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  1. 再经80目不锈钢筛网过滤、离心。

    And then by 80 mesh stainless steel mesh filter , centrifugation .

  2. 主要工艺参数为:辅料经粉碎后80目过筛,24目造粒,60℃沸腾干燥30min。

    The main parameters are : the ingredients are sifted by 80 mesh sieve after ground , made granule by 24 mesh sieve , fluidized-bed drying at 60 ℃, 30 min.

  3. 共获标本758只,连同野外观察所得,经鉴定为16目、41科、180种。

    They were found to belong to 16 orders , 41 families and 180 species .

  4. 结果:25个调查点共捕获鼠形动物472只,经鉴定为2目,2科,3属,4种,捕获率为8.25%,雌雄性比为1:0.82;

    Result : 472 rat-like animals were caught from 25 surveillance sites , being identified to 2 orders , 3 genera and 4 species . The capture rate was 8.25 % .