
  • 网络structural vibration
  1. MR阻尼器在结构振动控制中的优化布置研究

    Optimal Layout of the MR Damper for Structural Vibration Control

  2. 结构振动的H2/H∞混合最优控制

    Mixed H 2 / H ∞ Optimal Control of Structural Vibration

  3. 基于TS模型的结构振动模糊控制方法

    A new method of structural control based on TS model

  4. 采用半主动TMD的建筑结构振动控制研究

    Research on Semi-Active TMD of Building Structure Vibration Control

  5. 结构振动的电磁驱动AMD系统控制策略与试验

    Control Strategies and Experiments of the Electromagnetic Mass Damper Control System for Structural Vibration

  6. 基于ARX模型的压电智能结构振动预测控制

    ARX Model Based Predictive Control of Piezo-intelligent Structures

  7. 本文首次提出了应用H∞控制器的船舶电站同步发电机调压系统的数学模型。应用H∞控制理论,设计多输入多输出结构振动鲁棒H∞反馈控制系统。

    The MIMO ( multi-input multi-output ) Robust feedback control model of vibration system is presented via the H_ ∞ control theory , and the mixed sensitivity design method is used to design the Robust H_ ∞ controller of vibration system .

  8. 对液压AGC系统油缸的固液系统结构振动频率和振型,进行了理论研究和有限元计算。

    For solid and fluid system structure vibration natural frequency and its mode shopes of hydraulic AGC system capsule , a theoretic analysis and calculation with finite element method have been done .

  9. 借鉴第一个问题解决方法和思路,本文研究了TMD减振器控制岸桥结构振动的具体方案和TMD的参数的优化设计。

    Reference to the method that used to solute the first question , the dissertation do a lot in concrete scheme of TMD dashpot limiting vibration and in TMD parameters optimal design .

  10. 将MR阻尼器与橡胶隔震垫相结合,组成智能基础隔震系统应用于结构振动控制中,数值模拟分析了结构在不同地震波,不同地震力作用下普通橡胶隔震垫隔震和MR智能隔震下的反应。

    In this paper , smart base isolation system , which is combined with rubber bearing and MR damper , is applied to structural vibration control , and the structure employing RB isolation and smart isolation has numerically simulated in the action of different kind and magnitude of earthquake waves .

  11. 分析结果显示,TMD对独桩平台波浪反应有着十分显著的控制效果,因此,TMD是一种非常适合于独桩平台波浪反应控制的结构振动控制技术。

    The analysis result indicates that the TMD has a very distinct control effect on the wave response of the single pile platform , so , the TMD is very fit for the wave response control of the single pile platform .

  12. 通过对实验和计算结果的对比分析,证明隔声去耦材料在200Hz以上能明显减小结构振动和降低辐射噪声。

    After the experiment results and the calculation result analyzed and compared , it shows that the isolated sound and decoupled material can reduce the structural vibration and radiated noise clearly above 200 Hz .

  13. 封闭空间结构振动声耦合反馈力控制仿真结果表明:通过合理选择性能加权函数,噪声可以在指定频带得到良好的控制,最大噪声峰值近20dB(A)。

    Simulation results for the structural acoustical coupling in enclosed space show that the structure-brone noise can be reduced effectively in assigned frequency band , the maximum control value for noise peak value is near 20 dB ( A ) .

  14. 应用形状记忆合金的桥梁结构振动控制研究及发展

    Research and development of bridge vibration control by shape memory alloy

  15. 结构振动控制的指数趋近律滑移模态方法

    Sliding Mode Control Based on Index Reaching Law for Structure Control

  16. 单边饱和跟腱控制器结构振动控制实验研究

    Experimental research on structure vibration control with unilateral and saturating tendon

  17. 折叠式柔性结构振动主动控制仿真实验系统

    Experimental system for Active Vibration Control of Foldable Aerospace Flexible Structure

  18. 自由&自由结构振动模态的一阶导数

    Calculating of first-order derivatives of vibration mode shapes for free-free structures

  19. 喷流噪声引起的结构振动环境预示研究

    Foreshowing study of the vibration environment caused by engine jet noise

  20. 调谐阻尼器在内圆磨床结构振动控制中的应用

    Application of TMD to control the structural vibration in internal grinder

  21. 半主动摩擦阻尼器对偏心结构振动控制的仿真研究

    Simulation of vibration control for irregular buildings using semi-active friction dampers

  22. 结构振动模态分析的Wilson-Ritz向量法

    Wilson - Ritz vector method for modal analysis of structures

  23. 减压转油线结构振动及稳定性分析

    Structural Vibration and Reliability Analysis of Vacuum Oil Transfer Line

  24. 结构振动数据数学模型的线性与非线性刻划

    Compared linear model and nonlinear on the description of structure vibration data

  25. 齿轮结构振动辐射噪声机理研究

    Research on the Radiated Noise Mechanism Of Gear Structure Vibration

  26. 具有刚性运动基的柔性结构振动主动控制

    Active Vibration Control of Flexible Structure on Rotating Rigid Base

  27. 一种控制平板结构振动调谐阻尼器优化方法的探讨

    On A Majorized Method of Tuning Damper Controlling the Flat Structural Vibration

  28. 结构振动的速度加速度反馈控制律

    Velocity - acceleration feedback control law of structural vibration systems

  29. 自适应神经网络模糊推理系统在结构振动主动控制中的研究

    Application of adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system in structural vibration active control

  30. 旋转对称结构振动特性计算的新方法

    A new method for calculation of vibration characteristics of rotational symmetric structures