
xiàn fèng
  • seam;suture, seam
  1. 每件连衣裙最后线缝都滚了边,并且加上了合身的衬裙,看起来非常漂亮。

    Each dress is beautifully finished off with piped seams and fitted underskirts .

  2. 使用PTT弹性缝纫线SabaFlex达到最佳的线缝弹性

    Best seam elasticity through the use of elastic sewing threads

  3. PalmerHarding的衬衣有一整套规则:只采用纯棉面料,衣领必使用两种衬布,每个接缝采用每英寸18针,而且多数接缝采用法式线缝法,以期增加柔软度。

    Palmer Harding has a list of rules for its shirting : cotton only ; collars must have two types of interfacing ; and each seam has 18 stitches per inch , with most constructed with French seams , for softness .

  4. 看看我,我已经满身是线缝了。

    Look at me . I 'm covered in stitches aiready .

  5. 别担心,只弄破了线缝而已。

    Don 't worry , you only ripped the seam .

  6. 裤子绽开的线缝已经缝好。

    The split seams of the trousers have been sewed .

  7. 你的头骨被线缝着!

    Your skull is being held together by bailing wire !

  8. 她拖鞋底快掉了,只有几根线缝着。

    The soles of her slippers were held on by a few stitches .

  9. 我需要一根针和一些线缝补这件衬衫。

    I need a needle and some thread to mend this shirt with .

  10. 沿条和沿条缝擦平机一条缝制得线缝细密平整的裙子。

    Welt and seam rubbing machine a skirt sewed with fine flat seams .

  11. 必须检查线缝,确保线条流畅。

    Seam runs must be checked for flowing lines .

  12. 他外套的线缝被撕开了。

    The seam of his coat is pulled .

  13. 长裤上也不允许用非黑色的线缝任何东西,或是有显眼的金属纽扣。

    Trousers are not allowed to have any non-black stitching or visible metal buttons .

  14. 缺少缝褶或没被打褶的。外套上的线缝被撕开了。

    The seam of the coat was pulled .

  15. 折边固定线缝为每英寸14~18针。

    Stay stitching is done with 14 to 18 stitches per inch ( 2.5cm ) .

  16. 我们卖的包有结实的线缝,所以经久耐用。

    The bags we sell have very strong seams , so they will last for years .

  17. 裁缝师拆开一件衣服的线缝。

    The tailor unseam a dress .

  18. 线缝工艺鞋的修饰方法

    Decoration for Seaming Craft Shoes

  19. 结果:与线缝合法相比,激光焊接吻合的神经吻合口愈合快、炎症反应轻。

    Results Compared with silk suture , laser welding had the advantages of fast healing and less inflammatory reaction .

  20. 线缝轮廓程序的自动放码和倒像确保每一对袖子获得相同的缝制效果。

    The automatic grading and mirroring of the programmed seam contour guarantees identical sewing results for every pair of sleeves .

  21. 分缝,分发线头发分开处的一条缝裤子绽开的线缝已经缝好。

    The line where the hair on the head is parted . The split seams of the trousers have been sewed .

  22. 这种线迹是按照原始样板复印到面料反面的碳素线或画粉线缝。

    The stitches follow the carbon or chalk lines copied on to the wrong side of the fabric from the original pattern .

  23. 515桥接神经组用准备好的515在手术显微镜下用11/0尼龙线缝合桥接缺损两端。

    In SIS bridging group , the prepared SIS was used to connect the defect with 11-0 nylon line by the operating microscope .

  24. 一条缝制得线缝细密平整的裙子.把布料细密地缝在一起装饰在外衣上的缝制品。

    A skirt sewed with fine flat seams . ornamental needlework on a garment that is made by gathering the cloth tightly in stitches .

  25. 30例新鲜跟腱断裂患者均采用跟腱4线缝合法,术后随机分成2组,新的石膏固定和传统石膏固定比较。

    30 patients with fresh ruptured Achilles tendons were assigned randomly for a new 4 - string suture with either the mobile cast or the rigid cast .

  26. 临时线迹用一股长的锦纶线、丝线或其他的线缝,这样线迹就不会留在衣服上。

    Nylon , silk , or other thread with a continuous filament should be used , so that traces of the thread will not remain in the garment .

  27. 用11-0带线缝合针将供心主动脉与受体腹主动脉、供心肺动脉与受体下腔静脉端侧缝合。

    Other blood vessels of the donor hearts were ligated . The aorta of the donor was anastomosed to the recipient abdominal aorta by end-to side fashion with 11-0 sutures .