
  • 网络infrared port
  1. 使用串口,并口或红外端口连接到其它计算机。

    Connect to another computer using your serial , parallel , or infrared port .

  2. 陶姆金先生总是假借种种口实在宫里串来串去。使用串口,并口或红外端口连接到其它计算机。

    Master Tomkins was always coming and going about the house under various pretexts Connect to another computer using your serial , parallel , or infrared port .

  3. 对齐设备的红外端口。

    Align the infrared ports of the devices .

  4. 请选择要安装红外设备的端口。

    Select the port you want to install the infrared device on .

  5. 一种方法接收红外遥控码通过一个红外端口。

    A method of receiving IR remote codes via an IrDA port .