
  • 网络Nano silicon;nc-Si;nano-crystalline silicon;nanosilicon
  1. 本征纳米硅薄膜的微结构表征

    Microstructures of Intrinsic nc-Si : H Films

  2. 透射电子显微镜方法的研究显示了两种衬底上纳米硅晶粒的尺寸。

    Transmission electron microscopy study shows the sizes of nc-Si grains on the two different substrates .

  3. 激光熔蒸制备纳米硅微粒的Raman分析

    Raman Analysis of Silicon Nanocrystal Formed by Pulse-laser Deposition

  4. 粉煤灰、硅灰及纳米硅与C3S水化反应产物的显微结构研究

    Hydration reaction between c_3s and fly ash , silica fume , nano-sio_2 and microstructure of hydrated pastes

  5. 纳米硅微晶对于Er离子掺杂的SiO2薄膜的光致发光和电致发光的不同影响

    Different Effect of Nanocrystals on the Electroluminescence and Photoluminescence in Er-doped SiO_2 Films

  6. 用硅离子注入SiO2层方法制备的纳米硅的光学性质

    Optical properties of nanometer silicon prepared by silicon ion implanted into sio_2 layers

  7. 含纳米硅的SiO2薄膜电致发光的数值分析

    Numerical study of electroluminescence from Si / SiO_2 films

  8. 对ncSiSiO2薄膜中纳米硅(ncSi)、Er3+和非辐射复合缺陷三者间的关系作了研究。

    Correlation between nc Si , Er 3 + and nonradiative defects in Er doped nc Si / SiO 2 films is studied .

  9. 本文主要包括下面两方面的内容:采用“center-linking”方法制备了V型两亲性聚合物官能化纳米硅球并研究了其自组装行为。

    This dissertation contains the following aspects : A series of amphiphilic polymer grafted silica nanoparticles have been prepared and the self-assembly of which is studied .

  10. SEM观察表明,纳米硅粒子均匀地分散在碳材料表面,形成类似于核壳的包覆结构。

    SEM observation indicates that the nanometer-scale Si particles were uniformly and completely coated on the surface of SSG particles , forming an analogous core-shell structure .

  11. 通过HRTEM分析证实了薄膜为纳米硅镶嵌复合的特殊结构。

    HRTEM analysis confirms that the film had a special nano-composite structure .

  12. 研究了掺杂纳米硅薄膜(nc∶Si∶H)中的电子自旋共振(ESR)及与之相关的缺陷态。

    We report here the studies of electron spin resonance ( ESR ) and its related defect states in doped nanocrystalline silicon films ( nc Si ∶ H ) .

  13. LPCVD制备纳米硅镶嵌结构氮化硅膜及其内应力

    Stress in SiN_x Film Embedded with Silicon Nanocrystals Preparing by LPCVD

  14. n~+-Si与p-Si衬底上含纳米硅的SiO2膜电致发光

    Electroluminescence from nanoscale Si particles embedded SiO 2 films deposited on N + Si and P Si substrates

  15. P-I-N结构纳米硅太阳电池的计算机性能仿真

    The computer simulation of nanocrystalline silicon solar cells by AMPS

  16. 本论文通过CVD、热蒸发等方法,制备了有序化自组装纳米硅丝阵列、不同直径纳米硅丝、纳米硅管等一维纳米材料。

    In this paper , we synthesized some one-dimensional nano-materials including the silicon nanowires with orderly array , different diameters and silicon nanotubes via methods of CVD , thermal evaporation , etc.

  17. 报道了以纳米硅溶胶凝胶(SOLGEL)膜为载体的化学修饰电极。

    A chemically modified electrode was developed by using nano scale silica sol gel film as the matrix for immobilizing the molecules such as the methylene blue or the thionine on a gold electrode surface .

  18. 利用该设备制备了直径30~50nm的晶态纳米硅颗粒。

    And have prepared crystal nano-silicon particles with the diameter ranging from 30 to 50 nra .

  19. 通过优化工艺,制作出具有纳米硅镶嵌结构的低应力SiNx薄膜作为支撑;

    As supporting , low stress SiNx membrane with nanometer silicon embedded structure is fabricated through optimizing technologies .

  20. LICVD法纳米硅制备过程中的成核及生长

    Growth and Nucleation of Silicon Nano - particle in LICVD Preparation

  21. 在常温条件下,采用溶胶-凝胶晶化法一步合成了纳米硅铝分子筛,采用XRD、BET、NH3-TPD和TEM等方法表征了其理化性质。

    A kind of nano-sized silica-alumina molecular sieve was synthesized by sol-gel crystallization method at room temperature . Its physico-chemical properties were characterized by XRD , TEM , BET and NH3-TPD .

  22. APCVD制备纳米硅复合镶嵌薄膜及其微结构与性能研究

    Research on Microstructure and Properties of Silicon Based Embedded Nano-composite Thin Films Prepared by APCVD

  23. 采用等离子增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)方法成功的沉积出掺杂(主要是磷、硼)纳米硅薄膜。

    B and P doped hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films ( nc Si : H ) were generated by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition ( PECVD ) .

  24. 利用LICVD方法制备了纳米硅颗粒。

    Nano-silicon particles were prepared using LICVD technique .

  25. 文章运用美国宾州大学发展的AMPS程序模拟计算了n-型纳米硅(n+-nc-Si∶H)/p-型晶体硅(p-c-Si)异质结太阳电池的光伏特性。

    AMPS simulator , which was developed by Pennsylvania State University , has been used to simulate photovoltaic performances of nc-Si ∶ H / c-Si solar cells .

  26. 以纳米硅溶胶修饰Nafion膜,结果显示:经修饰后的膜具有明显的阻隔甲醇渗透的性能。

    Nafion membranes were modified by nanometer silica sol for the first time . The results revealed that the methanol resistance could be distinctly improved for the modified membranes .

  27. 报道了用硅离子注入热氧化生长的SiO2层后热退火的方法制备纳米硅样品,并在室温下测量了样品的光致发光谱及其退火温度的关系。

    The samples of silicon nanocrystals ( nc Si ) were prepared by Si ion implanted into SiO 2 layers . Photoluminescence spectra were measured at room temperature and their dependence on thermal annealing was investigated .

  28. 用喇曼散射、X射线衍射和计算机模拟,发现在非晶硅中所形成的纳米硅颗粒的大小,随着热退火过程中升温速率的变化而变化。

    Using the characterizing techniques of micro-Raman scattering , X-ray diffraction and computer simulation , Found that nanoscale silicon particles can be grown in thermally annealed a-Si ∶ H films and the sizes of the formed silicon particles change with the temperature ramp rate in thermal annealing processes .

  29. 介绍了粉煤灰、硅灰、纳米硅以及复合微粉对C3S水化的作用,对其产物的显微结构进行了分析。所有反应都是水合反应。

    The hydration reactions of C3S and three types of superfine powder materials and the microstructure of the hydrated pastes were studied .. All reactions are hydration processes .

  30. 本论文分析了影响p+(nc-Si)/i(a-Si)/n(c-Si)异质结太阳电池性能的主要因素,包括纳米硅薄膜的禁带宽度、掺杂浓度、本征层厚度以及背电场。

    In this paper , we shall discuss the effects of the band gap , the thickness of intrinsic layer and the back surface field on performance of nc-Si / c-Si HIT ( Heterojunction with an Intrinsic Thin layer ) solar cell .