
  1. 在纵向价值链分析的过程中,分为三个步骤,首先是确定企业的纵向价值链;

    The process in vertical value analysis is divided three step . Firstly , vertical value chain is ascertain .

  2. 在纵向价值链分析中,用资产利润率改进了利润库定量分析模型。

    The second , the profit pool model , which can carry out the quantitative industry-value-chain analysis , is improved by assets profit rate .

  3. 纵向价值链分析的立足点是核心企业,纵向价值链分析把分析的视野扩大到整个价值链系统,而不是仅仅局限于企业内部。

    Vertical value analysis is from the angle of the core enterprise . The scale of vertical value analysis has expended into system of value chain and limited to inside of enterprise .

  4. 其次,采用定性与定量相结合的方法,分三章分别从内部价值链、纵向价值链、横向价值链的角度提出了价值链分析在战略成本管理中应用的具体模型与方法。

    Then through the qualitative and quantitative way , the application model of value chain analysis in the strategic cost management is put forward from the interior-value-chain , industry-value-chain , and rival-value-chain perspectives using three chapters .

  5. 阐明它是一种从横向价值链、纵向价值链及企业内部价值链三个角度构建基于战略层面、管理层面及作业层面三个层次的预算管理模式。

    This paper pictured both three angles and three levels to construct the new budgeting model . The three angles includes : the crosswise value chain , the longitudinal value chain and the enterprise internal value chain .

  6. 在模块化理论下,传统价值链会计体系呈现出固有的缺陷,仅仅拘泥于企业纵向价值链的核算与管理已经不能适应处在整个价值链条上的企业的发展。

    In modularity theory , the traditional value chain accounting system has shown the inherent flaws , the vertical value chain business accounting and management has been unable to meet the enterprise development of the whole value chain .

  7. 第四章基于价值链的企业投资决策内容与方法,分别是基于企业纵向价值链的投资决策方法、基于企业内部价值链的投资决策模型和基于企业横向价值链的投资决策方法。

    The fourth part is the content and method of the investment decision based on the value chain , which is the method of investment decision based on the longitudinal value chain , the internal value chain and the crosswise value chain .

  8. 进一步通过企业内部价值链、企业横向价值链和企业纵向价值链三个维度的分析确立企业的竞争优势进而选择恰当的竞争发展战略,实现企业的可持续发展。

    Further more , through analysis of three value chain dimensions contained the enterprise interior value chain , the enterprise crosswise value chain and the enterprise longitudinal value chain , establish competitive advantages and select the appropriate competition strategy , then the realize enterprise sustainable development .

  9. 在这个产业结构背景下,有战略眼光的企业家应该通过以横向的产业整合或纵向的价值链整合为内容的战略性产业重组来获得企业的新一轮成长。

    In such a context , the visionary entrepreneurs should grow their enterprises through horizontal industry restructure and vertical industry integration based on enterprises ' value chain .

  10. 在纵向全球价值链分工中,各国对“比较优势”误读造成了生产与交易长期的结构失衡,造成富国被“胀死”,穷国被“饿死”。

    In the vertical value chain , the misunderstanding of comparative advantage leads to the structural imbalance of production and transaction which means rich is burst while poor is starve .