
  • 网络It is there to keep you warm
  1. 给你温暖还让你心动。

    It gives you warmth and touches your heart .

  2. 结伴回家,温暖那些仍给你温暖的人。

    Warm to the flesh that warms you still .

  3. 天给你温暖,地给你温馨,我给你祝福。

    Days give you warm and cozy , I give you blessings to you .

  4. 给你温暖的回忆。

    Memories to brighten your days .

  5. 朋友说,爱人就是在生活中能给你温暖的人。

    I long for the person who can be my partner , best friend and soul mate ;

  6. 难道你不记得小时侯我们在一起玩吗?当你冷的时候,我是怎么拥抱你来给你温暖地?

    Don 't you remember how we played together in childhood ? when you are cold , How did I always hug you to warm you ?

  7. Debenhams公司减少了丝袜的光泽,这意味着一双紧身丝袜不仅能够给你提供温暖,而且没有别人会注意到你的腿上穿了东西。

    Debenhams has reduced shine of the leg-wear , meaning that you get the warmth offered by a pair of tights , but none else will notice you have got anything on your legs .

  8. 给你个温暖的拥抱。

    Give you a warm hug .

  9. 小心翼翼地对待他,他就会茁壮成长、成熟起来、赢得客人的喜爱,并在你年老之时给你带来温暖。

    Work with it carefully and it will thrive , mature , charm your guests and keep you warm in old age .

  10. 关注人际关系,而不是那些物质的,这会给你带来温暖亲密的关系,所以你会多重受益。

    Focusing on relationships rather than material items will bring on a feeling of warmth and closeness , so you benefit both ways .

  11. 文章结构清晰,有时间顺序,把外婆对你的爱融入到四季当中,给你带来温暖。

    Article structure is clear , have time sequence , the grandmother of love to you into four seasons of bring you warm .

  12. 此外,选择同色手套既可以给你带来温暖,又避免了着装尴尬的窘境,也会给人一种完整的着装的印象。

    Also , by picking up same-color elbow-length gloves , you 'll stay warm and give the impression of a full-length coat without the embarrassment of poorly fitted attire .

  13. 有效性也给你一种温暖的感觉,不是吗?

    And validity also gives you a sort of nice warm feeling doesn 't it ?

  14. 自己关心的人给你一个温暖拥抱或拍拍你的背都是一种最好的安慰,帮你度过苦日子。

    A good hug or a pat on the back from people you care about are one of the best comforts that would get you through rough days .

  15. 就好像任何人说什么做什么都不足以让你感觉好起来,这是因为除非你自己感受到爱,否则任何人做的任何事都不能给你足够的温暖。

    It is as if nothing anyone says or does is enough . This is because nothing anyone does can give you enough unless you feel love for yourself .

  16. 所以我对自己说,一定要带给你开心,快乐,给你一个温暖的依靠,当你的庇护所,保护你。

    So I said to myself , be sure to bring you happy , happy , give you a warm rely on , when you shelter and protect you .

  17. 当风吹起雨滴打在你的脸上,当巨大的压力全世界的压力让你无法喘息。我会给你一个温暖的拥抱让你感受到我的爱意。

    When the rain is blowing in your face , and the whole world is on your case , I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love .

  18. 这些防水靴给你拖鞋,像温暖的不怕小斯诺德里夫特,他们期待五路'的裙子。

    These waterproof boots give you slipper-like warmth that 's not afraid of a little snowdrift , and they look smokin'with a skirt .

  19. 经过几周的职场活动和压力,这个月将给你提供一个温暖有趣的朋友间的社交活动的绿洲!

    After many weeks of career activities and pressures , this month will offer you a lovely oasis of warm and fun social time with friends .

  20. 都能给你最真实的笑容的笑容,给你最温暖的肩膀

    Can give you the truth 's smile smiles , to give you the warmth of the shoulders of