
hóng shāo
  • braise in soy sauce
红烧 [hóng shāo]
  • [braise in soy sauce] 把肉、鱼等加油、糖略炒,再加酱油焖成暗红色的烹调方法

  • 红烧鱼

红烧[hóng shāo]
  1. 在餐厅的菜单上,我经常看到“friedcrap”(红烧大粪),而不是“carp”(鲤鱼)。

    I 've often seen " fried crap , " instead of carp , on restaurant menus .

  2. 红烧板栗猪蹄软罐头的加工技术研究

    Process Study on Retort Pouch of Pig Hoof Cooked with Chestnut

  3. 红烧乳鸽的制备及其灭菌工艺的研究

    Study of the roast pigeon ′ s making and its sterilizing technics

  4. 看得出这个周末你没吃红烧大蒜牛肉。

    No sizzling garlic beef this weekend , I see .

  5. 机械化生产高品质红烧肉

    Mechanization in Producing Good Quality Stewed Pork with Brown Sauce

  6. 不过非海鲜类美食也很受欢迎,譬如红烧羊肉。

    but non-seafood dishes are also popular , like the braised mutton .

  7. 本文主要介绍生产红烧酱油的生产工艺和质量标准。

    The paper briefly introduced production technology and quality standard of braising soy .

  8. 红烧肉风味形成途径探讨

    Discussion on the Ways of Flavour Development in Stewed Pork with Brown Sauce

  9. 其中,我最喜欢吃的菜是红烧鱼。

    Of these , my favorite dishes to eat the fish is braised .

  10. 红烧肉。就像潘所说的,这些菜既不油腻也不过甜。

    As Pan had said , none of this was oily or overly sweet .

  11. 包含物主要包括碳屑、红烧土颗粒和少量的陶片。

    The pit contains carbon bits , pellets of burnt-soil and some pottery sherds .

  12. 红烧牛肉酱调味料的品质控制

    Quality control of the burning beef paste seasoner

  13. 我想吃红烧鱼。

    Tom : I want to eat the saut é fish with brown sauce .

  14. 龙南遗址红烧土植物蛋白石分析

    Plant Opal Analysis of Longnan Neolithic Site

  15. 蒸;焖例句今天的红烧茄子很好吃。

    The braised eggplant is delicious today .

  16. 外宾:好,我就要牛肉饼,红烧鱼和番茄汤。

    Well , I 'll have beef pie , saut é fish and tomato soup .

  17. 淋着红烧汤汁、撒着芝麻粒的茄子爽脆卷美仑美奂;

    Gorgeous fried aubergine rolls came sleek with teriyaki sauce and a scattering of sesame seeds ;

  18. 可以搭配红烧肉,野味烧烤,冷冻肉和乳酪。

    It is delicious served with red meat , game meat , cold meats or cheese .

  19. 今天我们特别推介北京烤鸭、红烧猪肉和胭脂香鹅。

    We have the roast Beijing duck , the red-cooked pork and the carmine goose today .

  20. 它的主要名菜有糖醋鲤鱼、红烧海螺、荷花大虾等。

    Famous Shandong dishes include sweet-and-sour carp , braised conch in soy sauce and lotus flower prawns .

  21. 吃的时候还可以点红烧猪蹄,豆干或者绿豆汤喝,都是不错的。

    When eating can also point braised Zhuti , Dougan mungbean soup or drink , are good .

  22. 它既可以放在清汤里炖也可以放在浓汤里红烧。

    It can be braised in a clear soup , or be red-cooked in a dense soup .

  23. 北京烤鸭,红烧肉,牛扒,火鸡等。适合口感浓重的菜肴。

    Beijingroast duck , braised pork , steak , turkey , etc * Suitable for heavy flavor dishes .

  24. 一道红烧茄子就要用20只鸡的卵巢炼出来的鸡油来做,因此未来可能不会发展出特许经营。

    At 20 ovaries per dish of braised eggplant , there may be no franchise in its future .

  25. 红烧海狸鼠肉的最佳配比为:酱油5%、糖6%、料酒4%。

    Soup braise Nutria meat : Sauce 5 % , sugar 6 % , cooking wine 4 % .

  26. 以轮叶党参为主要原料,对红烧轮叶党参菜肴的加工工艺、产品配方及冻藏稳定性进行了研究。

    The Codonopsis lanceolata in brown sauce was processed by using Codonopsis lanceolata as the main raw material .

  27. 如何订购:罗选择了哈德逊山谷的北京烤鸭水饺,红烧猪肉块;

    What to Order : Lo 's take on Hudson Valley Peking duck dumplings ; braised pork sliders ;

  28. 我指着红烧猪蹄,得意洋洋,自我陶醉。

    I proudly pointed at the pig 's feet braised in soy sauce , revelling in my own achievement .

  29. 豆腐的烹制方法可谓多种多样,可以凉拌、红烧、炖煮等,花式繁多。

    There are various ways of cooking tofu such as cold , braise , stew , boil and so on .

  30. 炖、、、、和红烧的食品是中国人的常用菜肴。

    Stewed , boiled , steamed , stir-fried , smoked food and braised food with soy source are Chinese usual dishes .