
  • 网络vicksburg
  1. 七十岁的温斯顿·霍尔曼(WinstonHolman)有生以来一直居住在维克斯堡。

    Seventy-year-old Winston Holman has lived in Vicksburg all his life .

  2. 但是现在,他们已来不及考虑维克斯堡。

    But now they could give little thought to vicksburg .

  3. 维克斯堡曾是密西西比河下游的门户。

    Vicksburg was the key to the lower Mississippi .

  4. 密西西比河在密西西比州的维克斯堡等地设置了记录。

    The river has been setting records in places like Vicksburg in the state of Mississippi .

  5. 在北维克斯堡,朋友和家人一直在帮助约安公园准备离开。

    In North Vicksburg , friends and family members have been helping Joann Parks prepare to leave .

  6. 这些素质使李发动了令人钦佩的马纳塞斯第二战役和钱瑟勒斯维尔战役,为格兰特赢得了维克斯堡战役。

    These were the qualities which gave Lee the dazzling campaigns of Second Manassas and Chancellorsville and won Vicksburg for Grant .

  7. 1863年美国内战期间的一场非常重要的战役就发生于此,使得维克斯堡成为最受游客欢迎的一个地方。

    There was an important battle there in eighteen sixty-three during the Civil War & which still makes it a popular stop for visitors .

  8. 1863年7月4日,尤利西斯格兰特将军包围了密西西比维克斯堡,迫使邦联军投降。

    Also on July 4 , 1863 , General Ulysses Grant was able to force the surrender of the besieged city of Vicksburg , Mississippi .

  9. 南北的将领们在这里上演了夏洛、维克斯堡、查塔努加、亚特兰大等一幕幕永载史册的经典战役。最后,从军事思想方面来看,总体战的兴起与发展无疑引领了时代的潮流。

    The north and south generals performed classical battles such as Shiloh , Vicksburg , Chattanooga , Atlanta . Finally , from aspec of the military thinking , with the general war being on the rise developing the tidal current having guided times .