
  • 网络Performance Forecast;Earnings estimate
  1. 5月中旬,在facebook修改招股说明书,以反映第一季度增长放缓后,他们调降了业绩预测。

    They reduced their forecasts in mid-May after Facebook revised its prospectus to reflect slowing growth in the first quarter .

  2. 文章在进行研究时主要采用的是半年度数据,这就为财务业绩预测提供了一定的及时性。

    During the study , semi-annual data was used which might provide financial results forecast in time .

  3. 第一,抛弃季度业绩预测。

    1 jettison quarterly guidance .

  4. 银行业绩预测为金融市场的各种投资与投机主体提供决策依据。

    The bank outstanding achievement forecast provides decision-making foundation for various investment or speculation subjects in financial markets .

  5. 公司首席执行官们辩称,由于分析师和基金经理人的要求,他们被迫提供业绩预测。

    Chief executives argue that they are forced to provide forecasts because analysts and fund managers demand them .

  6. 但上周五,三星公布了令人失望的业绩预测之后,这支股票一天之内再度跌去3.8%。

    But the stock got hammered again on Friday , losing 3.8 % in one trading day following a disappointing earnings forecast .

  7. 多数中小投资者因缺乏有效信息和专业知识,他们对上市公司的分析更多依赖于证券分析师的业绩预测。

    Due to the lack of effective information and expertise , most of the small and medium-sized investors mainly rely on securities analysts ' forecasts when analyzing the publicly listed companies .

  8. 为了能够更好的反映出新旧会计准则下不同盈余结构业绩预测能力的存在性和差异性,本文构建了两个不同的模型。

    In order to better reflect the existence and difference of different earnings structure performance predictive capability under the new and old accounting standards , this paper establishes two different models .

  9. 因此,提高业绩预测的准确程度、使投资者真正获取决策相关的信息,是业绩预告制度推行和实施过程中需要一直努力的方向。

    Therefore , we must try our best to improve the accuracy of the earnings forecasts and to provide information related with decision-making in the process of implementing earnings pre-annunciation system .

  10. 但汇丰的数据显示,在对富时环球指数成份股业绩预测的变动中,调高预测的数字已经上升到50家,显示出乐观气氛日益浓厚。

    But , according to HSBC , the number of upgrades compared with all changes in forecasts on stocks in the FTSE all-world index has climbed to 50 indicating increasing positive sentiment .

  11. 最后,对上海石化和扬子石化进行了投资价值的研究。通过对两家公司2003年度财务数据的分析、2004年的业绩预测、投资项目未来的盈利前景分析等对两家公司投资价值进行了研究。

    Lastly , the report studies the invest value of Shanghai petrochemical company and Yangzi petrochemical company by the analysis of the financial data and profit prospect in 2004 of these two companies .

  12. 证券监管部门对上市公司的业绩预测修正行为应该进行有效的监管,确保业绩预测的严肃性和公正性,使之真正达到修正以往业绩预测、为投资者提供更准确的公司盈余信息的目的。

    In order to provide investors with more accurate earnings information and to ensure the seriousness and impartiality of earnings pre-annunciation , securities regulatory departments should monitor listed companies ' earnings pre-annunciation revision effectively .

  13. 目前,我国学术界对盈余结构的研究上尚处于起步阶段,对新会计准则下盈余结构对公司未来业绩预测的研究更是处于空白状态。

    Up to now , profit structure research in China is still at the beginning , and the research of profit structure on the forecast of company future achievement under new accounting rule is blank .

  14. 台积电的主要竞争对手联华电子周三发布了类似的第四季度业绩下降预测。

    UMC , its main rival , predicted a similar decline in fourth quarter sales on Wednesday .

  15. 这一层次的研究进一步表明,应计质量的好坏直接影响投资者对于公司业绩的预测,从而影响其对于公司股票的估价。

    The further study tells us that accruals quality directly affects investors ' predicting of company performance and consequent valuation of company stock . 5 .

  16. 该公司补充称,其尚未确定此罚款是否将迫使其修订对本财年业绩的预测。

    The company added that it had not yet determined if the fine would force a revision of its business forecasts for the current financial year .

