
jǐ shuǐ ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • water-supply engineering;water engineering
  1. 针对给水工程设计的特点,论证了进行标准化设计的可能性。

    Then the possibility of standardized design for water engineering with its feature is discussed .

  2. 中国城市给水工程的发展趋向

    Trends of urban water engineering in China

  3. 加筋HDPE管在农田灌溉和给水工程中的应用

    Application of Reinforced HDPE Pipe in Farm Irrigation and Water Supply Project

  4. 聚丙烯(PPR)管材在给水工程中的应用

    The Application of PPR Tubular Products in the Water-supply Engineering

  5. 小城镇总体规划中给水工程规划探析

    Water-feeding project planning analysis in the general planning of small towns

  6. 昆山市给水工程改善水质的措施

    Measures for Improvement of Water Quality in Kunshan Water Supply Project

  7. 蚌埠市给水工程规划(2005年~2020年)

    The Planning of Bengbu City Water-Service ( 2005 ~ 2020 )

  8. 现代建筑给水工程中变频水泵的应用

    Application of variable frequency pump on modern building water supply project

  9. Ф400聚氯乙烯塑料管在法库给水工程中的应用

    Application of Ф 400UPVC Plastic Tube in Faku Water Supplying Engineering

  10. 上海某汽车城的消防给水工程探讨

    Discussion on the Fire Water System of General Automobile Corporation in Shanghai

  11. 管网水力计算及其在给水工程中的应用

    Hydraulic calculation of pipe network and its application in water supply works

  12. 城市给水工程常用管材的对比与应用

    Comparison and Application of Common Pipe Materials for Urban Water Supply Works

  13. 南方明珠宾馆给水工程设计

    Construction design of water supply in Southern Bright Pearl Hotel

  14. 太原市城市给水工程输水钢管阴极保护技术

    Cathode protection technology for water supply steel pipe in Taiyuan water-supply engineering

  15. 对编制城市给水工程分区规划的体会

    Experience in Preparing District Planning of Urban Water Supply Engineering

  16. 德兴铜矿生活给水工程技术改造设计

    The design of technical rebuilt of living water construction in Dexing Copper

  17. 新型化学管材在建筑给水工程中的应用

    Application of New Type of Chemical Pipe to Water Supply in Construction

  18. 给水工程中移动罩滤池的单片机控制

    Single Chip Microcomputer Controller for Shift & Hood Filter of Water Supply Engineering

  19. 沉管技术在给水工程穿越运河施工中的应用

    Application of the sinking pipe technology on water supply project crossing canal construction

  20. 减压阀在给水工程系统中的应用

    The Application of Pressure Reducing Valve in the System of Water Supply Engineering

  21. 《城市给水工程规划规范》在杭州给水工程规划中的应用

    The national norm for the urban water supply planning and its application in Hangzhou

  22. 城市给水工程自动化系统设计

    Automatic system design of urban water supply engineering

  23. 反渗透海水淡化给水工程的设计与应用

    Design and application of water supply engineering for sea water desalination by reverse osmosis

  24. 给水工程中单台变压器及其机组功率因数的改善

    Improvement of Power Factor of a Transformer & Its Set in Water Supply Engineering

  25. 硬质聚氯乙稀管在给水工程的应用

    Application of polyvinyl chloride pipe for water supply

  26. 某大型山水休闲度假区给水工程规划与设计

    The planning and design of water-supply engineering in a certain large landscape recreation holiday district

  27. 小城镇给水工程规划中需水量的预测及水源选择

    Prediction on water demand and water resources choice in water-supplying engineering planning in little towns

  28. 微型计算机在给水工程中的应用

    The application of Microcomputer in water works

  29. 变频器在给水工程中节能降耗的分析GB7746-1997工业无水氟化氢

    Energy-saving Analysis of Transducer in Water Supplying System ; Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride for industrial use

  30. 城市给水工程规划研究

    The Planning of City Water Supply Works