
  • 网络naxi ancient music
  1. 纳西古乐神话只是文化资源市场化运作中一种营销手段、一种宣传结果。

    Naxi ancient music myth is just the outcome of the commercialization of cultural resources .

  2. 非物质文化旅游资源,应重点开发东巴文化、纳西古乐和民间歌舞。

    Dongba culture , Naxi ancient music and folk dance should be developed as intangible cultural resources .

  3. 这也是一种纳西古乐。

    It is also a kind of ancient Naxi music .

  4. 迈克:纳西古乐八点开始,我们得快点了。

    Mike : The Naxi concert begins as eight , we will have to hurry .

  5. 纳西古乐是什么东西?

    What is Naxi Archaic Music ?

  6. 在古城多彩的节庆活动中,除了通宵达旦的民族歌舞和乡土戏曲,业余演奏的“纳西古乐”最为着名。

    In the ancient city of colorful festivals , in addition to the all-night national and local song and dance drama , playing amateur " Naxi ancient music ," the most famous .