  17. 基金投资者一般根据历史绩效来选择基金进行投资,这种投资策略有效的前提是基金绩效显著且具有持续性,历史绩效能对基金未来业绩进行预测。

    Generally the investors choose the fund based on the historical performance . The presupposition of such investment strategy is that funds ' performance is significantly and persistently , and historical performance can predict the future performance .

  18. 投资者在进行投资决策时,常常会根据企业的历史经营业绩来预测企业未来的盈利能力,判断投资的风险和收益。

    The trajectory of the operational performance looks like an inverted V. Investors , while making investment decisions , often use historical performance data to predict the future profitability of the company , and thus determine the risks and benefits of the investment .

  19. 分析师对ADM末季业绩的普遍预测为每股53美分。

    The quarterly performance was above analysts ' consensus forecast of 53 cents per share .

  20. 在加入WTO后,以基金、社保、保险、券商为首的机构投资者,坚持行业分析、上市公司业绩研究和预测,这种基本面分析价值投资理念将成为市场主导。

    After entering into WTO , organization investors led by fund , social insurance security , insurance and securities , which are insisted in industry analysis , research and forecast of listed companies ' performance , which has been prominent notion for value investment .

  21. 我怀疑,董事会的混乱正是公司未来业绩如此难以预测的根本原因之一。

    I suspect board chaos is a key underlying reason why future performance of companies is so hard to predict .

  22. 凯还抨击了影响企业决策的“交易文化”,以及“病态的”业绩指引和预测“周期”。

    He will also attack the " trading culture " that influences corporate decision-making and a " dysfunctional cycle " of earnings guidance and forecasts .

  23. 在瑞士央行做出这一决定后,斯沃琪的股价下跌了20%,不过斯沃琪昨日发布的上半年业绩数据超出预测,帮助其股价收复了大约一半的失地。

    Shares in Swatch have clawed back about half of the 20 per cent drop that followed that decision , helped by half-year results yesterday that beat forecasts .

  24. 他没有对明年的业绩做出精确预测,但他说:“2005年的回报不会让作为股东的我感到满意。”

    Mr Isdell did not provide a precise forecast for next year but said : " 2005 is not going to deliver the returns that will be satisfactory to me as a shareholder . "

  25. 官方的《中国证券报》(chinasecuritiesjournal)形容钢铁行业为“重灾区”,80%的上市钢材生产商警告称,它们的业绩将逊于预测。

    The China Securities Journal , an official newspaper , described the steel industry as the " main disaster zone " in the downturn , with 80 per cent of listed steel producers warning that their results will be worse than forecast .

  26. 公司业绩高出分析师预测的幅度,达到两位数的百分比,而未来业绩指引也很正面。

    And company earnings are beating analysts by double-digit percentage terms , while guidance is positive .

  27. 鉴于松下电器一个月前发布中期业绩时没有下调预测,此次修正预测的规模让分析师大为震惊。

    Analysts were taken aback by the scale of the revision given that Panasonic did not cut its estimates when it released its interim results a month ago .

  28. 周一,宏达国际的股价涨停,至新台币169元(约5.59美元),涨幅6.9%,因投资者预期,宏达国际在周二公布业绩预期时会预测第二季度将扭亏为盈。

    The company 's stock rose by the maximum daily limit of 6.9 % on Monday to 169 New Taiwan dollars ( US $ 5.59 ) on expectations that HTC would forecast a return to profit for the second quarter when it releases guidance on Tuesday .

  29. 指标体系从商业模式、竞争环境、经营业绩与财务状况预测、管理层评估、项目估值和融资计划五个方面对被投资对象进行考察与评估,考察,并对各个因素进行了全面论述。

    The index system from the business model , competitive environment , operating results and financial position forecasts , management assessment , five aspects of project valuation and financing plan to inspect and assess the investment targets , inspection , and the various factors discussed in a comprehensive .

  30. 就像他们的希腊和罗马先辈一样,这些公司中的巨人担负着预测未来的责任:华尔街最迫切知道的数字莫过于业绩指引,即公司自己的业绩预测。

    Like their Greek and Roman predecessors , these corporate titans are charged with predicting the future : no number is more eagerly awaited by Wall Street than earnings guidance – companies ' own performance forecast .