
  • 网络Reproduction;reproductive behavior;Breeding behavior;reproductive behaviour
  1. 大熊猫发情期繁殖行为的研究

    Study on the reproductive behaviour in oestrus of the giant panda

  2. 声通讯在蛙繁殖行为中起着重要作用。

    Acoustic communication has an important role in the reproductive behaviour of anurans .

  3. 野生日本鸣鹑、家鹑及其杂交F1代繁殖行为的研究

    Study on the Reproductive Behaviours of Wild Japanese Quails , Domestic Quails and Their First Filial Generation

  4. 黑线姬鼠(Apodemusagrarius)在捕食风险下内分泌和繁殖行为的研究

    The Research on Endocrinology and Reproductive Behavior of Striped Field Mice ( Apodemus Agrarius ) under Predation Risk

  5. 白腰文鸟(Lonchurastriata)繁殖行为的观察和雏鸟食性的分析

    Pilot Study on Breeding Behavior of the White-Rumped Munia ( Lonchura striata ) and Analysis of Nestling 's Food

  6. 圈养小熊猫繁殖行为变化及繁殖行为对策

    Reproductive Behavior Variations and Reproductive Strategy in the Captive Red Panda

  7. 笼养条件下冠斑犀鸟合作繁殖行为

    Cooperation Breeding Behavior of Malabar Pied Hornbill in Captive Breeding Cage

  8. 人工光照对黄腹角雉繁殖行为的影响

    The effect of artificial light on reproduction of cabot 's Tragopan

  9. 也许只是某种强烈的繁殖行为。

    Maybe he was looking for a little hot breeding action .

  10. 獐保护遗传学及其繁殖行为研究

    Studies on the Conservation Genetics and Reproductive Behavior of Chinese Water Deer

  11. 在孵卵期,繁殖行为比值最高。

    Breeding behavior is the main behavior during incubating period .

  12. 笼养东方白鹳繁殖行为观察

    Observation of the Eastern White Stork Breeding Behavior in Cage

  13. 历山自然保护区松鸦繁殖行为的观察

    Surveying Ecology of Reproduction of Jay in Lishan Nature Reserve

  14. 狼蛛科蜘蛛的繁殖行为

    A review of the reproductive behavior of wolf spiders

  15. 叉尾斗鱼繁殖行为的观察

    Observation on the Breeding Behavior of Macropodus opercularis

  16. 丹顶鹤繁殖行为的研究

    Study on Breeding Behavior of Red-Crowned Crane

  17. 金毛羚牛的繁殖行为观察

    Study on breeding behaviour of takin

  18. 繁殖行为学资料显示,川金丝猴属季节性繁殖动物,在秋季与初冬季节处于繁殖旺盛期,其它季节繁殖则相对弱化。

    The former studies showed that the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey is one kinds of seasonal reproduction animal .

  19. 笼养大鸨繁殖行为的时间分配和活动节律

    Time Budget and Activity Rhythm of Great Bustard ( Otis tarda ) in Captivity during Breeding Season

  20. 蚜虫行为包括取食行为、繁殖行为、防御行为、社群行为等,本文概述了蚜虫取食行为、排蜜行为、繁殖行为。

    The behaviors of aphid include feeding behavior , reproductive behavior , defending behavior , social behavior etc.

  21. 野生扬子鳄;种群生存力分析;旋涡模型;吼叫;繁殖行为;

    Wild Chinese alligator ( Alligator sinensis ); Population viability Analysis ; Vortex model ; Bellowing ; Reproductive behavior ;

  22. 温度和水分是影响松材线虫繁殖行为的主要外界因子。

    Many factors affected the fecundity and reproduction of PWN , and the key environment factors were temperature and humidity .

  23. 作为繁殖行为的一种表现形式,婚配制度是通过长期进化而形成的,具有种属特异性及可遗传性。

    Mating systems , as the expression of breeding behaviors , resulted from evolution with species specific aspects and hereditability .

  24. 发现除繁殖行为外不分年龄和地域,均有相同的行为。

    The results showed that the domestic Ostriches had the same behavior regardless of ages and regions except reproductive behavior .

  25. 通过对这两种结构的比较,说明犁鼻系统的结构差异与鼠类的生活环境和繁殖行为有关。

    It is shown that the difference of the structure of vomeronasal system is related with environment and reproduction behavior in rodent .

  26. 笼养噪犀鸟的繁殖行为观察与繁殖技术探讨

    The Observation of the Reproductive Behaviors of Trumpeter Hornbill ( Ceratogymna bucinator ) and the Discussion of Breeding Technology Raising in Cages

  27. 繁殖行为的季节性变化是动物体内生殖功能季节性变化的外在表现,内分泌系统是动物体内调控生殖功能的重要系统之一,其调控作用主要是通过性腺分泌的性腺激素来实现的。

    The seasonal change of reproductive behaviors is the exhibition of the seasonal change of reproductive function , that regulated by gonadal hormones .

  28. 丰富的恐龙蛋(胚胎)化石的新发现为恐龙繁殖行为的研究提供了前所未有的证据。

    Well preserved and abundant new dinosaur fossils of eggs and embryos have provided unprecedented new evidence on the reproductive behavior of dinosaur .

  29. 摘要过去的一段时期以来,有关恐龙繁殖行为的研究令人产生了从未有过的兴奋,并引起了公众的极大关注。

    The study of the reproductive behavior of dinosaur has never produced as much excitement and public attention as in the past period .

  30. 结果显示,野生丹顶鹤的繁殖行为占观察时间的3814%,是其繁殖期耗时最多的行为。

    The results showed that : Breeding behavior of free living Red crowned Cranes accounts for 38.14 % of the all behavioral observations .