
jié suàn rì
  • Settlement Date;settling day
  1. 本系统之给付结算日为成交日之次三营业日。

    The IBTS performance and settlement date is the third business day after the transaction date .

  2. 我们的烦恼来自结算日之间,就像其他的数百万。

    Our worries go from pay day to pay day , just like millions of others .

  3. 终止服务必须一个月书面通知。生效日期为下次账单结算日。

    Termination will be effective on the next billing cut off day , one month written termination notice is required .

  4. 其给付结算日止卖方应得之利息,由买方并同成交价金给付卖方。

    Interest receivable by the seller on the performance and settlement date shall be paid to the seller by the buyer together with the transaction price .

  5. 基本存款额度内的存款利息按结算日或支取日的活期存款利率计算。

    B : Within the line of basic deposit , the interest should be counted at the rate of current deposit on the day of settlement or withdrawal .

  6. 上调卖空规则,设立更多程序以确保卖空者在结算日能交付股票。

    Short selling rules were stepped up , and more procedures were put in place to ensure that a short seller would be able to deliver stock on settlement date .

  7. 但原始纾困账单的结算日越往后拖,坏银行能够偿还本金的可能性就越小。

    But the longer the settling of the original bail-out bill is delayed , the less likely it is that the bad banks will be able to repay the principal .

  8. 于结算日,如挂?股票的收市价高于行使价,您将会以现金获取本息。

    Upon the valuation date , if the closing price of the linked stock is higher than the strike price , you will receive the principal and interest in cash .

  9. 我们的财务报表都是在月底做的,而他们的支票因此晚了几天进账,错过了结算日。

    The statement is prepared on the financial picture at the end of the month , and their check was a few days late so it missed the cut off point .

  10. 第二次付款为两万美元,在买壳交易完成的结算日支付至瑞星思达指定账户。

    The second installment is twenty thousand US Dollars ( US $ 20,000 ) and shall be paid to the account designated by RSH on closing day when the shell is purchased .

  11. 他说:没有理由一定要用美元结算对日贸易。

    There is no reason why you have to settle trade you do with Japan in dollars , he said .

  12. 并介绍了另一基于按边际价格结算的日交易计划系统。

    Hello Day Another daily trading schedule system based on the uniform payment according to system marginal prices is also presented .

  13. 同日结算:在一日之内交易结算完毕。

    Intra-day settlement : Trading settlement within less than one day .

  14. 不过,持牌银行必须确保它们的结算户口在结算日当天有足够港元进行结算。

    They must , however , ensure that they have the necessary Hong Kong dollars in their clearing accounts on settlement day to effect settlement .

  15. 以其它货币结算之货币资产及负债按于结算日之适用.率折算为有关之记账货币。

    Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in other currencies are translated into the respective functional currencies at the applicable rates of exchange in effect at the Balance sheet date .