- scenic painting

In the meantime , precise Runge-Kutta method for solving nonlinear Schrodinger equations is presented , which is the same as the recent result based on interaction picture in quantum mechanics .
In this paper , the atomic population evolution vs. time in the system of three-level cascade atom interacting with squeezed coherent light field in a Kerr medium is investigated by means of the interacting picture and the quantum theory .
To the best of our knowledge , we derive the field operator evolution equation for chirped pump pulses for the first time in the Heisenberg picture , which satisfys the Bogoliubov transformation .
In this paper , by using J-C model and the density operator theory in interaction picture , we studied the evolution features of linear entropy in the system of two two-level Rydberg atom and two entangled dissipative cavities with single-photon resonant interaction .
The photon statistical evolution in the model of T-C is studied by means of the quantum theory and in the interacting picture . It is discussed that the coincidence coefficient changing with time between atoms affects the photon statistical properties of the system .
The interaction picture in the closed time path green 's functions
Research on Application of " Matte Painting " in Special Lens Effects Shooting
Notes on the Human World and its Moral Value
This is because the poetry and painting are people drawn to write King ;
Picture of quantum mechanics and its transformation
Scatter Matrix Against Two Scenes
Application of Dynamical Lie Algebraic Method Combining Intermediate Picture to Energy Transfer in A + BC Collinear Collision
In the second chapter , we first review three pictures of the interaction between the light and matter .
Tom himself began to fret over the scene-painter 's slow progress , and to feel the miseries of waiting .
The atomic population evolution vs. time in the system of two two-level coupling-atoms interacting with squeezed coherent light field is investigated .
And the numerical method-the Fourth-order Runge-Kutta in the Interaction Picture combined with split-step Fourier method-is discussed to compute the above equation and the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation . 2 .
In the dressed-state picture of the coupling and rf-driving fields , this five-level atomic system is equivalent in form to a real atomic system with multi-channel spontaneous emission coherence .
The scene-painter was gone , having spoilt only the floor of one room , ruined all the coachman 's sponges , and made five of the under-servants idle and dissatisfied ;
TO study the coherent property and squeezed phenomenon of field in two two-level atoms interacting with cavity field , and discuss the influence on above property by multi photon process .
In this paper , the photon statistical evolution in the system of two coupling two-level atoms interacting with squeezed coherent-state field is studied by the interacting picture by means of quantum theory .
Entirely against_his_judgment , a scene-painter arrived from town , and was at work , much to the increase of the expenses , and , what was worse , of the eclat of their proceedings ;
Differently from the commonly used quantum state evolution equation in the Schrodinger picture , the field operator evolution equation is not only suitable to study the quantum correlated photon pairs in the low gain regime , but also in the high gain regime .
The stream fishing implicit map drawn of the King is the scene of the summer after the rain of the southern villages , Li Tang convey more an emotional break from the busy , good standard of living .