
jīnɡ yàn shì shí
  • Empirical facts;empirical evidence
  1. 我认为历史已经告诉我们了过去5年的经验事实也证明了这一点。

    I think history tells us that ... the empirical evidence of the last five years tells us that .

  2. 命题真理是由经验事实所决定的,而不是由我们的意图决定的,这样就产生了一个关于自然的问题。

    A proposition whose truth is determined by the fact of experience rather than what we mean , so this raises a natural question .

  3. 正是那些可以社会化的重复性经验事实才能被称为科学事实或客观事实。

    The experience that can be repeated socially is real scientific fact .

  4. 理论只能被理论所否证而不是被经验事实所否定。

    Theories can only be refuted by theories , but not by experiences .

  5. 归纳法是从经验事实中找出普遍特征的认识方法。

    Induction is cognition method that looks for universal characteristic from experiments and facts .

  6. 经验事实证明上述问题不是独立而是相互联系存在的。

    The experience proved the above problems are not independent but are linked there .

  7. 经验事实表明,此时社会资本在很大程度上起到了保障合约实施的作用。

    Experimental facts showed that social capital was protecting contracts to be enforced to a large extent .

  8. 这种观点启发我们要在不同文化类型之间进行经验事实的互补,避免由于个别经验导致的武断、专权。

    His idea reminds us of the complementation of different cultures , and helps us escape from the individual arbitrariness .

  9. 模型很好地解释了网上拍卖市场中的一些现象,也与最近文献的经验事实有较好的吻合。

    Our model can explain some phenomena in the internet market and is consistent with empirical facts of recent literature .

  10. 20世纪80年代以来的经验事实表明,教育在中国的社会分层中起到越来越重要的作用。

    The experience ever since 1980s indicates that education plays an increasingly important role in the process of social stratification .

  11. 若清除这一理论,既可引出新的逻辑错误,也否定了临床经验事实。

    If the theory being discarded , new error in logic and mistakes that go against clinical experience may occur .

  12. 政治领域有两类客观存在:经验事实与无法经验的形而上存在。

    In politics there are two kinds of existence : the empirical facts and the metaphysical being , which is transcendental .

  13. 最后,与逻辑推理相比,因果律根基于两个经验事实在时间上的承接关系;

    Lastly , comparative to logical inference , the law of causation is rooted the diachronic connection between two empiristic facts .

  14. 通过农村家庭教育投资行为这一微观的经验事实,通过对农村人口人力资本的理性预期与教育投入的内在机理的实证分析,来讨论农村人力资本生成过程中的一般规律和主要制约因素。

    The author discusses the general law and main restrain factor production of the person power capital in countryside via the microcosm fact .

  15. 论蕴涵命题的模态意义&兼论逻辑真理不能完全独立于经验事实之外

    On the Modal Implication of Conditional Proposition & and That Any Logical Truth Can Not Hold on Absolutely without Considering Any Empirical Fact

  16. 从科学理论与经验事实的匹配,理论的内在统一性及其总体的实用性三方面来衡量,体育经济学还有许多不足之处。

    However , much remains to be done in matching theory with reality and in achieving the inner unity and applicability of theories .

  17. 而已有的案例以经验事实表明,宪法解释与违宪审查制度具有被动性、非授权性、先例性、非制度性、随机性与客观性。

    The empirical fact of the cases shows that the system is passive , unauthorized , precedented , non-systematic , at random and objective .

  18. 摘要科学发现的过程是以一定的概念框架为基础,赋予经验事实以存在意义,并将其上升为科学事实的过程。

    The process of scientific discovery is to use some scientific concept to give the empirical fact meaning and make it become the scientific fact .

  19. 第二部分由两章构成,主要用经验事实和数据对前文的若干理论结论进行验证。

    Part II is composed of two chapters , which carries out verification on several theoretical conclusions of previous article chiefly using experiential facts and data .

  20. 本文以实验事实和经验事实为依据,定义了关于思维系统的封闭系和开放系。

    First , on the basis of experimental facts and experienced facts , this paper defines the closed system and the opened system for thinking system .

  21. 方法的更新离不开观点的更新、理论概念和范畴的积累以及教学经验事实的增长。

    The renewal of method always goes on with the renewal of ideas . the accumulation of theoretical conception and category and the increase of teaching experience .

  22. 科学家的工作,就是在经验事实材料与构想的理论假说之间来回穿梭,并试图借助于理性逻辑建立二者之间的必然联系。

    A scientist works between the empirical facts and the theoretical hypothesis and attempts to establish a necessary link between them with the help of rational logic .

  23. 思维实验具有抽象性、理想性、逻辑性、与经验事实关联性、低成本低风险性等特征。

    Abstract , ideal , logic as it is , thought experiment is featured by its correlation with biological experiment and low cost and the fewer risks .

  24. 市民社会在社会学研究中,既可以作为一种经验事实,也可以作为一种话语解释模式来使用。

    " Civil society " in the sociological study , can be used both as a fact of experience that can also be interpreted as a mode of discourse .

  25. 然而,世界各地很多发展的经验事实表明,经济增长并不必然会改善人的福利水平并促进人类发展水平的提高。

    However , a lot of empirical development facts around the world show that economic growth alone does not necessarily ensure the improvement of the level of human welfare and human development .

  26. 逻辑实证主义坚持认为可以通过归纳的方法把观察的经验事实提升为理论,在此基础上提出了累积创新观。

    Logicism positivism insists that the experiences can be raised to theories by the way of induction , on this basis , a new point of accumulating creation has come into being .

  27. 个案源于经验事实,通过对法律个案问题的思考,能够弥补理性的不足,填补立法方面的空白与缺陷。

    The case originated from the fact of experience , through the legal case the reflection of the problem , can make up for the deficiency of legislation reason , fill gaps and deficiencies .

  28. 早期的经济理论分析基本上都坚持劳动力流动有助于缩小城乡收入差距的说法,基于经验事实的研究同样为这种说法提供了支撑。

    At present , almost all of the empirical research to support labor mobility contribute to reducing the urban-rural income gap that the early theoretical analysis for this same argument provides a theoretical support .

  29. 把审美与意识形态结合起来,是对文学经验事实的概括,无论从马克思主义文学理论的发展或者从现代知识学的视角来看,都是一种规范性的理论建构。

    The combination of the aesthetic and ideology is a generalization of literary experience and facts , which is a normative theoretical construction under both perspectives from Marxist literary theory development and form modern epistemology .

  30. 叙事研究是教师以叙述自己的教学经验事实的方式走进教育行动研究,以解决问题为最终目的,使教师真正成为教育行动研究者。

    Statement research is the way that teachers state their own teaching experiences into the education conduct study , take solving problems as the final purpose , and make themselves become real education conduct researchers .