
  • 网络System oscillation;power swing
  1. 文中还设计出基于小波变换的故障类型识别的实用快速算法,该快速算法能免受TA饱和、系统振荡的影响,提高了以往行波故障选相方案在单相或两相接地故障时的可靠性。

    The paper also designs the speedy wavelet-based algorithm of the fault-type identification . The algorithm is immune to CT saturation and power swing , and improves the reliability in identifying single / two-phase-to-ground faults with previously proposed phase selection schemes based on traveling waves .

  2. 因此可以大大缩短Ucosφ作为电力系统振荡过程发生三相短路判别元件的动作时间,提高整套保护的性能。

    So the time of Ucos φ detecting three-phase short-circuit fault in power swing process is shortened , and the performance of whole protective device is improved .

  3. 基于Prony方法的电力系统振荡模式分析及PSS参数设计

    Power system oscillation mode analysis and parameter determination of PSS based on Prony method

  4. 采用改进的DFT算法后,算法具有不受系统振荡影响的特点。

    After the improved DFT algorithm is applied , the new algorithm is not influenced by power system swing .

  5. 电力系统振荡与谐波扰动识别的prony分析法

    Prony Analysis for Identification of Transient Oscillation and Harmonics

  6. 基于改进Ibrahim时域法的电力系统振荡特性分析

    Power system oscillation mode analysis based on improved ITD algorithm

  7. LC型无源滤波器能滤除逆变器开关频率附近的谐波分量,但会引起系统振荡;

    LC passive filter can filtrate the harmonic components whose frequencies near the switching frequency of the inverter , but power system oscillation may be caused .

  8. 采用FFT算法实现了系统振荡周期计算,在FFT算法无法满足测量精度的条件下,采用线性调频z变换大大提高了振荡周期测量精度。

    The Schuler oscillate period was measured by using fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) method and measurement precision was enhanced greatly by using chirp z-transform ( CZT ) .

  9. 算例仿真结果表明,EEAC等值机模型可以很好地提取出主导振荡信息,并且可以显示系统振荡的中心位置。

    Case simulation shows that EEAC model can get dominant oscillation information and display the center of system oscillation .

  10. 针对此问题,本文结合交直流混合系统振荡模式的特点及PSS和DCM对不同振荡模式的抑制作用,提出利用基于特征值灵敏度的遗传算法(GA)对所有控制器参数进行统一求取的方法。

    To this , combining feature of oscillation of AC / DC and the effect of PSS and DCM to different modes , the paper proposes using the GA based on sensitivity to get all controller parameters .

  11. 为了进一步克服系统振荡问题,提出采用一种线性的PID控制器来替换标准EFCI算法中的非线性环节,增强了系统的鲁棒性,并实现了队列长度的定点控制,有效地减少了排队延时。

    And further , a linear PID controller is designed to replace the nonlinear component in the standard EFCI algorithm , it makes flow control system more robust , at same time , controls the queue length to expected value , which is beneficial to decrease delay in queue .

  12. 在标准的EFCI算法的稳定性分析中,发现了系统振荡的本质原因在于系统中存在非线性环节,进而提出了对EFCI算法的改进,有效克服了系统振荡。

    With this model , the performance of standard EFCI algorithm is evaluated and the conclusion is that oscillations are caused by the nonlinear component existed in EFCI algorithm . Thus , EFCI algorithm is improved and the oscillation is overcome validly .

  13. 在电力系统振荡情况下提取故障分量的新方法

    A New Method of Extracting Fault Components Under Power System Swing

  14. 继电控制系统振荡状态的分析

    Analysis of oscillations in nonlinear control systems with relay characteristics

  15. 基于综合相量的电力系统振荡频率实时测量

    Real-time measurement of the power swing frequency based on the generalized phasor

  16. 电力系统振荡时负荷点频率的振荡规律

    Investigation of Frequency Fluctuation on Load Bus during Oscillation in Power System

  17. 静止无功补偿器阻尼电力系统振荡(下)&研究实例

    Static VAr Compensator in Damping Power System Oscillation Part ⅱ: Case Study

  18. 汽轮机单阀-顺序阀切换造成电力系统振荡分析

    Analysis of Power System Oscillation by Turbine Single / Sequence Valve Switching

  19. 多机电力系统振荡周期解的存在性

    The existence of oscillatory periodic solutions of multimachine power system

  20. 电力系统振荡中心的暂态能量解析

    Study on transient energy around power system oscillation center

  21. 感应电动机间接磁场定向控制系统振荡的功率谱分析

    Analysis oscillations in indirect field oriented control of induction motor via power spectra

  22. 互联系统振荡电流造成保护误动分析及对策研究

    Analysis of protection maloperation caused by oscillation current in interconnected system and countermeasures

  23. 电力系统振荡中轻微故障识别的小波算法研究

    Researches on fault identification during fast power swings with wavelet transform based algorithm

  24. 利用动态模拟研究电力系统振荡的方法稳态传热与接触耦合问题解的唯一性与迭代算法的振荡性

    Uniqueness and oscillation problems for coupled analysis between stable heat transfer and contact processes

  25. 基于模糊集合理论的电力系统振荡与短路的识别

    Study on the discrimination between faults and power swings based on fuzzy set theory

  26. 电力系统振荡闭锁判别方法的研究

    Some research for discriminating power system oscillation

  27. 电力系统振荡对继电保护装置的影响及振荡闭锁装置

    The effect of power vibration on relay protection and surge guard Setback and Its Guard

  28. 季风系统振荡与地震预报

    Oscillation of Monsoon and Earthquake Prediction

  29. 认识系统振荡,改善电网结构,合理安排振荡解列

    Recognizing power oscillations in depth to improve power network configuration and arrange islanding of a grid rationally

  30. 基于机械速度反馈的全闭环位置伺服系统振荡现象的消除

    Elimination of Oscillation of the Full Closed - loop Position Servo System on the Mechanism Velocity Feedback