
  • 网络Paper;spitballs
  1. “扔纸团”(PaperToss)游戏即在荧屏上让玩家把纸团扔到一个垃圾桶里会把手机序列号至少发送给5家公司。

    A game called Paper Toss players try to throw paper wads into a trash can each sent the phone 's ID number to at least five ad companies .

  2. 苏希尔趁此机会朝朱迪扔去一个小纸团。

    Sudhir took the opportunity to throw a paper pellet at judy .

  3. 有一天,我眼看着他把600张电脑打印纸揉成纸团对着垃圾筐练三分投篮。

    The other day I watched him wad up 600 sheets of computer paper in pursuit of the perfect wastebasket three-point shot .

  4. 他把废纸团扔进篓里。

    He tossed a ball of wasted paper into the basket .

  5. 于是我将它揉成纸团,现在我不想活了。

    So I balled it up , now I wish I was dead .

  6. 表演时也不会整天有人会向你扔纸团。

    Acting without having people hurling papier-mache boulders at you all * Day .

  7. 就在这时,一个纸团飞过来打在了校长的鼻子上。

    At the same time , a spitball hit the principal on his nose .

  8. 吴荪甫咆哮着,就把一个纸团掷在少奶奶眼前。这是用力的一掷。

    Wu Sun-fu roared . He tossed a ball of paper towards his wife .

  9. 吃完甜点后,它们在饭桌旁互相扔起纸团来。

    After the dessert , they all threw spitballs at each other across the dining-room table .

  10. 我俩都搬到了教室后排,这样就不会老是被人丢纸团了。

    We both got moved to the back of class so we would stop getting bombarded by spitballs .

  11. 他费了好些时间才从口袋中揉皱的纸团里取出一张一英镑的钞票来。

    It took him some time to disentangle a pound note from the other crumpled paper in his pocket .

  12. 杰克,我跟你说过,别再把纸团成球儿了,太浪费了。

    Jack , I told you once , stop balling up those paper sheets , it 's such a waste .

  13. 本实用新型公开一种篮球架式纸篓,使向纸篓内投纸团富有乐趣。

    The utility model discloses a basketball frame style paper basket which brings pleasure for throwing paper groups to the paper basket .

  14. 英国《每日邮报》20日报道称,芝加哥某电视台两位主播周五全程直播当地某桥被炸情况,却错失最重要的爆炸时刻,二人一怒之下上演了一场扔纸团的滑稽秀。

    Two Chicago television anchors run into a comic paper-throwing tantrum when they missed a bridge implosion they had been covering on live television on Friday .

  15. 然后,她将这个折叠起来的纸团放到嘴边,像吹气球一样向里面吹气。“看,”她说,“老虎”。

    Then she lifted the folded-up paper packet to her mouth and blew into it , like a balloon . " Kan , " she said .

  16. 把小的球状物的纸团放到木炭四周是为了较好的焚烧,然而要始终等到木炭变红、变热跟无烟的时候,才干烧烤。

    Put little balls of paper among the charcoal so as to make a good fire , but wait until it is hot and smokeless before cooking .

  17. 它在老师的椅子上放图钉,在教室里扔纸团,在厕所里放鞭炮,还往门把手上抹胶水。

    He put thumbtacks on the teacher 's chair . He threw spitballs across the classroom . He set off firecrackers in the lavatory and spread glue on the doorknobs .

  18. 你的兔子会很热衷于玩具,诸如天然木头,稻草,逗猫球,钥匙,纸团,和硬塑料儿童玩具。

    Your bunny will enjoy lots of toys to play with , such as untreated wood , straw , wire cat balls , keys , paper towel rolls , and hard plastic baby toys .

  19. 那天晚上布望森登很晚才回家,他刚踏上车便转过身来塞在马丁手里一个捏得很紧的小纸团。

    Brissenden went home late that night ; and just as he mounted the first step of the car , he swung suddenly back on Martin and thrust into his hand a small , tightly crumpled wad of paper .

  20. 是这样,我给自己写了张便条,后来觉得自己不需要,于是就将它揉成了纸团。(看见莫妮卡盯着自己),现在我不如死了算了。

    See , I wrote a note to myself , and then I realised I didn 't need it , so I balled it up and * ( sees that Monica is glaring at him ) * now I wish I was dead .

  21. 为了帮自己下定决心,邦辰用了一种非传统的方式——她将两张分别写着“是”和“不”的小纸片揉成团,然后将纸团放在空茶杯里。

    To help her make up her mind , B ü ndchen relied on an unconventional method - she " crumpled up two small pieces of paper " with the words " yes " and " no " on them , " and placed them inside an empty teacup .

  22. 托马斯写作小屋的复制品(桌上还有半包伍德拜恩香烟,以及揉皱的纸团,上面是废弃的诗句)已经出现在学校、住房计划和文学节之中,甚至出现在上个月的北约峰会上,这个峰会主要在威尔士的新港举行。

    A duplicate of his writing shed - complete with a half-smoked pack of Woodbine cigarettes and paper balls of discarded verse strewn across the desk - has been set up at schools , housing projects , literary festivals and even last month 's NATO summit meeting , held mostly in Newport , Wales .