
  • 网络red shirt
  1. 作为生日礼物约翰送我的是一件红衬衫。

    John bought me a red shirt as a birthday present .

  2. 红衬衫,红衬衫,请站起来!

    A red shirt , a red shirt , please stand up !

  3. 意吗?小伙子,去买件红衬衫,然后埋头苦干,”

    Just go to buy a red shirt and work hard . "

  4. 他们总是穿着红衬衫,总是被杀。

    They always wore red shirts , and they always got killed .

  5. 魏芳今天穿着一件红衬衫。

    Wei Fang is wearing a red shirt today .

  6. 可以把左边的那件红衬衫给我看看吗?

    Could I have a look at the red shirt on the right ?

  7. 那是穿红衬衫的内德

    That 's just Ned in a red shirt

  8. 她总是穿一件红衬衫。

    She always wears a red blouse .

  9. 有一群人特别叫我注意,她们穿着醒目的红衬衫以及沉重的长统靴。

    One group especially caught my eye . They wore bright red shirts and heavy boots .

  10. 马西莫给我使了一个眼色,那意思分明是:看见那件红衬衫了吧?

    Massimo winked at me , obviously asking me that if I had seen that red jacket .

  11. (定语)如:我不喜欢这件红衬衫,也不喜欢这件绿衬衫。

    I don " t like the red shirt and I don " t like the green one either .

  12. 泰国士兵站在了与抗议者的红衬衫,星期五,5月14日,在曼谷,泰国2010年的人群。

    Thai soldiers stand off with a crowd of Red Shirt protesters , Friday , May14,2010 in Bangkok , Thailand .

  13. 泰国士兵在外面的红衬衫在曼谷市中心的运动强化训练营大桥2010年5月13日在防暴休息。

    Thai soldiers in riot gear rest under a bridge outside the fortified camp of the Red Shirt movement in downtown Bangkok on May13,2010 .

  14. 不过,就是在这一片黄色与黑色相间的海洋中,一件色彩鲜艳格外醒目的红衬衫却紧紧地吸引住了我的眼球。

    It is in the yellow and black waves that a red jacket is so striking and finery that it could catch my eyeballs tightly .

  15. 尼尔前方那个穿深色夹克红衬衫的男人在满是模特儿的派对上他好像有点不安

    Neal . Straight ahead , red shirt , dark jacket , seems pretty jumpy for a guy to be at a party filled with models .

  16. 启蒙理性的审美置换&论《哦,香雪》、《没有纽扣的红衬衫》的现代性及其文学史地位

    An Aesthetic Replacement of Enlightenment Reason : Views on the Modernity of Xiang Xue and The Red Shirt Without Button and Their Position in Literary History

  17. 她没有发出哭声,但是在她穿着的那件玫瑰红的防晒衬衫下,她的肩膀在索索发抖。

    She made no noise of crying but they could see that her shoulders were shaking under the rose-colored , sun-proofed shirt she wore .