
  • Performance evaluation methods;【财】performance evaluation techniques
  1. EVA业绩评价方法与薪酬激励制度在酒店人力资源管理中的应用

    Application of EVA Outstanding Achievement Assessment and Salary Excitation in the Process of Hotel Labor Power Resources Management

  2. EVA是一种业绩评价方法,剩余收益估价模型是一种权益估价方法。

    EVA is a method of performance evaluation , and residual income valuation model is a method of equity valuation .

  3. CVA还是EVA:企业业绩评价方法的选择

    Selection of performance measurement methods in corporations : CVA or EVA

  4. 通过对EVA业绩评价方法的详细阐述,说明EVA业绩评价体系将成为我国企业业绩评价体系的现实和必然选择。

    Through think detailed exposition of method to EVA performance appraise , proved EVA performance appraisal system become of our country enterprise performance appraise reality and must be only one choose .

  5. 论文第三、四章中,将传统财务模式业绩评价方法与近年来创新的业绩评价方法,尤其是EVA及BSC方法进行比较研究,得出它们之间存在互补性的结论;

    The topic of chapter three and four is comparing those Performance Evaluation means particularly traditional financial model EVA and BSC . Then I get a conclusion that those three kind methods are complementary .

  6. EVA是西方近年来兴起的一种经营业绩评价方法,REVA、MVA则是对EVA的修正和完善,但也存在不足与局限。

    EVA is a method of evaluating the business achievements in western countries , REVA and MVA are its rectification and improvement . But they still have some flaws and limits .

  7. EVA是由美国纽约Stem&Steward咨询公司提出的一种业绩评价方法,目的在于准确反映公司为股东创造的价值,促使公司管理者以股东价值最大化作为其行为准则。

    As a performance measurement put forward by the consulting firm Stern & Steward , EVA is intended to present accurately the value created for shareholders , so that managers may view shareholder value maximization as their code of conduct .

  8. 经济增加值(EVA)作为一种有效的业绩评价方法和企业管理方法已经在国外被广泛地使用,其目的在于使企业的管理者能够以为股东创造财富为其经营准则。

    EVA as an effective performance evaluation method and a measure of business management , it has been widely used in the foreign countries . The purpose of EVA is to make enterprise managers to create more wealth for shareholders .

  9. 本文旨在以EVA的业绩评价方法解释恒隆地产采用价值投资理念长期持有投资性物业,为股东等企业利益相关者群体创造价值、获取回报的原因所在。

    In this thesis we aims to use EVA performance evaluation methods to explain the real value of Hang Lung Properties who has a long-term investment philosophy of holding investment property and can always create business value for shareholders and other related groups .

  10. 探讨了最新的企业业绩评价方法&现金增加值(CVA),介绍了几个与现金增加值相关的概念,如战略投资、非战略投资等,提出了计算现金增加值的基本模型。

    The paper studies one of the newest methods of the corporation performance measurement - Cash Value Added ( CVA ) . Some related concepts are introduced , such as strategic investments and non-strategic investments .

  11. 企业业绩评价方法选定的理论思考

    Theoretic Thinking on the Selection of Evaluation Methods of Enterprise Achievements

  12. 民营企业销售经理业绩评价方法新探

    Research on the Evaluation of Achievement of Sales Manager in Private Enterprise

  13. 第三章,对基金业绩评价方法进行全面系统地梳理。

    Chapter 2 summarizes exiting studies on security investment fund performance evaluation .

  14. 企业经营业绩评价方法的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Assessment of Business Performance

  15. 上市公司股票业绩评价方法探讨

    Assessment Method Discussion on Public Companies ' Share Achievement

  16. 我国饭店经营业绩评价方法的改革

    Reform of Hotel Performance Evaluation Method in China

  17. 指出:詹森指数与权重基准是是目前比较适合我国现实的基金业绩评价方法与评价基准;

    It prefers that the Johnson index and weight benchmark is more suitable to Chinese reality ;

  18. 投资者运用专业化的业绩评价方法找到适合自己的投资产品。

    The investors find the right ways of using professional performance evaluation method for investment products .

  19. 本文通过对国内外基金业绩评价方法进行总结、分类,从三个方面对基金业绩评价理论进行阐述和研究,包括风险调整收益评价方法、业绩成因分析和投资风格分析。

    It includes three sections : risk-adjusted performance valuation , performance attribution analysis and investment style analysis .

  20. 而经济增加值作为一种先进的业绩评价方法,其强调资本成本,并着眼于企业价值创造。

    EVA as an advanced method of performance evaluation stressed the capital cost and focused on corporate value creation .

  21. 企业理论随着企业制度的发展而相应发展,同时又成为经营业绩评价方法产生的理论基础。

    The firm theory is along with firms ' development , which is the base of firm performance measurement .

  22. 但是传统的业绩评价方法已经无法反映中小型饭店的实际业绩和战略竞争能力,我国中小型饭店业绩评价方法亟待进行改革。

    The traditional performance evaluation methods can not reflect the medium and small sized hotels ' actual performance and strategic competition abilities .

  23. 随着经济的发展,传统的企业业绩评价方法不能全面准确的反映企业的业绩。

    With the development of economy , the traditional performance evaluation methods of enterprises cannot fully and accurately reflect the achievements of enterprises .

  24. 另外,本文还做了补充实验,研究激励幅度对预算执行厚尾现象的影响,结果表明,激励幅度对业绩评价方法与预算执行厚尾之间的关系存在调节作用。

    The results indicate that incentive range has a moderating effect on the association between performance assessment method and fat tail of budget execution .

  25. 本文通过对现有战略性业绩评价方法的分析,结合供应链管理的特点,提出了一套适合我国制造业经营管理特点的战略性业绩评价体系。

    This thesis put forward the strategy performance evaluation system of manufacture enterprise , It base on supply chain management traits and analyzed to current strategy evaluation system .

  26. 目的:建立一个科学、客观、公正、可量化的卫生科技人员业绩评价方法。

    Objective : to establish a new comprehensive method to evaluate the achievements of scientific and technological professionals of health science scientifically , objectively , fairly and quantitatively .

  27. 第三,借助本文建立的上市公司战略经营业绩评价方法,对我国沪、深两市电器机械及器材制造业上市公司进行了实证排名,并对该行业进行了评价。

    Thirdly , by using the system of evaluation , the paper makes a rank to the Chinese listed companies in the manufacturing industry of electronical machine and equipment .

  28. 2007年,公司更是从编制预算开始就将责任落实到个人(特别是营销人员),对个人进行了更为严格的客观的业绩评价方法和指标。

    In 2007 , the firm distributed responsibilities to individuals ( especially salesmen ) from the beginning of producing budget and more strict and objective evaluation methods and index .

  29. 本文在对传统业绩评价方法局限性和经济增加值的优势进行对比的情况下,着重对构建基于经济增加值的中小型饭店业绩评价体系进行研究。

    This paper researches the limitation of the traditional performance evaluation methods , the advantages of Economic Value Added and constructs the performance evaluation system based on Economic Value Added .

  30. 当前我国煤炭上市公司根据会计利润的原理,主要以净利润、剩余收益、现金流量三种业绩评价方法为主。

    According to the principle of accounting profit , Coal listed companies in China mainly take net profit , residual income , cash flows as three kinds of performance evaluation methods .