
  • 网络Performance evaluation standards;GIPs
  1. 跨国公司业绩评价标准的研究

    The study of MNC Managerial standard performance Evaluating Method

  2. 因此,业绩评价标准应尽量使评价结果剔除噪音的影响,能更真实地反映经营者的努力程度。

    Therefore , performance evaluation standards should be made to truthfully reflect the management performance to the largest extent with the exclusion of noises .

  3. 本文研究的业绩评价标准是指在业绩评价过程中,为实现特定的目的,基于一定基础所选用的、用以评判评价对象业绩优劣的具体参照物和对比尺度。

    The enterprise performance evaluation criterion refers to the reference or yardstick that selected based on certain foundation and used to judge target 's performance for realizing the specific purpose , in the course of company performance assessment .

  4. 文章最后对火力发电企业运用套期保值会计提出了编制全面收益表、建立套期保值部门业绩评价标准、加强期货套期保值风险控制等几点建议。

    Finally , I suggest that thermal power enterprises should compile comprehensive income statement , establish hedge sector performance evaluation standards , and enhance the control of risks in futures hedging and management in the process of application of hedge accounting .

  5. 经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded)是当今流行的财务理念,作为公司治理和业绩评价的标准,经济增加值正逐渐成为一种全球通用的衡量标准。

    Economic value-added nowadays prevailing financial idea , control as company and standard that achievement appraise , the economic value-added is becoming a kind of global criterion in common use gradually .

  6. 在整个世界的范围内,EVA被作为企业治理与业绩评价的标准已经被大量的、广泛的运用和实施。

    In the whole world , the EVA corporate governance and performance evaluation system standards have been massively applied .

  7. 在两权分离过程中,要达到有效的治理,实现公司治理的基本目标,企业的经营与运作需要一个能真正反映公司业绩的评价标准。

    In two rights separation process , to be effective on management , and realize the basic goal of corporate governance , the enterprise requires an indicator to truly reflect the company performance .

  8. 企业业绩评价之评价标准研究

    The Research of Enterprise 's Performance Evaluation Criterion

  9. 结合现有企业经营业绩评价指标与标准体系,以上述结论为依据,构建出我国企业经营业绩评价体系框架,并设计了相关指标与标准体系。

    Basing on the above-mentioned conclusions , the writer founds the frame of PE system and designs the correspondent system of standard and indices .

  10. 最后为了调动发电企业的积极性,探讨了对发电企业业绩计量与评价的标准。

    In order to improve the activeness of the power plant , discussed the achievement standard of calculation and evaluation of power plant .

  11. 毫无疑问,松弛的预算会降低员工努力程度和企业总体业绩水平,使预算作为业绩评价标准本身失去其应有的客观性,并使企业资源配置出现扭曲。

    Without a doubt , the existence of budgetary slack can reduce the staff level of effort and the enterprise achievement level , cause the budget losing the objectivity its should have as achievement evaluation criteria , and cause the enterprise resources disposition to appear the distortion .

  12. 第三,战略业绩评价体系中的业绩目标、评价标准以及指标体系应该以一种什么样的逻辑机理来设立?

    What is the logical mechanism to design the performance goals , measurement standards and index sign ?

  13. 再分别从筹资、投资两个方面进行研究,这其中是按业绩评价目标、业绩评价指标、评价标准和评价方法的顺序来阐述的。

    Finally financial performance evaluation and investment performance evaluation are deeply discussed respectively with the order of performance evaluation target , performance evaluation index , and performance evaluation standard and performance evaluation method .