
jiǎo xíng
  • hanging;gallows;death by hanging;sentence to the gallows;sentence to be hanged
绞刑 [jiǎo xíng]
  • [gallows] 用绳子绞死的一种刑罚

  • 应处以绞刑的罪行

绞刑[jiǎo xíng]
  1. 判处某人绞刑

    to sentence sb to death by hanging

  2. 她从电话中得知,丈夫被判绞刑。

    Her husband , she learned , had been sentenced to death by hanging .

  3. 他是这个国家最后一个被处以绞刑的谋杀犯。

    He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country .

  4. 英国最后一例绞刑判决是在1964年。

    The last judicial hanging in Britain was in l964 .

  5. 那5个人将在周二早上7点被施以绞刑。

    The five were expected to be hanged at 7 am on Tuesday

  6. 11位高官因莫须有的罪名被处以绞刑。

    Eleven key officials were hanged on fabricated charges .

  7. 这两项事实使反对绞刑的理由更加充分。

    Both these facts strengthen the case against hanging

  8. 因谋杀前首相而即将处以绞刑的14个人已获缓刑。

    Fourteen people , waiting to be hanged for the murder of a former prime minister , have been reprieved .

  9. 那个可恨的凶手被处以绞刑。

    The detestable murderer was hanged .

  10. 这里是什么时候废止绞刑的?

    When was hanging abolished here ?

  11. Gallowshumor(绞刑架幽默)指在面临极度不适、严肃或痛苦的情势时表现出来的幽默。

    Gallows1 humor is humor in the face of or about very unpleasant , serious , or painful circumstances .

  12. 让这个世界变得更好吧,好让你自己不会有一天也变成那个绞刑架上的理智者。

    Help the world be better , so that you won 't one day be the sane one hanging from the tree .

  13. 绞刑架幽默的创作者或中心人物一般是上述情境下的受害者,而非施害者。

    Gallows humor is typically made by or about the victim of such a situation , but not the perpetrator of it .

  14. 毕竟,如果9个睿智的人可以在一件事情上达成共识,那这个事情就是“正常”的,而那个持反对意见的第10个人就应该上绞刑架。

    For what is normal is that upon which nine wise people can agree , leaving the tenth to swing from a hangman 's rope .

  15. 用有点轻快的、带点傻气的或者讽刺意味的幽默来对待死亡、战争、疾病及犯罪等严肃事物的幽默都可以被称为“绞刑架幽默”。

    Any humor that treats serious matters , such as death , war , disease , crime , etc. , in a light , silly or satirical fashion is considered gallows humor .

  16. 杀人犯威廉·帕默尔被公开执刑时,据说他看了看绞刑架上的活动门,然后问施刑者:“你确定那门安全吗?”

    For example : At his public execution , the murderer William Palmer is said to have looked at the trapdoor on the gallows and asked the hangman , " Are you sure it 's safe ? "

  17. 据日本法务省(JapaneseDepartmentofJustice)称,日本周二对3名杀人犯执行了绞刑,其中包括一位中国公民。

    Japan hanged three murderers on Tuesday , including one Chinese citizen , according to the Japanese Department of Justice .

  18. n.绞刑那个杀人凶手恳求法官宽恕,但被判处绞刑。

    gallows The murderer entreated the judge for mercy , but was sentenced to the gallows .

  19. 伊拉克发言人证实萨达姆的异母兄弟Barzan和伊革命法院前院长Awad今天凌晨前被执行绞刑。

    An Iraqi spokesman confirmed that Saddam 's half-brother Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti and the former head of Iraq 's Revolutionary Court Awad Hamed al-Bandar were hanged before dawn today .

  20. 这些广告被通过谷歌的AdSense等媒介投放到这个含有斩首和绞刑图片的网站上。AdSense是全球最大的在线广告网络,从广告收入中抽取分成。

    The ads were delivered to the website , which includes images of beheadings and hanged men , by intermediaries including Google 's AdSense , the world 's biggest online ad network , which take a cut of the revenues .

  21. 我看到了在绞刑架上悬挂着的笑脸。

    I 've seen more cheerful faces dangling from a gallows .

  22. 你们都该受绞刑,统统都该。

    You deserve to be hanged , every one of you .

  23. 绞刑,是使用人的最坏方法。

    Hanging is the worst use man can is put to .

  24. 谋杀犯由于罪大恶极被处以绞刑。

    The murderer was sent to the gallows for his crimes .

  25. 博物馆里有许多女巫受绞刑的画。

    At the museum there are pictures of the witch hangings .

  26. 英国已多年没有判处绞刑。

    There have been no hangings in Britain for many years .

  27. 手动肯定比不上绞刑器。

    It 's not likely a garrotte comes with a manual .

  28. 总管出狱,厨师被处绞刑。

    The butler was set free and the Baker was hanged .

  29. 在那些日子里绞刑是一种公众娱乐。

    In those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment .

  30. 因此,我国借口绞刑架幽默贯穿这个故事。

    Thus my excuse for the gallows humor that pervades this story .