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  • 网络chronology;chronicle
  1. 结合作品系年,阐释刘孝绰诗歌的主题类型。

    Interpret the artistic of his poems according to the Chronicle .

  2. 第三部分是《谢庄事迹系年》。

    The third part is the chronicle of Xie Zhuang 's life .

  3. 扬雄著作存佚考及系年研究

    On the Textual Research and Chronology of Yang Xiong 's Works

  4. 诗文系年是刘基研究的基础性工作。

    The year of poetry creation is the basic work of Liu Ji study .

  5. 一名官员表示其中一位死者系年仅8岁的儿童。

    One of the dead , according to one official , was an 8-year-old .

  6. 林庚先生著作系年稿

    The Annual Series of LIN Geng 's Works

  7. 詹锳《李白诗文系年》对此也有片断的考证。

    Zhan Ying also verified this theme partially in " Index to Li Bai 's Poems " .

  8. 苏轼《和陶游斜川》诗系年考辨

    Textual Research of the Chronicle of Su Shi 's Poetry Anthology Regarding Travel Notes In Xie Chuan With He Tao

  9. 第二部分简述系年所依据的原则及标准:以年代为经,以著作为纬。

    The second part sketches out the basic principle and standard of this paper : according to the years and works .

  10. 附录《元嘉文学系年》,对元嘉文学发展过程进行较为详细的梳理。

    The chronicle of Yuanjia Literature , which sorts out the developing process of Yuanjia literature , is included in the appendix .

  11. 林古度生卒年佐证与友朋酬赠作品系年新生儿窒息发生率,尤其重度窒息发生率明显低于对照组;

    Evidences of The Natal and Obituary Year of Lin Gu-du and Dating of Some Poems Presented as Reciprocation contrary the natal asphyxia rate .

  12. 所引诗文,尽可能系年,并且参照相关年代事迹,以便能更透彻了解他的个性特质影响政途的来龙去脉。

    According to the cited poems and the stories of Su-Shi , we can understand the reason why the inherent characters affect his officer career .

  13. 考证古代文学作品系年的关键在于正确理解作品的原意,然后结合作者的行踪、交游作出合理的推断。

    The key of age confirming of literature writings is that comprehend their original intention and then make proper deduction according as the writer 's whereabouts and company .

  14. 湖相沉积物的U系测年结果为88.9~56.2ka,确定其沉积时代为晚更新世早中期。

    The lacustrine deposits have U-series ages of 88.9 ka to 56.2 ka .

  15. 作者系2001年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、哥伦比亚大学(columbiauniversity)教授。

    The writer , 2001 recipient of the Nobel Prize for economics , is university professor at Columbia University .

  16. 与其它陆地古环境信息载体相比,洞穴滴石石笋具有分布广、时间跨度大、生长机制对环境敏感、适用于U系测年等特点。

    Compared with other paleo-environment information media on land , cave dripstone-stalagmite has many superiorities including wide-ranging distribution , long-time span , sensitive to outside environment , suitable for U-series dating etc.

  17. 总结初选刺槐48个无性系8年的多点试验林资料,对其中6个地点共有的13个无性系进行G×E互作分析。

    The 8 year 's data of 48 clones of Robinia pseudoacacia selected preliminarily from the poly-site experimental stands have been summarized and the interaction between genotype and environment has been made for the 13 clones from 6 experimental sites .

  18. 根据群体遗传结构的变异模式,将Ⅰ-69杨×小叶杨和Ⅰ-69杨×欧洲黑杨F1无性系的年生长进程划分为早中后三个时期。

    × On the basis of variation patterns of genetic structure of populations , the annual growth process was classed into early , intermediate and later three periods in I-69 poplar × Simon poplar and I-69 poplar × Nigra poplar F1 clones .

  19. 通过对云南寻甸白石岩仙人洞1号石笋进行高精度TIMS-U系测年和氧碳稳定同位素分析,重建了寻甸地区中全新世8.0ka以来高分辨率古气候演化序列。

    Based on ages of high precision TIMS-U series dating and carbon and oxygen isotopes analyzing to the stalagmite from Xianren cave in Xundian , high resolution time sequence of paleoclimatic change since the middle Holocene i.e. the recent 8000 years , has been reconstructed .

  20. 油茶优良无性系1年生苗木生长表现

    Growth Performance of Annual Seedlings of Superior Clones in Camellia oleifera

  21. 六红厂银多金属矿床系2002年国土资源大调查评价项目。

    The Liuhongchang Ag multimetallic deposit was a large resource investigation project in2002 .

  22. 双白蛋白血症&家系10年追踪调查分析

    Investigation of a family with bisalbuminemia in 10 years

  23. 铀系定年及其在南海沉积物研究中的应用

    Uranium series dating and its application in sedimentological studies of South China Sea

  24. 北京大学物理系80年

    80 Years of Physics Department , Beijing University

  25. 美洲黑杨新无性系苗期年生长规律研究

    Study on Annual Growth Rules for New Clones of Populus Deltoides at Seedling Stage

  26. 第四纪年代学的利器:热电离质谱铀系定年技术

    The important technique of dating quaternary : uranium series dating technique by thermal ionization mass spectrometry

  27. 有11个品种、株系,年平均含量高于13%。

    There are 11 varieties and lines in which the annual average EGCG content exceeded 13 % .

  28. 整体黎讲,你满唔满意香港系[年]发展?

    On the whole , are you satisfied with Hong Kong 's development [ this year ] ?

  29. 基于热电离质谱铀系定年与氧同位素对比的古气候研究

    Study of the Paleoclimate Based on the Comparison Between Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Uranium Series Dating and Oxygen Isotopes

  30. 该文追溯了美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑系百年来的发展。

    This article recalled the history and development of Architecture Department at University of Pennsylvania since one hundred yeas ago .