaluation system implemented in central enterprises and interprets the assessment methods .

  10. 在实际应用中,根据项目风险特征改进EVA模型,可以有效地避免业绩评价指标产生的激励扭曲问题。

    In practice the EVA model can be adjusted according to the risk nature of investment in order to eliminate incentive distortion problems .

  11. 应加快研究适合我国国情和上市公司实际的EVA计算方法,把EVA作为我国上市公司业绩评价和相关部门制订政策时的参考指标之一。

    The paper suggests to study the use of EVA in our country and make it a reference of evaluating for government policy-making .

  12. 目前理论界对于EVA研究主要集中于两个方面:一是EVA作为一种业绩评价指标的有效性;

    At present the research on EVA mainly concentrate in two aspects : One is the validity of EVA as an index for accomplishment evaluation ;

  13. 当前战略业绩评价的一种理想的思路是运用平衡计分卡作为基本的分析框架,融合其他管理工具的一些优点,如EVA。

    One of the ideal methods for strategic performance evaluation is to use BSC as a basic framework , integrating with some traits of other tools .

  14. 文章首先将EVA指标与传统的经营者业绩评价指标进行比较,论证EVA是一个相对合理的经营者业绩评价指标。

    Firstly , this thesis makes a comparison between EVA and traditional managers ' performance measurement indicators , and demonstrate that EVA is a relatively rational indicator .

  15. 总结了我国银行在客户关系管理、客户业绩评价中的现状、现行成本核算方式和存在的问题,并介绍了国外商业银行CRM的实践以及在这些方面与国外同行业的差距。

    Then it makes a summary on the current situation of CRM and CPA , the pattern of cost accounting and the existing problems of the banks in China .

  16. 首先可以使用VaR测度经济资本,其次运用VaR可以实现从利润中扣除风险因素后进行业绩评价,即RAPM方法,最后,VaR可以用于股东价值分析,从而据以进行战略决策。

    Firstly , VaR measures the amount of economic capital , then deduct risk charges from profits , which leads to RAPM methods .

  17. TOPSIS法在科技人员业绩评价中的应用

    Application and comparison of comprehensive evaluating the achievements of scientific and technological professionals of health science by peer review and TOPSIS method

  18. 将Bayesian统计推断理论引入证券投资基金业绩评价过程,提出一种从投资者角度评价基金业绩的Bayesian方法。

    The paper specially introduces the theory of Bayesian Statistical Inference into performance evaluation procedure for securities investment funds and proposes a Bayesian method of performance evaluation from an investor'perspective .

  19. 本文主要论述引入EVA的商业银行业绩评价体系研究问题,共分为五个部分,其章节安排如下:第一部分为绪论。

    This thesis discusses the introduction of EVA performance evaluation of commercial banks . The thesis is divided into five parts as follows : The first part is introduction .

  20. ETF市场的长足进步,需要有配套的风险测度与业绩评价。

    The great progress of the ETF market needs the support of risk measure and the performance evaluation of this market .

  21. 企业业绩评价(PerformanceEvaluation)作为企业管理的重要组成部分,可以为企业各利益相关者提供决策依据,有利于促进企业改善经营管理,提高经济效益,增强企业核心竞争力。

    Evaluation of enterprise performance ( Performance Evaluation ) as a business management an important component of the enterprise can provide the various stakeholders in decision-making based on the promotion of enterprises to improve management , enhance economic efficiency , and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  22. 以EVA为基础的业绩评价体系和有效的激励机制将资本成本理论引入传统业绩计量中,通过会计调整修正了会计净利润潜在的偏差和扭曲,正确地反映企业价值创造过程。

    According to EVA theory , capital cost is introduced into the traditional performance evaluation . The accounting rules ' potential deviation and distortion has been revised by accounting adjustments .

  23. 经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,EVA)是一种剩余收益型的业绩评价指标,在企业管理实践中有广泛的用途。

    The paper gives a general review of the theoretical and empirical study on economic value added ( EVA ) . EVA is a managerial performance measure based upon the residual income concept and has been widely used in corporate managerial practice .

  24. 由美国Stern&stewart公司首倡的EVA应运而生,其优势体现在进行业绩评价时考虑了权益资本成本,主要通过对股东价值的创造的衡量来进行业绩评价。

    EVA , which brought forward by Stern & Stewart Co , Its advantages represent on considering the cost of equity capital . EVA measure performance by evaluating the stockholder value created .

  25. 最后,对构建我国国有企业业绩评价体系提出建议以构建一个基于EVA的我国国有企业业绩评价指标体系。

    Finally , this paper gives some suggestions about constructing our country state-owned enterprise performance evaluation system to construct our country state-owned enterprise performance evaluation system which regards EVA as the core .

  26. 将EVA与企业的价值创造活动融合起来,让EVA成为度量价值创造活动绩效的指标,这为各种价值创造活动提供了统一的标准,有利于业绩评价和薪酬激励。

    Integrating EVA and value creation activities and making EVA as an indicator of measuring value creation performance , which provides a uniform standard for various activities of value creation . This is benefit to performance evaluation and compensation incentive .

  27. EVA是20世纪80年代以来在西方兴起的一个新兴的业绩评价指标,它克服了传统指标的缺陷,比较准确地反映了公司在一定时期内为股东创造的价值。

    EVA is a performance evaluation index newly emerged in western countries since 1980s . Devoid of the limitations of the traditional indexes , EVA reflects with considerable accuracy the value that a enterprise creates for its shareholders in a certain period .

  28. 最后,通过构建的基于EVA的国有企业业绩评价指标体系,对华北制药股份有限公司从纵向及横向对比这两个方面进行业绩评价,进一步说明该评价体系的应用。

    In the end , we evaluate the performance of North China Pharmaceutical Company . LTD with performance evaluation system based on EVA of state-owned company lengthways and horizontally , in order to explain the application of the performance evaluation system more .

  29. 接着,分析比较了传统的业绩评价体系、EVA体系和BSC体系,指出了其存在的优缺点,在此基础上构建了基于企业战略的业绩评价体系。

    Then , analyzed and compared the traditional performance evaluation system , EVA system and the BSC system , and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of them , on this basis to build a strategic performance evaluation system .

  30. 本文旨在以EVA的业绩评价方法解释恒隆地产采用价值投资理念长期持有投资性物业,为股东等企业利益相关者群体创造价值、获取回报的原因所在。

    In this thesis we aims to use EVA performance evaluation methods to explain the real value of Hang Lung Properties who has a long-term investment philosophy of holding investment property and can always create business value for shareholders and other related groups .