
  • 网络Statistical Multiplexing
  1. ATM交换系统的统计复用技术

    Techniques of Statistical Multiplexing in ATM Switching System

  2. CATV的统计复用模型以及软件复用的具体实现

    Statistical Multiplexing Model Based on the CATV Network and Implementation of Software-multiplexer

  3. 并应用该模型分析了满足Gamma分布信源统计复用的性能。

    We analyzed the performance of a multiplexer which sources'distribution is Gamma using our new model .

  4. TDMA卫星通信系统中一种话音业务统计复用算法

    A Statistical Multiplexing Algorithm for Voice Service in TDMA Satellite Communication System

  5. 文章强调指出中国的TD-SCDMA应尽快向无连接的分组统计复用方向演化。

    It emphasizes that Chinese TD-SCDMA should develop toward connectionless statistical packet multiplexing as early as possible .

  6. VBRMPEG-2业务统计复用特性的研究

    Statistical multiplexing characteristics of VBR MPEG-2 traffic

  7. ATM技术很好地解决了数据的透明传送问题,但定时信息在ATM网中的传递透明性由于统计复用而受到损害,而时钟同步是电路仿真业务的关键问题。

    ATM supports transparent data transport , which brings distortion of timing information , while clock synchro-nization is the key point of ATM CES .

  8. 首先讨论了在采用FIFO(FirstinFirstout)服务策略且缓存趋于无限大时,满足一定溢出概率要求的统计复用带宽要求,然后对这种情况进行了仿真分析。

    First , with the FIFO ( First In First Out ) service discipline and pre-determined buffer overflow probability , the requirement of multiplexing bandwidth is obtained under the condition of asymptotic infinite buffer .

  9. 本文针对ATM技术在卫星网络中的应用,就如何实现卫星频率资源的分配,以提高全网统计复用的增益,降低信元的丢失率,提出了一种新的排队模型:二级队列共享。

    The paper presents a new method , two-stage queueing model for resource sharing , to improve the efficiency of bandwith and to decrease cell loss rate in satellite ATM network .

  10. PTN灵活的统计复用、严格的QoS和时间同步等电信级传送网能力符合运营商网络发展的需求。

    PTN flexible statistical multiplexing , strict QoS and time synchronization transmission network telecommunication level ability to meet the needs of the development of the network operators .

  11. ATM交换技术融合了电路交换与分组交换的优点,在带宽统计复用、高速分组交换和保证不同业务的QoS等方面具有突出优势。

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM ) switching technology , which integrates the advantages of the circuit-switched and packet-switched , has outstanding advantages of statistical multiplexing in bandwidth , high-speed packet switching and guaranteeing the QoS of different services .

  12. RPR也采用统计复用,因而带宽能被超额定购,同时建立了在每个应用程序基础上的约定信息速率(CIR)和峰值速率门限。

    RPR also uses statistical multiplexing so that bandwidth can be oversubscribed , while establishing committed information rate ( CIR ) and peak-rate thresholds on a per-application basis .

  13. ◆提出MMBP模型的新的统计复用分析方法。

    A statistical multiplexing method of MMBP source inputs is presented .

  14. 光突发交换(OBS)技术支持带宽统计复用,具有适中的光交换粒度,能够充分利用成熟的电域技术和先进的光域技术,称为目前可行的光交换方案。

    Optical burst switching technologies ( OBS ) have many virtues such as supporting bandwidth multiplexing , fine granularity and facilitating the better synergy of the mature electronic technologies and the advanced optical technologies .

  15. MPEG的CBR编码与VBR编码各有优缺点,但经多路MPEGVBR编码的视频流可通过统计复用获得较好的图像质量和较高的带宽增益。

    MPEG CBR encode and VBR encode have both advantages and disadvantages , but the latter can obtains better picture quality and higher bandwidth gain through statistical multiplexing when multi MPEG video streams are concerned .

