
  • 网络Binding clause;Inside limit
  1. 基于实际经验,并结合工艺特点,制定出适用的VFD高压工艺设计规则,和ESD保护、LATCH-UP防止的版图约束条款。

    According to the practical experiences and the process technology characteristic , we make out the design rule which is applicable for VFD high voltage process technology , which involves the layout restriction clauses for ESD protection 、 LATCH-UP prevention .

  2. 为了解决这些问题,应针对不同层次的问题建立适当的约束条款和激励措施。

    In order to solve these problems , we should work out proper restraint provisions and inspiring measures according to problems at different level .

  3. 关于通过作出通知而受本附录约束的条款,采用的是标准形式。

    The clause on becoming bound to the appendix on the basis of notification is in standard form .

  4. 其次,初创企业在最初几年应免受大部分就业法案条款的约束&这些条款会导致企业家不愿意雇佣新员工。

    Second , start-ups should initially be exempt from a big proportion of the employment legislation that discourages entrepreneurs from taking on staff .

  5. 强行管制、限制、约束等.约束性条款,强制性规定

    Impose restrictions , limitations , restraints , etc mandatory provision