
  1. 然而,根据现金基准经营投资组合的行为,不会排除市场beta在组合中的重要性。

    Running portfolios against a cash benchmark does not , however , exclude the significance of market beta in portfolios .

  2. 在此基础上分别构建了高速公路特许经营投资风险的模糊层次评价模型和BP神经网络模型。运用这两种模型实现了高速公路特许经营项目投资风险的评价,并对综合风险评价结果进行预警信号输出。

    And on the basis of this system , fuzzy hierarchy evaluation model and BP nerve net model were constructed and used to evaluate the investment risks of concessionaire expressway operating project , and finally output early-warning signals of evaluation results .

  3. 我国典型紧缺矿产资源跨国经营投资环境评价

    Evaluation on Transnational Investment Environment for China Typical Scarce Mineral Resources

  4. 对海运业跨国经营投资区域选择理论与方法进行了研究。

    Study is made on investment theory and method of area selection .

  5. 房地产企业经营投资策划研究

    The Research of Real Estate Enterprises on Operating and Invest-Planning

  6. 房地产开发企业持续经营投资决策研究

    The Study on Investment Decision-making in Sustained Operating Developers

  7. 海运业跨国经营投资区域选择影响因素分析

    Analyses of the affecting factors in selecting investment regions for ocean shipping when doing international business

  8. 基于林业政策的商品林经营投资收益与投资风险研究

    Study on the Benefit and Risk of the Investment on the Commodity Forest Management Based on Forestry Policies

  9. 文中的第八章是讨论大庆油田跨国经营投资的风险及其管理。

    The eighth chapter of the paper discusses the risk and risk management in international operation project investment of Daqing Oilfield .

  10. 即,对于一个在校学生来说,经营投资是很有好处的,而且你可以看到一些关于这的证据。

    That being part of a university community is a good thing for investing and you can see some evidence in that .

  11. 按照真实经济周期理论,农户对两种外生冲击预期收益率的变化造成了家庭经营投资费用的波动。

    In the respective of the real business cycle theory , the change of farmers expectation is the main cause of agricultural wave .

  12. 建立长效激励约束机制,强化国有企业经营投资责任追究,探索推进国有企业财务预算等重大信息公开。

    Establish long-term incentive and restraint mechanisms , strengthen SOE 's investment accountability and explore ways to publicize important information , including SOEs ' financial budgets .

  13. 在此基础上,由于海运企业跨国经营投资业务选择的复杂性和模糊性,文章建立了一个基于模糊聚类分析的多层次分解评价模型。

    Considering the strong complexity and fuzzy of maritime enterprise 's business selection in overseas , the AHP is made based on the fuzzy clustering analysis .

  14. 大多数投资者把生产率提高视同为实实在在的经营投资:企业花钱买新设备,使得员工在每个工时内生产出更多产品。

    Most investors equate rising productivity with solid business investment : companies pay for new equipment , which enable employees to produce more output for each hour they work .

  15. 海运企业跨国经营投资业务选择是海运企业发展过程中所面临的重要经营决策,盲目的选择会为企业带来巨大的损失并影响原有业务的竞争力。

    To Maritime enterprise , Business Selection in oversea is an important decision in its development process . Blind selecting would bring huge losing , and it also can influence the competitive ability of original business .

  16. 在综合、比较各投资环境评价方法的适用范围、优缺点的基础上,认为层次分析法对于典型紧缺资源跨国经营投资环境评价更为适用、恰当。

    The analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) is thought to be a suitable method of investment environment evaluation for multinational operation of the typical scarce resources on the basis of comprehensive comparison of suitable field , advantage and disadvantage of different investment environment evaluation methods .

  17. 以EVA激励机制为杠杆优化经营层投资决策

    Optimizing Input Decision-making by Lever of EVA Incentive Mechanism

  18. 结果有人觉得提前发布消息也不错,便在科技主导、纳斯达克经营的投资关系页面上替Twitter提前把消息泄露了。

    Except it turns out that somebody thought it would be a good idea to release this information early , on the technology-led Nasdaq-run investor relations page for Twitter .

  19. 回归分析结果显示,TMT社会网络存量及与外部联系强度显著影响企业的经营及投资活动,但并未对企业的筹资活动产生影响。

    Regression analysis showed that the sum of TMTs ' social capital and the strength of external contact significantly affect the operating and investing activities , but not significantly affect the funding activities .

  20. 结论是加大我国篮球俱乐部改革力度,借鉴NBA的成功经验并自我创新相结合,始终坚持经营、投资、决策、激励、约束和监控等核心要素。

    The conclusion increases our country basketball club reform dynamics , profits from NBA the success experience and the self-innovation unifies , persisted throughout manages , core essential factor and so on the investment , decision-making , drive , restraint and monitoring .

  21. 这个人经营中国投资集团。

    This guy runs the China Investment Corporation .

  22. 合资经营的投资会计和报告

    Accounting and reporting for investments in joint ventures

  23. 海运业跨国经营对外投资理论研究

    Research on Transnational Investment of Ocean Shipping Industry

  24. 这些个性化的特色对个私经济的生产经营、投资行为以及外部经济带来深刻影响。

    All these characteristics leave a deep impact upon the management , investment and the external economy .

  25. 可以通过改善融资和私营部门在经营和投资中的参与,提高长期可持续性。

    And long-term sustainability could be increased with better financing and private sector participation in operations and investment .

  26. 因此,提高设备运营部门日常管理水平和设备经营企业投资决策的科学性是十分必要的。

    Therefore its essential to improve the equipment management daily operations and the scientific of the investment decisions .

  27. 投资者如认为终止经营符合投资方最大利益时,可提前终止经营。

    The investor may terminate the business in advance if they consider such termination is to their best interest .

  28. 财务模型包含了关系的经营,投资,或投资变量基于会计准则的一般规则。

    Financial model contains the relationship between business , investment , or investment variable based on the accounting standards .

  29. 在目前的市场环境下,寿险公司应该采取哪些措施才能经营好投资连接产品?

    So , under current market conditions , how does the life insurance company manage the Investment-oriented Insurance Products ?

  30. 单项已确认资产、负债、确定承诺、很可能发生的预期交易,或境外经营净投资;

    A single recognized asset , liability , firm commitment , highly probable forecast transaction , or a net investment in an overseas operation ;