  16. 未来B-ISDN的成功在很大程度上依赖于其对各种业务类型(如话音、视频和数据等)的统计复用性能。

    The success of the future B-ISDN depends heavily on the ability to perform multiplexing of various services , such as voice , video , data , and so on .

  17. EPON结构的一个重要特性是在多用户间共享传输介质,动态带宽分配(DBA)机制提供了上行信道的统计复用,以达到高效和公平的带宽分配,这是本文研究的核心内容。

    An important feature of EPON architecture is to share the transmission media between multiple subscribers . Dynamic bandwidth allocation ( DBA ) schemes provide statistical multiplexing in the upstream channel , allowing bandwidth to be effectively and fairly allocated .

  18. ATM技术是ITU-T定义的作为B-ISDN的交换技术,具有快速分组交换和统计复用技术的特点,可以有效地支持多种业务(如语音、图像、数据等)。

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM ) is defined by ITU-T as switch technology of B-ISDN . ATM can support a variety of traffic ( audio , image , data etc. ) effectively because of fast packet switching and statistic multiplexing .

  19. 另外,改进的协议可以避免信元碰撞和增加信道利用率,提高VBR话音和VBR图像业务的统计复用增益,提高话音终端的容量。

    In addition , the improved PRMA + + protocol prevents cell collisions and increases the channel efficiency , moreover , the more statistical multiplexing gains are got for VBR voice and VBR video traffic and voice capacity increases too .

  20. 介绍一些新型数字电视前端设备,例如,统计复用器,统计再复用器,带复用加扰功能的QAM调制器以及多协议的DS-3到ASI双向适配器,并且讲述如何利用这些设备构建前端。

    This article introduces some new equipment of DTV head-end , such as statistical multiplexer , statistical re-multiplexer , QAM modulator with multiplex and scramble function , multi-protocol DS-3 to ASI bidirectional adapter . It also describes how to construct head-end using these equipment .

  21. 采用变到达率泊松批量(VARPB)过程逼近统计复用系统的输入过程,形成了VARPB/D/1排队模型,求出了队列长度的分布和等待时间的分布。

    A varying arrival rate Poisson batch ( VARPB ) process is used to approximate the input process of a statistical multiplexer and a VARPB / D / 1 queue model is obtained . The queue length distribution and waiting time distribution are derived .

  22. 多波长激光器的研究多路视频信号的统计复用

    Study of the Multi-wavelength Laser Statistical Multiplexing of Multiple Video Programs

  23. 统计复用技术在海事卫星系统的应用

    Application of Statistic Multiplexing Technique in Inmarsat Satellite Communication System Maritime Concerns

  24. 以太网接入系统的多业务统计复用分析

    Analysis of Statistical Multiplexing of Multiservice in Ethernet Access System

  25. 基于宏块条互相关的MPEG-2VBR视频统计复用

    Statistical Multiplexing of MPEG 2 VBR Video Based on Correlation of Slice

  26. 分组交换网上的统计复用模型以及算法实现

    Statistical multiplexing model in the packet switching network and algorithms implemented on CATV network

  27. 对统计复用的效能进行了软件仿真,探讨了多优先级统计复用算法的优势。

    We simulate the performance of statistical multiplexing ; discuss the multiple priority statistical multiplexing algorithms .

  28. 尽力服务的特征是所有用户随时都在竞争网络的资源,信道是基于统计复用的。

    The characteristics of services to all users at any time in a competitive network resources , access is based on the statistical multiplexing .

  29. 该文利用分数布郎运动模型,建立了一个网络模型,此模型考虑了业务流的自相似,以及聚类的特性,通过控制有效带宽,提高统计复用效率,并通过审核控制机制,提供网络服务。

    The paper utilizes Fractional Brownian Motion model to build a network model , which improves statistical multiplexing efficiency by controlling effective bandwidth and provides services by admission control .

  30. 当波长数目增加时,服务台个数将增加,突发数据可用的资源将增加,突发丢失率将减小,统计复用的优势将更加明显。

    When the wavelength number increases , the resources available for data burst will also increase and data loss will decrease . Secondly , the offset time is investigated .