
  • 网络For Friends
  1. 中国的瓷器是你给朋友带的好礼物。

    Chinese porcelain is a nice gift for friends .

  2. 或者给朋友留作纪念。

    Or as a wonderful remembrance for friends .

  3. 她滥用自己作为校长的职权,把工作安排给朋友们。

    She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends .

  4. 我不能总是把她硬塞给朋友们。

    I couldn 't keep palming her off on friends

  5. 最糟糕的事情是,你给朋友打电话,而他们却出去了。

    The worst thing is when you call friends and they 've gone out .

  6. 我到车站给朋友送行。

    I went to the station to see my friend off .

  7. 她给朋友打了个电话,不过聊聊天而已。

    She called up a friend just for a chat .

  8. 这些年轻人承认,他们的旅行是围绕着能拍到的照片计划的,然后他们会给朋友、还有朋友的朋友发短信,求他们给自己发在网上的照片“点赞”。

    The youngsters admitted planning trips around potential photo-opportunities and then messaging friends — and friends of friends — to demand " likes " for their online posts .

  9. 你可以把它展示给朋友看,或者单纯用它来纪念所有美好时光!

    You can show it to friends , or just use it to remember all the good times you had !

  10. 在一些年轻人中,给朋友的名字加上"狗"就有了亲密关系的意思。

    Among some young people , adding " dog " to a friend 's name has the meaning of a close relationship .

  11. 我们白天用它给朋友发消息,睡觉也挨着它,一醒来马上就拿起它查看短信。

    We text our friends with them during the day , sleep with them by our beds and check our messages as soon as we wake up .

  12. 突然地送花给朋友。

    Out of the blue , send flowers to a friend .

  13. 布莱克觉得自己不应该输给朋友。

    Then Blake appeared to decide that he was not to be outdone by his friend .

  14. 例句珍妮在不停地说她给朋友们举办的派对是有多么好。

    Jenny was droning on about what a great party she put on for her friends .

  15. 现在的青少年常常一次干好几件事。他们一边做作业,一边看电视、给朋友发短信、上网登录Facebook。

    Today , a teenager might be doing her homework , while also watching TV , texting her friends , and checking her Facebook page on the computer .

  16. Twitter最初的意图是提供简单的状态消息,但是已经发展成一种“快速blog”,用户可以输入简单的想法并发送给朋友。

    Originally intended for simple status messages , Twitter has morphed into a sort of " quick blog ", in which people enter quick thoughts and send them off to their friends .

  17. 下午5点15分,Edie开始给朋友们打电话,告诉她们她的丈夫回家了。

    At5:15 that afternoon , Edie williams began calling her friends to inform them that her husband had come home .

  18. 他利用业余时间给朋友们修理收音机。

    He repairs radios for his friends during his spare time .

  19. 25.给朋友写封信或寄一张问候的卡片。

    25.Send a letter or cheery greeting card to a friend .

  20. 我想起今天要给朋友写一封信。

    I remember to write a letter to my friend today .

  21. 我用了一天的时间写信给朋友和家人。

    I spent the day writing letters to friends and family .

  22. 给朋友施加压力替你办事。

    To exert pressure on a friend to do what you want .

  23. 明天我到火车站给朋友送行。

    Tomorrow I will see my friend off at the railway station .

  24. 或是忘记要去给朋友帮个忙。

    And that favor your were going to do for a friend .

  25. 我们可以打电话给朋友或上网。

    We can call our friends or surf the Internet .

  26. 给朋友写一封信,简单介绍一下自己的情况。

    Write a letter to your friend and give a brief introduction .

  27. 我不在家时把猫托给朋友照料。

    I entrust my cat to a friend while I am away .

  28. 李建说,我不得不把一些论文外包给朋友们。

    I have to outsource some essays to my friends .

  29. 你隔多久给朋友们写一封电子邮件?

    How often do you write e-mails to your friends ?

  30. 他把自己所有的珍贵图画都拿出来给朋友们看。

    He showed all his precious pictures to his friends .